Sharing The Most Important Thing In My Life

I very rarely share personal things on my blog, but I wanted to share the most important thing in the world to me. And thats my faith. I always love sharing personal things when I do share them on my blog, I think its such a great way for me to connect with you – my reader. My faith is something I have mentioned before in blog posts, but I have never dedicated a whole post to it before.

Before we get into this, and I hate that I even have to say this. But I want to respect those people who don’t agree with/like speaking about religion or faith. If this isn’t for you, then please don’t read it. I don’t want to have debates about our differences in opinions. I don’t want to get into any conversation to offend others who may have a different faith to me. Mutual respect is needed here. So please keep this in mind!


As a child I always attended church. My mom would drag me and my siblings every single Sunday morning. I remember praying before bed with my parents and enjoying seeing my friends at church, but I never really understood the meaning behind why we went to church or prayed before we ate food. As I got older and could make my own decisions, I stopped going to church but still professed to being a christian.

It wasn’t until 2012 when my mom decided to change the church she was attending. She came home and told us all about this lovely church she started going to, and somehow convinced me to go visit on Easter of that year. So I went, with my cousins and the rest of my family in tow. All I remember was saying funny things like “the church will set on fire when I walk in” which obviously wasn’t true, but was the standard thing that people say.

After that first service, I and remember leaving and telling everybody I hated it. I would never go back. I didn’t like the pastor, I didn’t like the other members of the church. And I refused to go back again.

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It was months after easter, still in 2012 and one Sunday morning I watched my parents getting ready to go to church. And I had this feeling inside of me, and before I knew it I was announcing that I was going to go with them. I started going to church with them every Sunday and every other day the church doors were open. I met so many lovely people and made some great friends, but I knew I had not been born again.

My whole childhood going to church, I was never taught about salvation. I was never taught that Jesus died for me on the cross and paid all of my sins. I always professed to be a christian but didn’t ever know that I needed to ask God for salvation to really be a born again christian.

It was one evening where I attended a church camp meeting. The pastor at the time was preaching to the camp kids, but of course I was listening. I remember him specifically saying “What are you waiting for?” And I asked myself, what am I waiting for? I knew what salvation was, yet I hadn’t asked God to save me yet.

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I went home that night, got comfy in my bed and prayed to God to save my soul from eternal time in hell. I can’t lie and say that I had this epiphany moment because I didn’t. All I remember is feeling this peace come over my body. I felt at peace for the first time in my life. But, it didn’t stop here.

My Christian walk hasn’t been easy, and God doesn’t ever tell us that it will. Life is hard, and it’s how we respond to these challenges that grows our faith. I was expecting that my life would change overnight, but it really happened so gradually and now I am 9 years in, it still does.

My bad habits and the old things I used to enjoy don’t interest me anymore. And thats how God works. He changes our hearts and desires. He died for me, so the least I can do is cut out the bad things in my life that don’t serve me or serve Jesus.

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Do you follow a faith or religion? If so, what is it? Are you a Christian like me? How long have you been one?

I really hope you guys like this post. It’s not something I would usually share with you all, but I felt like it was time that I shared more about myself to my readers. I hope you like it! Please if you have any questions or want to discuss anything in further detail, please send me an email or message. I’d love to talk to you about it!

Here are some resources if you’d like to know more about what Jesus did for you!
What is the gospel of Christ?
What is salvation?
What are the steps to salvation?

Olivia x 
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88 thoughts on “Sharing The Most Important Thing In My Life

  1. I personally believe in God and i have faith that there’s something bigger that us, but i hate religions!


  2. Thanks for sharing your story with us! I’m a Hindu and in India, I can see people fighting over religions almost every single day and I really don’t like it. I think it’s all about our faith, what we learn and what do we believe in. I like to respect everyone’s faith and religion. For me, it feels so good whenever I go to the temple, worship to the God and pray. It gives me a positive and nice vibe!


