My Favourite Bloggers Of 2020

I knew that I wanted to post an appreciation post towards the end of the year, because I know how hard us bloggers work. Not only at Christmas but all year long. So I decided to do a shoutout/grateful post to many bloggers who have been so good to me this year. This is a thank you to all of you who take the time to read my content actually. I see and appreciate every single like, view, comment or share. Theres so many of you it would impossible to list you all, so please don’t be disheartened if you don’t see your name below, I just have a bad memory!

These people stand out to me because they have been there since my return to the blogging world in 2020. They are always there for me, are constantly supporting and encouraging. Its only fair I return the favour and show how much I appreciate and love you guys and the support you have shown. So here is your official thank you!


Shelly is a mommy/Lifestyle blogger and shares some really amazing tips and insights into being a wife and a parent. Although I am neither of those things I find her content so helpful as I prepare to step into a wife and mother role as I get older. Shelly is a really good friend of mine, and I remember clearly the day she first commented on one of my posts and I knew then that we would be friends, and I was right. She is constantly supporting and showing me and my blog so much love. We are miles apart from one another but we actually talk almost everyday and she has honestly become a really good friend of mine.


Niraj’s blog is a really great hub of knowledge surrounding mental health awareness. I know he has suffered alot with his mental health in the past and shares alot of his experiences and how he has managed to overcome some of them. Similar to Shelly, me and Niraj connected when I first restarted my blog and he continues to be as supportive and kind since the moment we met. It’s great to see how Niraj’s blog has grown over the months and its great to see how loved by other bloggers he is.


I can’t remember how I found Calluna’s blog but what drew me in was her incredible makeup skills. She shares so many useful tips and tricks and I really enjoy her mini-vlogs that she does. Calluna is always so supportive and always comments really great, insightful comments on my posts. I truly appreciate how she keeps up with my blog and we have such a great mutual support for eachother.


Shahrin is such a vital part of the blogging community for me, always showing love and support to so many bloggers. I see her name pop up everywhere on so many different accounts, and that just shows what kind of person she is. So supportive, kind and not to mention funny. There have been many a times we have had conversations on posts and she is so funny.


Where do I even begin with Anjali. Such a pure, selfless and kind soul. She has also been here since the beginning for me. One of the very first people who had shown me love and support on my blog. So many people on WordPress know of her and love her. She’s constantly uplifting and supporting other bloggers in anyway that she can.


Maryam is for sure a staple in this blogging community and I really love the things she posts about. She is a beautiful soul and has so much kindness in her heart. Her blog layout and theme is so beautiful and her Instagram reflects the same aesthetic too. I really enjoy her fashion posts, she goes into so much detail and depth in all of her posts and I know she must work very hard on them. She is always supporting and showing love to me and my blog, and its truly appreciated.


Sean is a new friend and supporter but one that I knew I had to include on this list. We have connected many times through such great in-depth conversations. He lives in Australia and I really enjoy reading his posts about life there and life with his family. He’s such a staple blogger that I am so glad to have met through the internet. No matter age, distance, hobbies or interests, its so lovely to be able to connect with another human over blogging.


Another one I knew I couldn’t miss from this list, so grateful that me and Amy connected through blogging. We chat often through Instagram and she always has so much love to share. Amy’s blog is really amazing and I commend her on being so open and honest about the health struggles she faces. It’s amazing how she can be so vulnerable and share some of the lowest moments of her life. Regardless of what she’s going through, she comes across as an upbeat and positive person who is always ready and willing to share love with anyone she encounters. Send lots of prayers her way, its an honour to know you Amy!


Zak is a relatively new blogger that I have connected with. What I like most about Zak’s blog is that he talks on sustainability. I haven’t seen many blogs that are in that niche, so its good that he’s using the platform he is growing to raise awareness on that. He’s such a good writer, and is a really supportive part of our blogging team. I often see him liking and commenting on others blogs. Its so good to see new bloggers already supporting and loving everyone.

I also think its great that he’s a blogger because I sometimes feel like the blogging world is very female heavy. Its good to see some young men get involved!


