The Role of Accountants in Workplace Injury Prevention

The Role of Accountants in Workplace Injury Prevention

The prevention of workplace injuries is generally linked to managers, HR divisions and safety officers. On the other hand, in this important field, accountants play a critical but sometimes ignored role. Accountants have a significant impact on making work environments safer and lowering the rate of workplace injuries by utilising their financial expertise and analytical skills.

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Boosting Electrotechnology Courses for Student Success

Boosting Electrotechnology Courses for Student Success

Electrotechnology is a dynamic field that covers a wide range of subjects from basic electrical engineering concepts to cutting-edge technologies like smart grids and renewable energy systems. As the world grows more and more reliant on technology, there will be a greater demand for skilled workers in this sector. Courses on electrotechnology need to be updated to better prepare students for the challenges of the future.

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Advice For Starting a New Job During Covid

Advice For Starting a New Job During Covid

I’ve been working from home now since the 17th March this year. Thats almost 7 months of my home being work, and work being at my home. It was a weird transition at first but one I have come to appreciate. I get an extra 2 hours in bed, I don’t have to do a commute, finishing work doesn’t involve a train journey home. There are so many benefits, but with anything there are downsides too. The lack of social interaction with colleagues, not having a break between home life and work life, feeling like I must be available 24/7. But please know I am so grateful. Grateful that I have been able to work all throughout this pandemic, and that my job is secure.

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My Work From Home Routine

My Work From Home Routine

Since Coronavirus hit the UK, my work place made the decision that all of their staff were to work at home for the foreseeable future. There still aren’t any plans in place yet for us to go back either, which I’m quite glad about.

So because I’m at home all day everyday working, I thought I would do a Work from home routine post. I’ve gotten into quite a good routine now that I tend to stick to everyday, so why not share what my routine looks like!

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