    1. It makes me sad that alot of religions clash, when really we have something in common. We all believe in something, and we all believe in it with our hearts. That should bring us together not far apart. Its okay to believe different things🤎


  3. Thanks for sharing this Olivia. I was raised Roman Catholic and I still go to church. To be honest, the older I get, the more I question my faith. There is so much pain and suffering in the world and it’s hard to fathom how an all-loving God would allow that. I also dislike how every religion thinks their way is the right way, or the only way.


    1. Thanks for reading!

      I think its perfectly normal and okay to go through those feelings. I do too. I mean its always good to question what you believe!

      What we have to remember is that sin was entered into the world, because of the fall of man. God never promised this life would be easy. Look at the book of Job. He went through some of the worst suffering there was. The bible talks of suffering and pain frequently. In an ideal world, we wouldn’t ever see people go hungry, or allow such awful things to happen, but thats life isn’t it? Imagine if everything was peachy and perfect. How would we ever learn to lean on God in those hard times? We’d think we didn’t need him!

      Thats how I see it anyway! 🙂


  4. 💜 My Marvellous Mom is Devoutly Christian and Many of My Friends ARE Devoutly Muslim EveryOne; in Summary Diversity is EveryThing



  5. I have gone from a devout (of multiple religions having been born a Hindu and attended a Catholic school) to being an agnostic. I definitely believe there is a higher power out there but I don’t think mankind has the ability to judge, qualify and quantify that power. I definitely don’t believe in any religions – I think they divide us all, humans, even more instead of bringing us all together.
    But having said that, it is nice to read about your journey. Having faith is extremely important – it is what gets us through our toughest days. 🙂


    1. Religion is man made, therefore very flawed alot of the time. Having a faith in something bigger than you is important. It really helps me to lean on something bigger than me when things are tough. God intended for it to be this way!


  6. Thanks for sharing, religion and faith are tricky subjects! I no longer claim to be a Christian anymore, but my belief in God continues. I’ve been bouncing around trying out different places of worship since moving to Vegas, but it’s been so hard to find where I belong during the pandemic. Thank goodness for congregations meeting on zoom!


    1. Professing to be a christian and having a real relationship with God are different in my eyes. I know plenty of people who claim to be christian but their actions say otherwise. Your relationship with God doesnt need a label. It is what it is 💖


  7. I was raised Catholic & as a child went to church regularly. back then i think my parents were taught to really horn in on those teachings. i went to private school for a few years but eventually went to public after the 3rd grade (i just wasn’t fond of the private school for other reasons). once i became a teenager, i went to church less & to be honest i can’t remember the last time i went to an actual church (maybe christmas). but i still have faith very strongly. i think religion looks different for everyone. and for me, i find peace with praying at night (especially when i need it the most). i have considered going back to church some but a lot of it stems from actually remembering to get up to go on Sundays. I think i will get back into it when i have a family of my own because i would want to teach them what i learned as a child.

    thank you for sharing a little bit more about yourself on the blog. i always enjoy these types of posts but i understand how vulnerable it is at times.


    1. I read something the other day and it shared how you are the church, not the building. You can worship God whilst doing anything. Walking your dog, washing your hair, painting your nails. Being physically in a church building is not everything!

      Thanks for sharing this B!


  8. This is honestly so beautiful. I love reading/hearing about other’s faith walks.
    I am a Christian, too, and while I don’t remember my initial prayer of salvation, I re-dedicated my life when I was a pre-teen. I can attest to life not being easy, but the difference between doing life with God and doing life without Him is huge.

    Thank you for being bold and sharing💕


  9. Wow Olivia what an awesome, brave post. I imagine this probably wasn’t easy to post. I grew up in church being Protestant Christian, going since I was born. When church went remote due to covid I stopped watching online and haven’t really found myself back since. This weekend I was thinking I need to find myself back again. Thank you for this post!


  10. This is very inspiring Olivia, sharing your side of the story about Faith in God really touches me. When God intervenes in one’s life, there is endless joy and peace that you experience.

    Keep the Faith🙏


  11. I love this post. Although I don’t believe in god, I do believe there is something of a higher power. I’ve often felt that feeling of peace, usually after a traumatic event. I have faith in the universe. Thanks for sharing!