Brittany is really one of the best Lifestyle bloggers I know. Her dedication to both her blog and social media platforms is admirable. I really have loved interacting and engaging with her over the last few months of 2020 and especially during Blogmas. She was so supportive in the run up and we checked with one another on a regular basis. I really appreciate the love and support she shows to so many in our blogging community.

As I have said, if I haven’t personally named you here please don’t think I don’t love and appreciate you. I see all of the love and comments I get and I really and truly appreciate them all. You are all really great bloggers, but this post would be never ending if I named everyone haha. I’m so grateful for this community of people I have.

What bloggers stick out to you in 2020?
Who’s content have you really enjoyed this year?

Olivia x 
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64 thoughts on “My Favourite Bloggers Of 2020

  1. Thanks so much for including me to your favourites 🥰 You are awesome!
    It does seem like a very small world because there is only one blogger on your list that I don’t know! Checking her out now 😊


  2. Great Post Olivia.
    Its a nice way you have decided to show gratitude to the people who are supporting you.
    I already follow yours, Shelly and Niraj blogs.
    I am excited to check the remaining blogs too.
    All the 10 bloggers will be delighted to see this post.
    Actually its a great idea you to show the love to the ones who support us.


  3. Amazing post dear! And thank you so much for thinking about my blog as one of your favourites and featuring me. I know that I haven’t been active on WP for quite long but I am extremely sorry I had lots to do and now I’m definitely gonna get back soon. But thanks for this. Lots of loveee. 🤗🥰💖😊🎀


  4. That’s so sweet🧡Thanks so much for this. Feel loved🥰It’s so lovely of you to give a shoutout to everyone here.

    Great idea Olivia —you are a G ❤️ x

    Will be checking out the others xx


  5. I am so honored and humbled that you included me in your list Olivia! I have truly been blessed by your support and the support of the wordpress blogging community. You have been a tremendous help in shating my blog with others and I am so appreciative of that. I wish the best for you as we head into the next year! You are a shining star!


  6. Thank you so much for including me, that’s lovely ❤️😄 I love this post! It’s so good to support other blogs, and it’s always a pleasure reading your content. Keep up the amazing work ❤️xx


  7. Aww thank you so much for featuring me! It’s an honor! I’m so happy we connected through the blogging community. Your support means the world to me. 🥰🥰🥰


  8. Shelly is awesome always supportive. I will be checking out the other blogs. You yourself has been completely supportive and always willing to help. You and Shelly rock!


  9. Well for me I really enjoyed contents from thenextdoorchic, iamyeychi, thisthingcalledfashion, Olivia yes I said it Olivia, ada umeh and many more I can’t wait for 2021 like content creation in Nigeria is getting better by the day. And yeah I’ll like you all to join me celebrate my blog anniversary, it’s today I’m so excited to be among the content creators of our time ☺️☺️


  10. I can’t thank you enough for the feature Olivia! It brought a big smile to my face. It has been a pleasure to support you and your blog this year. I really appreciate all the love you’ve shown to me also!

    I’m so inspired by your drive and genuine dedication to adding value to other’s lives through consistent quality content. Your musings are so thoughtful, well written and you have the most chic website. I’m so glad we’ve gotten to know each other better and had little chats here and there.

    Here’s to many more years and lots of milestones to celebrate! x


    1. You’re so welcome. You really deserve credit for the way you are building your brand through your blog and through Instagram too.

      Keep up the good work! And here’s to us hopefully working together in the future🤗


  11. This is such a great list. I only know one blogger from your list. I’ll go ahead and discover the rest of bloggers 😀 It is nice to spread some love in the blogging community like this. I love this so much! 🙂


  12. My favourite Blogger is You Olivia, you have inspired me to create my own blog.

    Others are
    Brian Dean at This guy helps people get higher rankings and more traffic to their blogs.

    Neil Patel
    Neil patel is a digital marketer and my go to for learning about internet marketing.


  13. Olivia, you are beyond awesome. You have a great blog which inspires me on an ongoing basis to do better with my posts and level of commitment. You are brave and sincere with the posts you do and I can’t thank you enough in terms of how you write about a subject in a direct, but caring way. Thank you so much for including me on your list of favourite bloggers for 2020 – I am blown away actually. It is a wonderful list and I am looking forward very much to what you and they have in store for next year!


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