Essential Tips for Stress-Free Holiday Packing

Essential Tips for Stress-Free Holiday Packing

Going away on holiday can be stressful enough, the travel, the money, getting the timings of everything right. The last thing you want is stress around packing for your holiday too! Holidays are supposed to be fun and stress free. Which is why I have some essential tips for stress free holiday packing!

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4 Advantages Of Taking A Blogging Break

4 Advantages Of Taking A Blogging Break

Even the most successful people in the world need a break sometimes, and I’m here to tell you it’s okay to take a break. When I first started blogging again at the beginning of July 2020 I didn’t really give myself any break. I was publishing a new blog post every single day. Thats 7 posts a week. Which is insane to think about now.

I was so strict on myself in needing to keep posting to keep my audience engaged, and of course I now know that this isn’t the way it works. I created myself a blogging schedule and this helped me so much in knowing when my breaks were so I didn’t burn out. I thought I would share some benefits and importance that taking a blogging break can do. These points are helpful for blogging but can be applied any other area of your life where you feel like you need a break.

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Why it’s Okay to Do Nothing Sometimes

Why it’s Okay to Do Nothing Sometimes

There is this stigma that if you want to get up late and not go out that you are “lazy” or “unmotivated”. I say forget that stigma. I’m here to tell you that it’s okay if you don’t want to do anything some days. I even encourage having days where you don’t do anything. We need to get out of the habit of expecting everybody to always be on, and ready to go at any given time. Life doesn’t work like that. Just because you might want to sleep in all day, or not get changed out of your PJs doesn’t mean you aren’t motivated or have any drive to be successful. Here are some reasons why it’s okay to do nothing sometimes.

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