13 Easy Ways to Remember the Joyful Moments

13 Easy Ways to Remember the Joyful Moments

I heard recently that when we learn, it’s not by hearing about something, or even doing something. We learn (and remember) by reflecting on what we did and recognizing what we learned. It’s so easy to remember the negative things that happen in our life because we often ruminate on how bad it made us feel. But why don’t we make an effort to remember the positive and joyful moments in our life? 

I’ve set out to help you learn some easy ways to keep those joyful moments in mind. My hope is that I help you create a more joyful life! So, here are 13 easy ways we can remember the joyful moments!

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What Brings You Joy In Life?

What Brings You Joy In Life?

So many times I have started writing a list of things to be grateful for, and I have found that once you start writing, you cant stop listing the things that brings you joy. The act itself of starting to think, and acknowledge the good we have in life can be hard to start. Often times we are surrounded by negative things, and bad situations that it clouds out the good we actually have. Whenever I feel like I am going through a hard time, I find it so beneficial to remind myself of the good I have in life. The great people I am surrounded by. The job I have, the life I get to live. Those are the things that matter.

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6 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

6 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Being happy during this weird life we are all currently living is something that we should all cherish. Happiness can come in many forms, and it’s different for each of us. I am constantly reminding myself of the things I have that I should be thankful for, and doing this really helps change my perspective. I do admit though that some days are harder than others. Some days I feel really productive and others I feel like a sloth. And you know what, thats okay! Were living in a pandemic. You can be a sloth.

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How to Cope With Online Negativity

How to Cope With Online Negativity

Online negativity is something we will all go through if we find ourselves on the internet for long enough. Naturally, with positive things there are always negatives. We can’t always expect things to be peachy all of the time. There are mean, nasty and negative people out there who want to cause you distress and make you unhappy and thats the reality of life.

Thankfully, I’ve only ever encountered a handful of mean people online. I know this isn’t the experience alot of people have and for that I am thankful.

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It is What It is

It is What It is

Do you ever find yourself in situations saying it is what it is? I find myself saying this when I get let down or if plans don’t play out like I thought they would. I mean the whole of 2020 was a big it is what it is wasn’t it? Because of the year we had in 2020 I think we all have this mentality now to some extent. We all had plans that year to do great things and see family and make memories and instead it brought loss, death, heartbreak and isolation. And it really reminded me that we really aren’t in control of our lives. We can control our now but not so much our future.

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My Favourite Bloggers Of 2020

My Favourite Bloggers Of 2020

I knew that I wanted to post an appreciation post towards the end of the year, because I know how hard us bloggers work. Not only at Christmas but all year long. So I decided to do a shoutout/grateful post to many bloggers who have been so good to me this year. This is a thank you to all of you who take the time to read my content actually. I see and appreciate every single like, view, comment or share. Theres so many of you it would impossible to list you all, so please don’t be disheartened if you don’t see your name below, I just have a bad memory!

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The Importance of Celebrating the Small Things

The Importance of Celebrating the Small Things

In life we often forget about the importance of the small things that happen in life, and just focus on the big stuff. Those big pivotal moments in life get all of the glory, but when do we actually stop and focus on the small things that happen? Those moments that we take for granted and don’t think about, where is the big celebration for them?

These moments can come in so many different variations. It could just be the fact that you woke up and showered today when you couldn’t bring yourself to do it for a week. It can be anything! In todays post I want us to focus on those small things. No matter what they are, or how stupid we might think they are. If they are important to you, they are important to us.

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How to Be Grateful This Christmas

How to Be Grateful This Christmas

I’m not sure what it is about the Christmas season, but it just brings a sense of gratefulness. Being grateful for health, family and the many other blessings we have in life. We should of course be thankful for everyday of our lives and make the most of them all year round. But something about Christmas brings out the best of people. Maybe it’s the reason for the season, maybe its because Christmas is about Jesus and the love he showed when he died for us. I like to think thats why people start being kinder and more loving to one another.

On the flip side, Christmas can be hard for some people. It can be tough as Christmas time is about family and love, and some people don’t have that. For todays Blogmas post I thought we could talk about how we can be more grateful this Christmas, and how we can be truly thankful for the life we are living.

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How to Practice Gratitude at Christmas

How to Practice Gratitude at Christmas

I’m not sure what it is about the Christmas season, but I always feel a sense of gratitude. Being grateful for health, family and the many other blessings we have in life. We should of course be thankful for everyday of our lives and make the most of them all year round. But something about Christmas brings out the best of people. Maybe it’s the reason for the season, maybe its because Christmas is about Jesus and the love he showed when he died for us. I like to think thats why people start being kinder and more loving to one another.

On the flip side, Christmas can be hard for some people. It can be tough as Christmas time is about family and love, and some people don’t have that. For todays Blogmas post I thought we could talk about how we can be more grateful this Christmas, and how we can be truly thankful for the life we are living.

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