10 Pieces of Life Advice From 10 Different Bloggers

Growing up and even now, I really appreciate life advice. Somebody taking time away from their lives, to share their wisdom with me is so special. Often times I have long, in depth conversations with friends about things we have experienced in life and how we learnt from each individual experience. Learning about others mistakes, and others accomplishments really helps to pave a path for us. Never under estimate the importance of sharing and gaining knowledge from other people. We like to think we can do things alone, but thats not really true.

A few weeks ago, I was sat thinking about a concept idea for an upcoming post – the one you are reading now! I didn’t know what direction I wanted to go in, and kinda went into this with my eyes closed. Sometimes, the best ideas happen naturally and I can say that this blog post idea was one of them. I know so many wonderful writers and bloggers, and just know that they would be filled with wonderful life advice that we can all learn from. So, if you didn’t guess by todays blog title. 10 wonderful bloggers are sharing 10 different pieces of life advice.

Whether it’s their own personal experiences in relationships, life, blogging or the world. I am so looking forward to sharing these wonderful pieces of writing with you. I thought this was such a great way to showcase some new faces on my blog too!


When I was a little girl, I learned early on how much fun it was to get people to do things for you. Being an only child surrounded by adults, it was easy to whine a little and make a big show out of not being able to do something. Whether it was putting on my shoes or cleaning my room, if I could avoid exerting myself, that’s what I was doing. Up until I was five or so. 

My mother was making dinner and had asked me to put on my shoes and go outside. I managed to get my shoes on, but I didn’t want to tie them. I knew how but that was too much work. I’d whine about tying my shoes to my mom who was otherwise occupied with some spaghetti sauce. Exasperated, she rounded on me and gave me the best life advice I could have asked for in a veiled threat.  “Get going girl, your hands work just fine.

I didn’t understand the value of her words until I was older. Initially, I was scandalized. How dare she make me do things for myself! I was small. Big people took care of me and that was that. Little did I know how quickly I would become the big person, responsible for my own decisions. 

Lots of us can remember grappling with our newfound adulthood. Who would call the doctor? What is insurance all about? What’s the deal with taxes? Growing up was quite scary. When I asked my mom to take care of things for me, she scoffed. 

“You’re an adult, figure it out.”

I know this makes my mom sound like a monster, but that was her tough love. She did show me how to do practical adult things, but she also taught me independence. I learned that I needed to put some hard work behind my wishes if I expected to get anything out of them. If I wanted something bad enough, it was mine for the taking. Nobody was going to get happiness for me. I had to make that happen on my own. I want to impress this upon everyone. Do what you need to do to create the life of your dreams. Nobody is doing the work for you, no matter how much you whine.

My life advice is to get out there and get after it!

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I’m Michelle from Boomer Eco Crusader where I write about green living, simplifying and decluttering, and just life in general. 

When Olivia asked me to be part of her life advice collaboration, my mind immediately went to career advice. I’ve been fortunate to enjoy a long career in financial services, where I’ve achieved success on my own terms. I’ve learned a lot of lessons, many of them the hard way. If I could go back and sit down over a cup of tea with my younger self, I’d share these top 3 pieces of life advice:

Cherish and nurture your work friendships

Years from now, you won’t remember the details of projects you worked on or the work that you did. You will remember the people and the relationships you built. In the long run, those friendships matter more than the work you’re doing. No matter how busy you are, make time to get to know your co-workers as people. Instead of competing against each other, find ways to make each other better. 

Don’t be afraid to change direction

When I started out, the only way to advance your career was to become a people leader and claw your way up the ladder. I managed people for many years. Ten years ago, I made the conscious choice to move out of people leadership. It was the best career move I ever made. I am happier as an individual contributor and I get to use my leadership skills in different ways. If you’re not satisfied at work, make a change. Don’t shy away from moving to a lower-level job, or one in a completely different field. It could just be your most satisfying career move. 

Work isn’t everything

Your job is just one element of your life. Too often, we focus on our careers at the expense of everything else. Define your personal values and stick to them. Make your family and friends a priority, and give them the time and attention they deserve. Spend time doing things you enjoy. Look after your physical and mental health. It might feel like a contradiction, but taking time away from work to pursue outside interests will make you better at your job. Life is short. Don’t spend it all at work!


My life advice is that it’s so important to do more of what makes you happy- and it’s a lesson that more people need to understand earlier in life! There are always things in life that we will have to do, and all of us have our responsibilities. When it comes to working life we need to earn enough money to support ourselves, and if we have family responsibilities we also have to put other people before ourselves sometimes. 

