How The Pandemic Has Changed Me

How The Pandemic Has Changed Me

I think most of us can agree, that alot has changed in the last year. Not only have our lives been flipped upside down, but I am sure many of us have deal with grief, depression and anxiety and so many other things. The last year has been such a struggle in many ways. Being isolated from our loved ones and having our daily routines thrown away. Having to adjust to our new normal has been a challenge.

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3 Creative Lockdown Activities For Bloggers

3 Creative Lockdown Activities For Bloggers

{AD} Being bored in lockdown has given me so much more time to do blogging related lockdown activities. I have found it so hard though, to come up with lockdown activities and things to do to keep me occupied. Theres only so many times I can go on a walk, or re-watch my favourite show for the fifth time. As bloggers, we know that there are so many different things we can do to fill our time. But sometimes the tasks become so menial and boring. And the last thing you want is to get bored with blogging.

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4 Tips For Managing Pandemic Anxiety

4 Tips For Managing Pandemic Anxiety

I never thought in my life that I would be writing a post about pandemic anxiety. Much like everyone else in the world, this pandemic came as a surprise. I remember first hearing about the coronavirus, and hearing that it was only in China and it wasn’t something we should worry about here in the UK. Then each week, heck even each day it seemed to get closer and closer to home. The period between it being discovered in China and it hitting England wasn’t too long. Of course during this time, we were all glued to the news and our phones checking updates.

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I Had The Covid Vaccine & This is What Happened

I Had The Covid Vaccine & This is What Happened

All the talk around town seems to be about the Covid Vaccine, and for very good reason. It seems that half of the world wants it and half don’t trust it. When I first heard of the Covid vaccine I was a little suspicious of it. How can they develop a vaccine for a virus that is relatively new? How have they done it so quickly?

I said countless times that I wouldn’t get it if given the opportunity. But obviously as the title of this post suggests, I changed my mind. I did my own research and did what was best for me. And you should do the same. Don’t let the media or the people around you make the decision for you. Its your body so it should be your choice.

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6 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

6 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Being happy during this weird life we are all currently living is something that we should all cherish. Happiness can come in many forms, and it’s different for each of us. I am constantly reminding myself of the things I have that I should be thankful for, and doing this really helps change my perspective. I do admit though that some days are harder than others. Some days I feel really productive and others I feel like a sloth. And you know what, thats okay! Were living in a pandemic. You can be a sloth.

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Finding My Passion During a Pandemic

Finding My Passion During a Pandemic

At the start of 2020, nobody had any idea the whole year would be filled with a pandemic. So many lives lost and lives changed forever. I remember when I first heard of the Coronavirus in December/January. Luckily it was still only in China at the time when I travelled to New York for my birthday. Little did I know when I got home, that life would change forever.

There have been so many struggles during this time, and there is still is on occasion. But so many good things came out from 2020. One of them being a real re-focus in my life, and finding out what I was passionate about. If you can’t tell already, I am an optimistic person – most of the time. I see life as a glass half full and know that bad things don’t last forever. But throughout this pandemic it has become increasingly harder to stay on that thought process.

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Will 2021 Be Better Than 2020?

Will 2021 Be Better Than 2020?

The million dollar question, will 2021 be better than 2020? I wish I knew the answer. If I could write this and have a crystal ball looking into the future I would. I’d first look at if this stupid virus was gone. Because let’s face it, thats the one thing thats really screwed us over this year. I’d then look to see (and hope and pray) that all of the businesses and people who lost their jobs and homes have got all of it back. I really do feel for those people. And then I’d probably look to see if the world has any sort of hope that equality and injustice are resolved. Thats one thing I really wish for in 2021.

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4 Things I’ll Miss About 2020

4 Things I’ll Miss About 2020

There are many things I’ll miss about 2020 , and thats a bold statement considering this year has been tough. We have been and still are living through a global pandemic. We have seen innocent people of colour die in the hands of those who swore to protect them. We have seen fires in several countries destroying homes and businesses. I mean I could go on and on describing the terrible things that have happened this year. But in amongst the bad stuff there have been some positives, and those are the things I’ll miss the most.

Instead of focusing on the bad stuff, I thought I’d end the year on a high. I want to share the things I’ll miss about 2020 as we go into 2021. And I want you to do the same too. Take some time to really think about the good stuff that has happened to you this year, even if it’s that you simply survived the year.

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How to Cope With Loneliness During The Pandemic

How to Cope With Loneliness During The Pandemic

If we can all agree on one thing during 2020, and thats how over this pandemic we are. The whole of 2020 has been filled with separation from our loved ones, negative news and so many other difficult situations. I often remind myself of the good that has come from this year when I feel like I’m on a downward spiral in my own thoughts. It’s not hard for us to feel lonely this year, even if you have been locked in your home with other people.

I’ve often battled loneliness during this pandemic and I live with my parents. The lack of social interaction from my peers and the lack of leaving the house can make anyone feel down. I can’t even imagine what it’s like for people who live alone at this time, it must be so difficult. It’s important that we do various things to stop this feeling, and in todays post I hope to share some tips that I’ve been doing to help battle the feeling of loneliness.

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10 Tips on Maintaining Good Mental Health During The Pandemic

10 Tips on Maintaining Good Mental Health During The Pandemic

I’m so excited for todays guest post from Arcane Lost. We decided to speak on this important topic surrounding Mental Health and the Pandemic as its something a-lot of people are suffering with at the moment. Its so important that you remember if you are struggling then please talk with someone about it. its okay to admit that you aren’t coping well. Speak to someone and dont suffer in silence.

We hope you enjoy the tips we share and hope it can be of help to you if you are struggling.

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