  12. I have study religion for 50 plus years. I saw 40 countries and I took something from each place. The Muslims countries were the kindest. They love to talk and feed you. I liked the Buddhist also. I have pray with many. I believe we must find our God. I am 1/2 Ojibwa and I accepted my Ojibwa Grandmother belief. We must be kind to each, we must be kind to nature. Help, who we can. Jesus told us the truth. Love, forgiveness and being kind. We followed these simple words. Our world would be better. I love your site. Dear Olivia. Life is learning then more learning.


  13. Religion is our faith and way of life,every religion have different way of devotion but goal to pray almighty God. Don’t worry sometimes we ignore our belief in religion.
    Religion is the pathway of life”.


    1. This makes me so happy. What sparked this post was me feeling like I haven’t been sharing it enough with my readers. Maybe you should do the same!


  14. Faith and religion are entirely two different things. Christ came to show us how we could have a personal relationship with loving God. He didn’t come to introduce a new religion. The people of Israel already had one which was Judaism. Christ died to show us how we can have faith in God and be save by it. By grace through faith are we saved. Never be ashamed of sharing ur faith. I wish we could all do it. I believe it would make the world a better place.


  15. I believe in a God but never committed to a particular religion. This year, I felt compelled to explore my faith more and learn about Christianity! Currently attending a 2 month course to cover the basics of what it means. ❤️


  16. Really admire your courage for sharing your faith online!
    I personally am Christian Catholic, but I don’t have any strong attachment to it. Practically never go to church or pray, but it’s something that I still feel I need to be affiliated with.


  17. I have been a Christian my whole live. When I was younger I was not really into church I just went because I had to. But when I got older now I have my own relationship with the Lord and enjoy going to church and prayer meetings. Thank you for sharing your story.


  18. I think this is great that you shared your faith! Everyone should feel comfortable to share what they believe in. I’m also a believer in Jesus Christ and what he has done for all of us.


  19. Thank you for sharing this Olivia. I am a Muslim, I personally believe in God. I don’t usually go for religious activities, honestly but my love for God, genuine love… Developed from when I started having a personal relationship with him. The peace you felt after you prayed, is the peace I also always feel after prayers too. I don’t force my faith on anyone. I personally believe people will worship and serve God more when they have a personal relationship with him, when they learn to love and accept him on their own.


  20. Hey Olivia,
    Thanks for sharing this. I’m a Christian who goes to church every day. I’ve been going through a rough phase of life from the second half of 2020 till this date. I’ve been depressed for months after losing my Dad. If now I read your post and typed a comment instantly, that’s because Lord gifted me enough strength to move on. If I were not a believer, I don’t think I would be this optimistic.


    1. I am so sorry you’re going through such a hard time. Truly during the worst times of my life, God has brought me such peace, and he will to you aswell. I’ll be praying for you friend. Praying for healing. You can do this. Lean on his everlasting arms. He will take your burdens from you.


  21. I’m sikh from India. You must have heard about sikh people and usually Sikhs are defined with their turbans. Honestly telling you I’m interested in every religion. Because somewhere I believe that God is one, we can worship God anywhere whether it is Church, Mosque, Temple or Gurdwara. You know honestly I don’t ask God for anything. I just enjoy it when I feel like God is around me. It’s been years since I haven’t worshipped any God and neither went to any Church or Temple or maybe once a year when my friends or family forces me. I want to go, but I don’t get the vibes of God anymore in these Gurdwaras. Tbh, when so many people are already there they look and observe us which makes me really uncomfortable and eventually my focus from prayer gets distracted and I try to leave that place asap. I just want to thank God because he always helped me out in everything without asking. I’m grateful for everything he gave me.


  22. Olivia I really love this post and applaud you for the courage it took to be vulnerable and share something deeply personal like your faith and the spiritual journey you have traveled. From my own personal experience, I know how life-transforming Jesus is. I also understand the challenges involved in being Christ-like as well as how church can prove difficult. Thank you for sharing this. Blessings.


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