But I really think that more people need to prioritise what makes them happy in life. That could mean working in a part-time job so that you can focus on your passion as much as possible- which is what I do. Or it might mean choosing to study a subject you enjoy at University, instead of one that will get you a high earning career. It could even mean accepting that you might not earn a lot of money with the job you’ve chosen, but you find it more rewarding than any job you’ve done before and that’s why you stick with it. 

Whatever it is that makes you happy in life, we really don’t have time to spend years of our lives in jobs and chasing opportunities we don’t believe in, or sticking with work we don’t enjoy. Finding a way to do what you love while maintaining your responsibilities is so important. 

A Happy, enjoyable, and rewarding life will look different for different people-

and it’s also so important to avoid comparing your journey to other people. When you’re in your 20s, people love to tell you what you want and where you should be- but your path in life is yours alone to choose. I really do believe that knowing, understanding, and choosing what makes you happy is important to living a rewarding and happy life.

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Feeling like you’re just a mum or that you’re defined by motherhood seems to hit all of us at some point during our parenting journeys. It’s a negative feeling which carries huge amounts of mum guilt, self doubt and the feeling like you’ve lost yourself. 

Why do we feel defined by motherhood?

We lose ourselves to motherhood. Post birth I really felt like I had to mourn my pre-baby self as the loss of identity was so impactful. As Mum’s we instantly fall into a routine and our lives revolve around our children which leaves almost no time to feel like ourselves.

You slow down but become busier

A day in the life of a Mum is a repetitive one! Everything feels so regimented. We slow down because we’re doing the same tasks, but we become busier because we don’t stop.

You become restricted

Unfortunately you can no longer live your life the way you used to pre-motherhood. As much as we try, we can’t be the pre-mum people we used to be. And that’s okay! You’re more than just a Mum – You’re superhuman!

How to stop motherhood defining who you are – Connect with old friends

I bet you’re not as social as you once were right? It’s understandable, I’m exactly the same. Something you could do is to set a reminder on a Sunday evening to send out a couple of messages to friends to check in with them and see how they are. It’s beneficial for all parties, I bet your friends would love to hear from you. Set that reminder, you won’t regret it!

Do something for you

I know what you’re thinking, you’re a busy Mum, where are you going to find time for yourself? Take ten minutes out of your day purely for you to do something you enjoy. It could be something small like enjoying the good dunk of a chocolate biscuit (or ten) into a hot cup of tea, or something a bit more glam like painting your nails during nap time. We matter too you know… And we can’t pour from an empty cup!

Stop the comparison game

Our brains are constantly in parent mode. We see our child’s development and compare it to other children, even though we know it’s the worst thing in the world. Stopping the comparison game can be so, so difficult, but it’s so beneficial. I’m a Mum, but I’m also me… And who I am is pretty damn amazing! This is my life advice.


It’s always great to have big dreams and aspirations towards future goals, but it’s almost important to live in the current time. Think about: what were you able to accomplish today? What’s one thing you wish you accomplished? Questions like these can help you reflect on the day-to-day. 

In order to achieve big dreams you need to take the little steps. My life advice besides reflecting daily is to really get involved in goal planning. Not just blogging or career-wise, but for your mental health, emotional wellbeing and for other personal reasons. By planning and incorporating goals, you’re giving yourself motivation and a sense of purpose that you may not feel on a daily basis to do your best. 

I have learned over the years that slowing down time, taking baby steps and planning for the future helps me not only reach my goals, but to help me feel better day to day. When life events throw you off track, reminding yourself of your goals and how to tweak them to fit the new situations you are involved in are essential. 

A great example for me was during Covid-19 when I had to reevaluate my time in university and make adjustments. By reflecting on my goals and seeing how I could get from point A to point B, I realized that some of my baby steps needed to be changed. I changed my goals to fit more into a SMART goal mindset. 

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Life. It’s a funny old thing, isn’t it? People often ask, ‘what is the meaning of life?’ and, of course, the answer is unique to each and every person. I’m 26, and I found out the meaning of life, very unexpectedly, at the age of 23. 

In March 2018, I was rushed to hospital as I was unconscious and unresponsive. I was in a medically induced coma for 4 days, and as my body was extremely weak, everybody thought I wouldn’t wake up. I was dying from double pneumonia – I was telling my husband (fiance at the time) and my mum that I love them every 10 seconds, and they to me, because we didn’t know if it would be my last. 

