6 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Being happy during this weird life we are all currently living is something that we should all cherish. Happiness can come in many forms, and it’s different for each of us. I am constantly reminding myself of the things I have that I should be thankful for, and doing this really helps change my perspective. I do admit though that some days are harder than others. Some days I feel really productive and others I feel like a sloth. And you know what, thats okay! Were living in a pandemic. You can be a sloth.

If creating a small list of 10 things makes all the difference to my perspective and how my week goes then I’ll do it. During this pandemic I think its important that we cling onto the small stuff. Its what can be make the difference between us keeping going or falling.


One of my lovely friends came by to see me and dropped off some lovely daffodils. She knows they’re my favourite and have such a sentimental value to me. It meant alot that she was so thoughtful.

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I’m not usually a fan of snow, but now I’m working at home all the time I have grown to appreciate the cold weather and snow. It’s been such a lovely thing going for a walk in it.


As many of you know, I am a christian. And each week the ladies from my church have a zoom prayer meeting. Its such a lovely thing to do in the middle of each week. It really allows time for a re-set.

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Now that we are home alot I have been trying to get out more each day to make sure I’m getting those steps in and getting enough fresh air. I walk twice a day, once at lunch and after work too. Doing this really helps clear my mind.


I know were all in the same boat here but I am SO thankful for technology and the ability to be able to see my loved ones. Facetimes have become part of my everyday routine and are so important in keeping me sane. It makes me so happy to see the faces of the ones I love when I can’t see them in person.


Being able to take time off work is such a small thing, but a privilege others don’t have right now. I am always grateful at how my job are so willing and encouraging to let me take off work whenever I really want to. I know there are so many companies out there who don’t allow this. So this is for sure something I am always grateful for.

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What are some things that made you happy this week? What are you thankful for?

I always love doing these posts, because not only do we have to think and count our blessings but it gives us a chance to share things together too. I always love reading the small blessings you guys have in your lives.

Olivia x



67 thoughts on “6 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

  1. I love this post 😄 It’s so important to be grateful for even the little things in life. Something that made me smile this week is my partner waking me up with a cup of coffee.🥰 Something he does every morning. But sometimes you get so used to something – so it’s nice to sit back and think about every little thing that we may usually look past ❤️


  2. ♡ Just Being; because EveryThing Else is Incidental Experience with Varying Degrees of Importance to Me



  3. Yesssssss to regular walks, do you notice you’re sleeping better?
    This week has been busy for me, and been slacking on doing new blogs for the past couple of weeks.
    I am glad the weather is not dull like last week, blue skies is all good.
    My mood overall is better this week than last week.
    I enjoyed the short lived snow couple of weeks ago, compared to the snow couple days ago.
    Spring is coming 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


  4. Thanks, Olivia, for the reminder of the-little-things-that-make-all-the-difference post. My one thing this week was celebrating my daughter’s 25th birthday! She also got keys to her studio so we turned it into a week celebration. Because of covid, all she wanted was a game night. We ended up having an enjoyable game week with a few family members. It sure made me happy. Thanks


  5. Working the Covid vaccine clinic and seeing all the excited elderly people getting their vaccine made me happy this week.

    Working 4-10hr days and being off on Friday makes me happy every week.

    Talking to my children knowing they are doing well makes me happy.

    Knowing my mother got her vaccine and she is a little more protected made me very happy.

    I am thankful that I was able to wake up to another beautiful day despite the frigid temperatures, the ice and snow. Thankful for my husband and my children. I am just thankful and there really doesn’t have to be a reason. God is protecting me and my family and that is truly enough to be thankful for.


    1. I am thankful you are working so hard for us and giving out vaccines. So thank YOU, for your hard work. And thank you for sharing all of these lovely blessings with us


  6. What a lovely, happy post. We all need a bit of positivity during this time! For me it was creating and publishing my first Handmade Activated Charcoal Soap Bar on Etsy – on the first day I sold 4 and that’s a record for me!


  7. This week i enjoyed getting fresh “petit-pains” at the bakery and just that wholesome aroma inside the shop, seeing lovers express their affection for each other also made me smile yesterday on valentine’s


  8. I just love this post! What a great idea to talk about things that made you happy. And they don’t have to be big things but small little things that just put a smile on your face even for a second. There is always light to be found in the darkness


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