How To Get Your Creative Mojo Back

Whether you are a writer, blogger, artist, musician or anything creative, it can be hard when you feel like you have lost your creative mojo. There have been so many times during my artistic and blogging journey where I have felt like I don’t want to create. I think it would almost be impossible for us to all to keep going and going without any break at all.

Something I have come to learn over the last year is that it’s healthy to want to take time away from something, even if you enjoy it. Just because you enjoy it, doesn’t mean you want to do it all the time. Over the last 12 months I have taught myself how to do digital drawing. I always wanted to learn, and so I got the tools and did my research and now i draw regularly. Even though I always feel like I want to draw, I intentionally take time off so that I don’t get bored with it. It sounds so weird but its something I am very conscious of.

The human brain is so complex, that even the stuff we love to do can become boring pretty quickly if we find ourselves doing it too often.

In todays post I want to share some of things that I have been doing to bring back my creative mojo when I feel like it’s been lost. It happens to the best of us!


For myself, I notice my creative mojo disappears when I do the same thing over and over. Maybe its writing about the same topics on my blog, or drawing the same type of images on my iPad. When I feel like my mojo has gone, I look for inspiration online and try my hand at doing something different.

It might be a different style of drawing, or writing about something new on my blog. Whatever I can think of to bring back my excitement and love for creating, I do it. Its almost like tricking your brain into thinking that you are doing this thing for the very first time again. Its brining back the love and passion you once had, but channeling it into something new.

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It sounds cliche but there is so much inspiration around you at all times. You just need to open your eyes to see it. Inspiration can come from those you surround yourself with, or the place in which you live. Inspiration could be in the clouds or on the ground. You just need to let yourself see it.

When we lose our creative mojo, it can leave us in a bad mood and feeling sorry for ourselves. It brings out other emotions like failure and defeat. Those are the emotions that can lead to us wanting to quit. But they are just that, emotions. They are not reality. A bad day is a bad day. Don’t turn it into a bad week.

You can always bounce back from a creative slump. I have done it many times and have always felt so hopeless in the moment. But I always come back stronger. Go out there and find inspiration.

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As people, I feel like we put so much pressure on ourselves to perform and always be doing something. Which shouldn’t be the case at all. Not long ago, I took a month off from drawing and honestly it was the best thing ever. I came back with such a new perspective and excitement and it felt like I was drawing for the first time again. I often take breaks from blogging too and always love the time I spent away.

So many creatives feel so bad for not posting on their websites or social media accounts. You should never feel bad about being present and in the moment. You can’t ever get those memories back.

Don’t feel bad for wanting to take time off or slow down your creative outputs. Nobody can keep going and going, it would be impossible.

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How do you get back your creative mojo? Do you have any tips you could share with us?

Being in a creative slump can really effect you in different ways. There isn’t anything wrong with admitting you aren’t enjoying your creative outlet. Take time off, don’t feel bad about it and then come back better than ever.

Olivia x 
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27 thoughts on “How To Get Your Creative Mojo Back

  1. Hey Olivia – this was such a beautiful post!! You’re right sometimes you need new inspirations to get your creative mojo back. I’ve finally got back into my creative writing and am using my surroundings and experiences like you say and it really helps. Beautiful post as always xxx


    1. I am so glad to hear you have got back into it! I have missed seeing your posts! It can be so hard to find the motivation, but once you are back you are back! xx


  2. I recently took a writing course. One of the things they taught was freewriting – sitting down and writing whatever comes into your head for 10 minutes. I found it very interesting and tried it a couple of times. I got ideas I wouldn’t have thought of. I think you could apply the same concept to other creative endeavours. Just sit down at the piano and play what comes into your head, or draw anything you feel like.


    1. Yes! If you want to take it another step, there is a website called “The Most Dangerous Writing App”. It deletes all your work if you stop writing for 5 seconds. Madness, I know! But it extracts the creative juice, and shows you what thoughts arr recurrent in your head.


  3. This is literally so true – especially trying something new. Yesterday, I was going to paint but I lost my creative mojo, so I took to Pinterest and did some sketching instead and that definitely helped! Great post Olivia!


  4. This post contain a lot of great advice. One of the things I do when I feel a blogging slump coming on is to read other blogs. The WordPress community is so inspiring. Keep on creating.


  5. Great post. Finding inspiration from the would around and trying somethings are wonderful ideas to get out of a creative slump. It really helps you to pay attention to what’s happening in the moment and to get excited about life again. Thanks for sharing.


  6. I usually take breaks from writing when I’m in a slump. I try to do other things but it’s hard to not feel bad about not being productive. I’m having a time at the moment.


  7. Exactly what my friend tells me. “You’ve gotta try something different. Something extraordinary.” And, yes! They do work.
    Most times, I take a really long break to get myself back on track. Or possibly enjoy the outdoors till something strikes in.

    What a lovely way to bring this up. Nice work, Olivia!


  8. Great Post Olivia! I fall off from blogging even with the best intentions to stay consistent. Life just somehow gets in the way. Navigating those feelings of defeat, failure, and wanting to give up is not easy.

    However I feel like the blogging community understands this best and every post I make shouldn’t start with an apology for my inactivity at times. I just need a break and that’s okay. Thank you for giving light to this topic ❤️


    1. You’re so right. I never apologise for being inactive. You have to realise that your life does not revolve around blogging. Never apologise for being present in the moment and enjoying life. You can’t ever get that time back 💖


  9. I love this✨You are right, inspiration is all around us. I have found recently, writing the same thing kind of exhausting and creates a mental block of doing anything creative. These points are SO helpful! Thank you for this xx


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