Remembering that I spent days and nights, lying in a hospital bed unable to move, praying I would pull through this. Admittedly, I’m not religious, but I am open-minded. To make matters worse, I have hearing loss and a vision impairment, which meant communication was very difficult, I always felt isolated with my thoughts. I mean, in a situation like that, I had no way of distracting myself from thinking the worst would happen. 

I couldn’t help but think of all of my regrets, and the things I missed out on.

But the one thing that really broke my heart was that I wasn’t living; I was just existing. I always hated myself, never believed in myself, I was never truly happy or content, even with obstacles in my way. All I ever wanted to be was happy. 

Somehow, my body found the strength to fight against this infection, but my hospital stay didn’t end there. In total, I stayed in hospital and a specialist neurological rehabilitation centre for 9 months. I was transferred to rehab to learn how to do things independently again, like eating and drinking, writing and typing, sitting up, standing up and walking. I’m at a point where I can transfer and walk a very short distance with my walking frame.

Although my mobility became even more limited, it was for a very good reason. In November 2020, we welcomed our baby girl, Daisy. She’s almost 8 months now, and she has taught me to smile and enjoy the littlest of things, to enjoy each moment. 

Don’t leave things until it’s too late. Enjoy the little things. You deserve happiness.


We often tell ourselves that we can’t say no, whether to protect ourselves or out of fear of missing out. Now, as social media connects us, it can also highlight the things we don’t have and the things we’ve missed out on. We find we tell ourselves to carry on; even if we’re tired and depleted, we’re socially exhausted and drained. Because people rely on us, our dreams will move further away if we stop, and things will fall apart. 

I’m sorry to say, but this isn’t the case at all. 

Things may fall apart if we take a day for ourselves, the work won’t get done, the dream won’t get any closer, but the world won’t stop turning. The goal will still be there the next day, and the work will be waiting. There’s only one of you. 

A good friend of mine gave me the advice to ‘Do You’. Simply meaning, show up, choose and love you before offering that to someone else. 

When I was in a deep depressive cycle, I continued. With work, socialising and pleasing others, I wasn’t doing that, and I fell apart. My anxiety was worse, my depression was out of control, and I was so lost and broken, I didn’t know where each piece of me even went.  The day you fall in love with yourself, show up and make sure your interests are met will be the day you feel happier, more complete and able to make that dream happen.

I’d been so afraid of letting people down, of stopping, of not doing my job, I wasn’t ‘Doing Me’.

I wasn’t even thinking of myself, and while it can be easier to say yes than it is to say no, that doesn’t mean it’s okay. 

Pushing through won’t help you find happiness or meet your goal any quicker because there’s always more. There’s always something on the horizon we need to do first. Things don’t stop. 

After last year, it should teach us to appreciate ourselves a little more, cherish and treat ourselves more. We can’t wait for the world to stop to look after ourselves. We have to do it now. So, my life advice is don’t burn yourself out for the bigger picture when the bigger picture doesn’t have you at the centre stage. Show up, choose and love you because there’s only one of you.  

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Many of life’s most common challenges – building strong relationships, finding professional success, leading a healthy lifestyle, thriving with money, and so on – are hard. Making progress on them takes learning, emotional energy, and persistence over time.

The fact that none of us is automatically thriving in all these areas at once is not a flaw. It’s not that there’s an “easy” way through these things, and we’ve just missed it. These things are simply hard to work through. And that’s okay. Even so, we meet countless people along the way who disagree. They say everyone else has it wrong. Solving your problem is quite easy with this simple fix or miracle cure. As it happens, these brave mavericks are usually in the business of selling simple fixes and miracle cures.

One place I’ve been overwhelmed with shortcuts like these lately is in building my blog. The blogging education space is absolutely littered with over-the-top promises of quick success, overnight traffic, and a massive following if you take this simple shortcut. In blogging, as with becoming physically healthy, building wealth, finding happiness and so many other things, there are no shortcuts. None that will help in the long run, anyway. 

None of these challenges is new; if there was an easy way, everyone would be doing it.

What’s worse, shortcuts can even hold us back in the end, by soaking up time, money, and energy that could have been put toward making real progress. If you throw your resources at an easy solution that doesn’t really exist, then you’re out those resources and no closer to your goal than you were before.

Have faith in the journey. The challenge in achieving your biggest goals isn’t a problem. It’s what makes those goals so very worth chasing. With persistence, open-mindedness, and focus, things do get easier with time. It just doesn’t happen right away. Keep learning, keep moving, keep adapting, and you’ll get where you’re going right on time, every time.


