How to Find Pockets of Peace In Your Day

How to Find Pockets of Peace In Your Day

Recently I have become addicted to Tik Tok, I’m not proud of it but they say the first step of beating an addiction is admitting you have one. So here I am. Haha I’m totally kidding but I really do love watching Tik Tok videos. A few months ago I stumbled across a page where a woman called Nabela, who shares these amazingly put together videos showing pockets of peace in her day. Even if she doesn’t have a great day, she finds even the small positives and I thought it was such a great idea and such a great way to remember to be grateful and see the goodness in each day.

So today I thought I would share how you can find your pockets of peace in each day. Then I thought we could start a conversation and share with each other our pockets of peace. I’ll start by sharing mine and then you tell us yours in the comments!

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