Where Does Your Blogging Inspiration Come From?

When I first started blogging my inspiration came from here, there and everywhere. I had a beauty focused blog, so it was pretty easy to find makeup inspiration all over social media. Now I find it alot harder to find inspiration for my posts. I think it’s because I worry about what I post and overthink it way too much. Which I know alot of bloggers do!

For this weeks open discussion Saturday I want to know where you find your inspiration. How do you come up with blog post ideas and how do you choose what you want to share with the world? As always I’ll share where my inspiration comes from then I want to hear from you!


When I was thinking of a topic for open discussion Saturday so many different things came to mind. And then I read a comment someone left on my Instagram about how I come up with so many different blog topics and they asked me how I did it. In all honesty sometimes ideas come into my mind when I least expect it. Alot of my ideas just spring out of no where and then I end up rushing to write it down before I forget.


Alot of my blog inspiration comes from things around me. I often write on things that I’m going through at the time, but you’d never know it by the way I write. I keep things pretty private on my blog, but there are always little snippets of my life in my blog titles. Inspiration can be found in everyday things you do and see. Sometimes it’s as easy as an idea popping into your mind and then going from there. On occasion I use images to help inspire me. I’m quite a visual person!

If you’re going through a tough time then write about it. If you’re struggling to find some yummy meat free recipes, then create your own post helping others out. If you’re needing advice on a particular subject, write about it and ask for feedback. There are so many ways to seek inspiration from the world we live in.


Alot of the really popular blog posts on my blog are the outcome of brainstorming sessions with friends. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people you know and ask for help. Alot of the time, even if you don’t like their suggestions it can really help you think of fresh ideas. Having someone else to brainstorm with is really helpful. It helps so much with needing to see or hear a different perspective.

Alot of the time when you’re trying to think of ideas you can really start overthinking and getting really inside of your own head. Talking to other people and asking them for help can prevent writers block! Which is what we want.

Now its your turn! I want to hear how you find inspiration for your blog content. Where do you find it from?

Can’t wait to hear all of your responses!

Olivia x
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75 thoughts on “Where Does Your Blogging Inspiration Come From?

  1. I just sit daydreaming and they pop into my head haha, I like talking about ideas with other bloggers too and base content around the season we are in, so winter and xmas atm


  2. I don’t know where they come from, but little ideas just form in my head, like: ‘What do I hate most about writing?’

    I have a whole notebook full of those thoughts, and I slowly flesh out the ones I find attractive, and that’s how I come up with posts for my blog, lol.


  3. My inspiration also comes from things I am experiencing in life, things that I see others go through, etc. I find that depending on the mood I’m in, that can also influence what topics come to mind and how I write about them, so I make sure to write each thing in that specific mood!


  4. Most of my ideas stem from other ideas, like when I’m writing a post similar topics will pop into my head. Other times I’m thinking about my own struggles and realize that I can write a whole post about them. It helps that I have a very versatile niche. I have nearly 70 drafts at the moment 😅


  5. When I first started my blog, I wrote about adventures my husband and I experienced. We kike to travel and explore fun places where we live and beyond. Then Covid struck. I almost decided to quit. My inspiration now comes from coping experiences. I also started experimenting with poetry again.


  6. Like you, I look for inspiration all around me. I’ll be watching the news, surfing through social media, or just walking down the street and an idea will form. Sometimes I sit down and start writing as soon as the idea pops into my head. Other times, I put it on my list of “future ideas”.

    When I started my blog, I made a big list of things I wanted to write about. I haven’t got to a lot of them because new ideas keep coming along. 🙂


  7. Same to me. Those just pop out! I have had lately the problem I have too much ideas and I can’t fulfill those all. I’m also overthinking is this good enough but you’ll never know. You just have to try. If it feels good for you then you should post it anyway! You shouldn’t be too critical to yourself or you can’t write anything…and if you post with different topics then you’ll see what’s working!


  8. My blogging inspiration comes from my everyday life and the possibility that my writing can help me escape from the treacherous and mundane place that I call my job.


  9. Long mindful walks in my neighbouring park – thats when I generate my best ideas – I usually stop to jot them down when they come to me. Sometimes I start writing on a park bench and from it a whole post emerges – I highly recommend walking to get the creative juices flowing. Great post Olivia 🙏


    1. Wow, I love the idea of doing that. Writing down what I see and going from there. The thought of that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Thanks for sharing it!


  10. I have always found ‘inspiration’ to be such an interesting concept when described by other people xD Sometimes I’m pretty sure my mind is wired differently in a way: I don’t really do the inspiration thing.

