5 Confessions of a Full Time Blogger

To confess is to admit something not many people know [if anyone], and as bloggers we have so many confessions. Well I do anyway. There are things I do all of the time that you wouldn’t know from the other side of the computer screen. You don’t see me roll my eyes when the same person for the 5th time that week has left their link in my comment section. You don’t see the countless hours I spend worrying about whether readers will like my posts, or the late night thinking about featured images – weird I know.

Blogging is the biggest blessing and has saved me in so many different ways but there are things we all do that we won’t admit to. With anything in life you find downsides or things that annoy you, so today I want to share those things. And admit some of the bad habits I have or the things that tick me off. Because we are all humans after all!


This is probably my biggest confession as a blogger because this one really annoys me. I understand that we put ourselves out there for the world to see and criticise. But I did not sign up for the rude people of this world. I have had countless people come to me in a rude manner demanding information from me about the themes I use or how to grow their blogs etc. Now I understand people want to learn new things about blogging but there are times and ways to approach people.

Approach with kindness, ask how the person is. Perhaps compliment their theme or whatever it is and enquire about where they purchased it from. Consider the time. Do they live in a different time zone? Is it night time or morning there? Perhaps wait until a better time. As my blog and social media accounts are assessable from my phone it means I really take my blog work to bed with me every night. We are allowed time off too! So don’t get annoyed if we don’t reply straight away and don’t feel entailed that you have to get an answer.

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This one is one of the big confessions! And that is the fact that blogging is one of the biggest constants in my life. If I’m not writing then I’m checking stats, creating infographics for Instagram, scheduling posts or thinking of content ideas. The list goes on. There are always things that us bloggers are worrying about. Writing takes up probably 20-30% of the work and the rest is admin type jobs.

I don’t know about anybody else but I never feel 100% satisfied with my blog. There are always things I think need improving. I don’t think this is a bad thing necessarily but this doesn’t help with needing to switch your brain off!

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New ideas pop into my mind at the most inconvenient times. Most of my brain storming happens when I’m trying to fall asleep – great right? And then by the time I have woken up the next morning the idea has completely gone. Other bloggers have told me they think of ideas in the shower too, that seemed to be a popular location.

Not only do we think of new blog post ideas but new things we can do on social media. My 30 day strategy plan idea came into my mind so randomly when I wasn’t even thinking of anything to do with blogging. I must be going crazy.

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This one is a bit of a sad confession to admit, but I know so many bloggers have felt the same before. We put so much of our time and effort into our websites and we can often be left feeling discouraged for many different reasons. Sometimes its when posts don’t perform as well as we think they’re going to. Or our follower count has stayed the same for ages. Or nobody has brought the product we worked so hard on.

We get knocked back, rejected and let down alot. So its no wonder we often feel like giving up. Just last week I thought about taking a break for a few months due to some things that were going on blog wise. So blogger if you’re reading this and feeling the same, I know how it feels. But remember how hard you’ve worked already on your website, don’t give up when the going gets tough.

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What are some of your confessions as a blogger?
What are some things that you want to admit, that you do or don’t do?

What did you think of my confessions? I can’t wait to read other bloggers confessions to see if we have any that are similar!

Olivia x 
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33 thoughts on “5 Confessions of a Full Time Blogger

  1. I’m not a full time blogger, but I definitely get the feeling of wanting to give up too. But when I feel it, I just can’t think of not being able to blog anymore so I end up not doing it!

    And may I just tell, you’re doing so great in your blog, Olivia. I’m so happy to see your progress and you’re so inspiring! 💗


  2. Quite a few relatable points! I feel like giving up so often mainly when I take out time from my full time job to blog and then that post doesn’t get the appreciation I thought it would.
    My confession – I don’t share my posts with my friends and family – because I often share things on here that I don’t share with them.


    1. Right, that happens to me too. When posts don’t get as much love as others it can be really disheartening. But its one of those things!

      Interesting! I know a few bloggers who do the same. Its funny how sometimes we feel more comfortable telling complete strangers things about us than our own family and friends! I am the same sometimes too!


