How Social Media is Slowly Destroying Us

How Social Media is Slowly Destroying Us

According to statistics, one in three marriages end in divorce due to affairs started on social media. 210 million people are estimated to suffer from internet and social media addictions, and 71% of people sleep with or next to their mobile phone [kinda weird if you think about it!]. Believe me too, these were not the craziest statistics I found when researching this topic.

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Pinterest Christmas Dinner Recipes

Pinterest Christmas Dinner Recipes

Pinterest is full and emphasis on the word full of recipes and ideas for cooking. You seriously could get lost on there looking at recipe after recipe after recipe. I couldn’t not include it in blogmas, because let’s face it thats where alot of us go for Christmas inspiration. In todays post I’ll be sharing some really yummy Pinterest recipes, basically doing the hard work for you and searching on your behalf! I’ll be sure to include some meat and some veggie options for everyone! I hope you enjoy!

All credit for all of the recipes and images go to the creators. You can click on the title of the recipe and it will take you straight to their pages to find out how to make these beautiful dishes!

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Social Media Breaks & Why We Need Them

Social Media Breaks & Why We Need Them

Social media breaks are something that should be utilised more than they currently are. Do you ever get the feeling like you just want to delete all of your socials and run away from your phone? Me too! We should do everything in moderation, but phone consumption is at an all time high. You rarely meet someone who doesn’t have a phone. Technology and social media can be a blessing and a curse. I have spoken before on my blog at how social media – specifically Instagram can play such a huge part in helping to grow your online presence but at what cost? Remember there is a fine line, everything in moderation.

We probably miss out on so much of our lives because our heads are buried in our phones. Thats such a sad thought. I’m so glad that I wasn’t brought up around all of this technology and that I was able to have such a great childhood without having to be entertained with an electronic device. Social media breaks are something that should be done on a more regular basis, just to keep us sane. We spend so much time on our phones that we often forget to live life not through a screen. In todays post I hope to share some thoughts on social media breaks and why I think we need them.

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