The Toxic Side of Social Media

The Toxic Side of Social Media

As many of you know I really love using social media for my blog. I find it so beneficial to use and have shared the positives I’ve found from using Instagram for blogging. But with most positives there comes negatives, especially where social media is concerned. I find its such a blessing and a curse. It can be used for so much good but so much bad too. There is such a fine line between the good and bad though, that sometimes you don’t even realise that the bad is there.

I’ve been lucky enough to have mainly positive experiences when it comes to social media but have had my fair share of negatives too. But I know thats not alot of peoples experiences online.

Social media can be toxic and can be bad for you if you allow it to. Remember that you are in control of what you allow into your life. There should always be a line between your personal life and what you share online.

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The 4 Types of Negative People to Stay Away From

The 4 Types of Negative People to Stay Away From

At some point in all of our lives we will have encountered negative people, but I hope in your life you have encountered more positive than negative. Negativity is just something that comes with life, not everyone is on the same wave length or life path as you. Whether these people are in your work place, in your school class or even online, it’s important that were aware of the types of people who are out there, so that we can look out for them and avoid them. My intention with this post isn’t for it to be all negative. I think my intention here is more of a warning, for us to be all looking out for these types of people so that they don’t get a chance to infiltrate our lives.

The people you surround yourself with have such a great impact on your life, whether you think they do or not. They help to shape who you are, and the saying “you are who you surround yourself with” it’s so true. To lead a positive and fulfilling life, its important that your circle reflects you and your beliefs and morals. Negative people drag you down, they don’t lift you up.

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Learning About Toxic Relationships

Learning About Toxic Relationships

[Guest Post]

Hi everyone. I’m Lima, a Relationship and Lifestyle Blogger and I happen to love tasting the waters, so I have made a lot of mistakes as a Christian. I am not exactly proud of everything I have been through that’s why I teach people how to avoid them. You can read all about it here.

I remember sitting in my room and looking through the wedding invites I have for the remainder of this year, some I have to attend and others I can just watch from home. I was delighted at first about the union until I thought about the number of people that might end up rushing into relationships just because they have one or two friends that are about to say I do or are a happy couple. This still remains the major reason people try to tolerate a toxic relationship, and try to manage the hits.

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