The life advice I would like to share is that long distance relationships can lead to long term relationships, but like with any relationship, they require work. I have been with my partner for over 6 years now, and we met in a Facebook group. I lived in the US and my partner lived in Denmark, therefore, the first year of our relationship was long distance. It was a challenging year especially with the time difference, but we made it work and I believe the time apart made us grow closer. I do want to say that long distance relationships do not work for everyone, but they can work with perseverance and commitment from both you and your partner.

With the current state of the world, online dating is more common than ever.

But some people may be hesitant to start an online/long distance relationship. If you are considering online dating, I wanted to share some advice when it comes to the relationship. Communication is important in all relationships, but with long distance relationships, communication is extra important. You cannot see each other all the time, but you should talk when you can. You can also plan virtual dates where you and your partner cook together on Zoom, watch a movie or series together on Netflix, or play a video game together.

However, you also need to let each other live their own lives. During the first year of my relationship, I was attending university and my partner was working, therefore, we did not expect to talk to each other all the time, but we did set time aside where I did not have class and my partner did not have work. You also need to be able to trust your partner. When a problem or concern comes up, you should not avoid talking about it because it can cause even more problems and stress later down the road.

You should talk things out with your partner, which goes back to the importance of communication.

Lastly, if things are going well, you should think about your future plans with your partner such as visiting each other or moving in together. Having a date to look forward to when you can see each other can make the distance apart a little easier. I hope this advice is helpful if you are considering a long  distance relationship or you are currently in one. 

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Life Advice… What a heavy word but something that is abused quite a bit. I have been alive on this earth for nearly three decades now. And in this time many people have given their two cents on how I should love, study, choose my career, etc. Believe it or not, I’ve even been told how to eat and sleep! But the one piece of advice that has stuck with me to this day, is to always do what is right.

When it comes to adulting – and yes, that is now a word – what keeps us going is motivation. That doesn’t mean that we can choose when to work, play, sleep, etc. Sometimes, it is up to us to make choices that will what we want but will get us to where we need to be. It is hard, but always choosing what is right should help you get through the hardest phases in life.

We all make mistakes, but it’s important to own up to them.

We all want to go left, but sometimes we need to go right. The list could go on, but the point is that we always need to follow our moral compass and do what is right for us. I love this piece of advice because it is applicable to anything. Blogging? Check. Life? Check. Love? Check.

No one should ever tell you how to live your life, that is a given. But if you get stuck between two choices or need some guidance, tap into your moral compass. That it will always lead you in the right direction.

What did you think of the life advice the bloggers shared? Do you have any life advice you could share with us?

Thanks so much to the amazing bloggers who chose to take part in my collab. I really enjoyed putting this together and gaining so many pieces of life advice I will use myself. I hope this post encourages you and helps put things into perspective.

Olivia x 
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26 thoughts on “10 Pieces of Life Advice From 10 Different Bloggers

  1. Love all of this!!! Some of this advice is literally perfect and I wish I had it when I was growing up! So thankful for being a part of this! Thank you so much for having me on this, lovely!


  2. Yes indeed. The best ideas come naturally and this was a good one. Such a wealth of wisdom compiled in one article. This post should be re-read severally or frequently referred to. Thanks to all the collaborators for the many pieces of advice and life experiences, and you for the idea and good work


  3. Great list of bloggers and lessons they gave. Checked them and can familiarize as I’ve read their content often and they talk about their life experiences and lessons.
    Life is tough, you react to it. The other person would never know what you’re going through but if they can’t be supportive then better not be negative towards them too. Good read. Xx
    Isa A. Blogger


  4. It’s a treasure! What a brilliant piece of advices about life, career, self care, dreams and so many more! As very well said, we can learn from others’ mistakes and success, this post has all it of inside! I really enjoyed and learned lot of lessons which will surely be helpful to me and definitely to others to make their life better! And thank you so much Olivia for coming up with an idea like this, such that I would be able to know and learn many things!


  5. Claire Mac’s advice on Motherhood hit spot on with me. As a SAHM, my whole life often seems completely wrapped up in my identity of motherhood, but that isn’t the whole me. I need that reminder.
    Along with that, Cafe Beauty’s advice to set goals goes right along with Claire Mac’s. I’m going to be taking baby steps to remind myself that I do actually have a life outside of being a sahm.


  6. Claire’s advice really got me, it bought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for letting me a part of this wonderful collaboration! X


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