3 Easy Ways To Prioritise Your Happiness

3 Easy Ways To Prioritise Your Happiness

Why is it that far too often we put our own happiness on the back burner in a bid to please others? The reality is that this is an exceedingly common trait, with many of us choosing to push our own happiness aside in order to do what makes other people happy, and the fact is, it’s a problem. 

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Choosing Happiness

Choosing Happiness

Something I have begun to learn as I’ve gotten older is that happiness comes and goes. It’s not achievable for us to be in a state of happy all the time. Nor would I want to be. Happiness can come and go, it’s more of a fleeting emotion than one that remains. Once I learnt this, I came to realise how in reality we can choose when and if to be happy.

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How To Find Your Source of Happiness

How To Find Your Source of Happiness

What does it mean to be happy? Does anyone ever really find true happiness? Or do we attach our happiness to external things based on what culture says should make us happy? The images we receive on a day-to-day basis via Instagram and the media can often make it confusing on what we perceive happiness to be.

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What Do You Enjoy Most About Blogging?

What Do You Enjoy Most About Blogging?

What do you enjoy most about blogging? Is it the freedom to say what you want online? Being able to share your own personal stories or work? What is it about blogging that keeps you coming back? I have always wondered what motives people have behind wanting to blog. For me, it was something to do during the height of the pandemic. I needed a focus and something to fill my time. I wasn’t going out anywhere, or seeing friends or family. So being able to connect and create a space on the internet was something I really enjoyed about starting my blog.

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Are You Happy?

Are You Happy?

To be happy, is something that alot of us strive for in life. Being happy (at least to me) is more than just an emotion, its a feeling too. I feel like as people, we chase happiness in almost everything we can find. Relationships, material items and experiences. When true happiness can only really be felt within. Did you know that 3 out of the 4 main emotions we feel as humans are negative, and only one is positive? Happy, sad, afraid and angry. So it’s no wonder we find it hard to be happy all of the time.

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These 3 Things Helped Me To Be Happier

These 3 Things Helped Me To Be Happier

One of my main goals in life is really to be happier. So often we go through life and go with the motions and forget about how important happiness is. If you aren’t happy, you’ll find so many other things in your life don’t align. I remember as a child being so happy and content with life, and I know I am lucky to have experienced that because so many didn’t. And sometimes, I wish I could go back to my child mind and find happiness in the small things again.

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13 Easy Ways to Remember the Joyful Moments

13 Easy Ways to Remember the Joyful Moments

I heard recently that when we learn, it’s not by hearing about something, or even doing something. We learn (and remember) by reflecting on what we did and recognizing what we learned. It’s so easy to remember the negative things that happen in our life because we often ruminate on how bad it made us feel. But why don’t we make an effort to remember the positive and joyful moments in our life? 

I’ve set out to help you learn some easy ways to keep those joyful moments in mind. My hope is that I help you create a more joyful life! So, here are 13 easy ways we can remember the joyful moments!

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6 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

6 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Being happy during this weird life we are all currently living is something that we should all cherish. Happiness can come in many forms, and it’s different for each of us. I am constantly reminding myself of the things I have that I should be thankful for, and doing this really helps change my perspective. I do admit though that some days are harder than others. Some days I feel really productive and others I feel like a sloth. And you know what, thats okay! Were living in a pandemic. You can be a sloth.

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Twenty Things I’m Thankful For in 2020

Twenty Things I’m Thankful For in 2020

Looking back at 2020, I admit we have had it pretty rough. It’s been anything but normal for us. When I turned 25 this year I swore it would be the best year of my life. My favourite number is 25, so I always said that year would be a year I wouldn’t forget. And I wasn’t wrong, but its unforgettable for all of the wrong reasons.

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