    Most days at some point I’ll decide ‘oh..time to write a blogpost’. Sit down. Empty my mind while going through my day and then start writing. I never really think of concepts or ideas beforehand – I’ll usually start with a word or a sentence that sounds nice in my head and then see where that takes me.

    I suppose that I make it easier for myself by keeping it personal on my blog. That pretty much means that anything that bubbles up can be a valid topic 🤭


    1. Wow, please teach me your ways 🤣

      I guess if you are just writing about your life or about you it does make it easier! I am a planner and love to forward think. Sometimes its more of a hinderance in all honesty!


  11. Inspiration can come from all around us and more often than not, when we least expect it. Scrambling about for a pen and paper, is a rather tedious exercise today given the technology glued to one or other of our hands, as we try harder each and every minute of the day, to use it a little less frequently because we know we should but are unable because it’s always, within such easy reach.

    Making sense of it, unlike with writer’s block and the need to scrunch up yet another imperfectly worded sentence, of those wasted heaps gathering hither and thither and yet another dash to the shop’s for even more lined paper to fill an even larger bin. Inspiration is literally everywhere and can mean, just as answering your wonderful blog has prompted my scribbling away has fired this need to get it down and before you know it, it’s out, it now belongs to someone else, who’s own thoughts may then be inclined to do the same.


    1. Martin,

      Thanks so much for sharing this! I really like what you said here. Inspiration is everywhere we look. We just have to open our eyes and try to find it!


  12. I have a notebook with ideas! My blog posts are about decluttering so I just started by writing a big list of things I learned while decluttering my house. As I write, I often think of new ideas to add. I also get a lot of ideas by just spending time with people and listening to them talk about their schedules and routines. I keep my notebook with me so I can jot down new ideas any time. Right now, I’m only posting once a week but I’m thinking about changing that to two times a week because I’m so excited to write about all of my ideas.


  13. Sometimes I struggle with ideas but I always carry a little notebook with me wherever I go and jot down Ideas when they pop in my head so that when they I get stuck on what to write I can just refer to my notebook. Great post x


  14. My ideas mostly come randomly, from my head! I am also inspired by what I’m going through. 🙂 The funny thing is that when I’m writing, it usually goes in a completely different direction than what I intended. I read somewhere once that there are two writers: writers that build the foundation of their essay and fill it in with walls, doors, windows, and writers that have the walls, doors, and windows and hope for the best that it will come out as a house. 😉 Haha!


  15. Great post Olivia, and thanks for sharing your source of inspiration. Mine comes from my life and daily things. I’m naturally a reflective person and write content based on that. I’m also inspired by my own experiences and things i learn as well as the desire to be more valuable and giving. Dunno if that helps but it works for me.


  16. Fantastic post Olivia and thank you so much to share the information with us, mine comes from the hood that I’m living at, to be honest I do ask feedback from the friends and people that are close to me and like you mention above they don’t give me the feedback that I’m expecting, maybe is because I do go to them expecting the results my mind expecting and I’ve realized that they give me the same information my mind is expecting I really don’t know [ LOL ], I can say “maybe I look for the information or feedback that my mind is expecting to get.
    But as you mention above inspiration can be found in everyday things you do and see…I will pay more attention and make sure I write them down before I forget….Thank you so much Olivia for sharing such a powerful information with us.


  17. True, one can find inspiration everywhere. But for me, the best ideas just pop into my head randomly, triggered by my conversations with people. I keep a journal, and rereading what I have written in the past weeks also provide insights that shape my writing. ☺️


  18. I have the same problem like you, if a get a idea I just quickly write it down. Else I will forgot 😅 . My inspiration comes from brainstorming the ideas in my mind. Thinking over it. Reading the blogs of others can also help us. Though I’m still a beginner. I like ur blogs they r really helpful. 💕


  19. Usually I get my ideas from sleeping and I will either dream about it, or I will wake up and have an idea, or I get my ideas after my morning meditation. I just let the ideas flow and come naturally. If I don’t get any ideas at one point, I look to you guys for inspiration. Reading everyone’s posts motivates me to come up with my own thing sometimes. ☺


  20. I get inspiration from fellow bloggers by perusing through their blog posts. I also get inspiration when random people just keep going on and on. I pick a particular word, phrase or sentence and turn it into a title.


  21. I hadn’t thought about brainstorming with friends that’s such a good idea! Normally stuff just pops into my head so I make sure I have a notebook with me so that I can add any ideas and thoughts to it before I forget 😂


  22. Apart from getting random thoughts at the most unexpected times( like when I am in the shower 😁), books are my best friends..I may come across a beautiful line in the book which then cascades into a flow of thoughts.
    Loved your idea of this post.
    We all readers got so many ideas.


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