  3. It’s an innate characteristic for us all as humans to fret about how we are perceived by our fellow man. The pressure is inordinate and whilst we may understand that we cannot reach everyone, it’s nevertheless that constant battle we have with ourselves to perhaps tweak a little here and to refine our approach in the belief that we could reach more. ‘STOP’ and ‘THINK’ about that for a moment and consider just how many there actually are of us as a species meandering all over this “Little Rock” of ours. Whilst 7.6 billion is an awful lot of potential, it’s beyond even the finest of minds to link everyone up despite their best intentions, and it’s proven to be a genuine logistical nightmare even to try. Blogging I dare say for many, but particularly so for those like me, who do not necessarily identify as such, is a form of escapism, a means to relax and to opine on our own appreciation of the world about us.

    I for one, love another’s enthusiasm to make inroads on their own awareness and I have certainly enjoyed your blogs “Olivia” I personally feel that you are doing exceedingly well and would hope that you would continue to offer meaningful content to however many people who subscribe to your blog. They are there of their own free will and obviously consider your efforts reassuring and as such, you have inadvertently become an influencer. Now that can’t be at all bad.


    1. Thank you for blessing us with your wise words Martin. I guess I have become an influencer, hopefully not one of those annoying ones that want you to buy all the products I use!

      I take that role with much responsibility and hope I do you guys justice. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


  4. I agree with you on all of these points! The one that hits home the hardest is the feeling of wanting to take a long break or give up completely. I think we need to just stop giving ourselves such a tough time and just appreciate the work we’ve put in. Blogging should be fun, but a lot of the times it’s not because we keep stressing.
    Very well written and honest~ my favourite thing about your posts!


    1. I feel like alot of bloggers feel like that too. Sometimes blogging can be cut-throat and harsh and really character destroying. Especially when we don’t get out of it what we thought we would. But I remember the lovely readers I have and thats what keeps me going!


  5. I can relate with all these points. I’m a student and lockdown really affected my studies so now I’m on a blogging break, I never think of giving up on my blog but I think taking a break is really very helpful. In this way I can focus more on my studies and I’m glad that I have completed many new posts and also working on my site customization, so I hope it’ll be not difficult to come back into blogging.


  6. I relate the most to wanting to give up.
    It really takes a lot to keep this going. Especially when I’m dealing with so many other things that need my attention


  7. Yes!! My ideas always come to me at 3am…. and then chances are I forget to jot it down & the next morning the idea is gone. I keep sticky notes on my nightstand now haha!


  8. “New ideas fill up our minds”

    This is very accurate 💯💯. You want to convert everything and anything you come across into a story…😂😂😂


  9. Thank you! I am newer to all this but so much of what you said is relatable. My biggest challenge is not giving up in these early stages. And it helps to know many bloggers feel the same! Love the honesty. I think we’re all attracted to honest thoughts.


  10. How did you get inside my head?

    Kidding aside, I think we all have similar struggles when it comes to creative endeavors such as blogging. Which is why I value people like you and others in this ‘blogging community’ sharing how you feel.

    I have to keep reminding myself that my struggles have nothing to do with my own deficiencies, it’s all just part of the creative process. And I think that’s true for everyone. So I’m gonna suggest that we all find ways to embrace the process. 🙂


  11. I can totally relate with the blog ideas filling your mind and then totally forgetting them, especially when you’re trying to sleep! It’s such a pain.😂 The point about wanting to give up is so true too. Sometimes I think about all the free time I’d have if I didn’t have a blog – but then I remember how much I enjoy blogging and how I always feel disappointed with myself if I take long breaks. Great post! ❤️


  12. I never thought blogging would fill my days, even when I am not writing. I can absolutely related to thinking about new ideas and how to improve my blog. I have felt the urge to quit and the struggle to sleep when my mind keeps churning out ideas.


  13. I think getting rude people contacting you is a sign that you’re growing, lol. All I get is silence. Great post, and always an inspiration to see you keeping growing in such a short amount of time. Am looking forward to see you grow more in the coming months.


  14. Sometimes I get (what I think is) a great idea for a blog post, and then the inspiration dries up after the first few sentences. I have started way more posts than I’ve finished, but I can’t delete them because I like to believe that I’ll come back and finish them eventually. I rarely do.


  15. Hi Olivia, I’m apologizing up front for shooting some earlier questions at you (commenting on some other posts of yours) and I don’t believe I introduced myself or said a proper hello. This post reminded me of that so I’m truly sorry 😣 The truth is, I’m honestly so inspired by your posts and my mind starts racing when I read your content. You seriously have your content on lockdown! Anyway, I just want to apologize if you see my earlier comments and roll your eyes, ha! I’m so sorry again, take it as a compliment that I’m just loving what you’re doing and want to hear more 💕💕💕


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