Holiday Money Management: Tips for Smart Christmas Finances

Holiday Money Management: Tips for Smart Christmas Finances

As the holiday season approaches, many of us are filled with excitement and joy for all the festivities that come with it. However, along with the cheer and excitement, there’s also the added pressure of managing our Christmas finances. From gift shopping to hosting family dinners, the expenses can quickly add up and leave us feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

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How to Stand Out Amidst the Blogmas Crowd

How to Stand Out Amidst the Blogmas Crowd

With Blogmas around the corner what better time to share some insights into what goes into being a blogmas blogger and how you can better stand out amongst the rest. If you’re unfamiliar in what blogmas is, it’s 25 consecutive days of posting Christmas and holiday themed content. If you’ve heard of Vlogmas it’s the same but with blogging.

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How to Make Your Blogmas Shine with the Spirit of Christmas

How to Make Your Blogmas Shine with the Spirit of Christmas

The most wonderful time of the year is upon us, and that means it’s time for Blogmas! For those unfamiliar, Blogmas is a blogging tradition where bloggers post holiday-themed content every day leading up to Christmas. It’s a great way to spread some cheer and connect with your readers during the festive season.

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The Christmas Tag

The Christmas Tag

When searching for Blogmas post inspiration I stumbled across Laurenyloves, and a few years ago she posted the Christmas tag. I had never heard of it before so thought it would make a great addition to my blogmas posts as its all about Christmas (duh). The Christmas tag works like any other blogging tag, you answer pre-set questions and share the answers with your followers/readers.

Once you have read the responses, if you feel lead then please do this yourself too! I wont be tagging anyone as I think it will be quite short notice to get it done before the holiday season is over. But if you want to do it, then please do! Just tag Lauren as thats where I got the post questions from.

Lets get started!

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My Favourite Bloggers Of 2020

My Favourite Bloggers Of 2020

I knew that I wanted to post an appreciation post towards the end of the year, because I know how hard us bloggers work. Not only at Christmas but all year long. So I decided to do a shoutout/grateful post to many bloggers who have been so good to me this year. This is a thank you to all of you who take the time to read my content actually. I see and appreciate every single like, view, comment or share. Theres so many of you it would impossible to list you all, so please don’t be disheartened if you don’t see your name below, I just have a bad memory!

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5 Ways To Manage Christmas Stress

5 Ways To Manage Christmas Stress

I think we can all agree that Holiday stress is a real thing. The Holidays can be so stressful, there’s so much to do and buy and make and you only have a limited amount of time. So many people put pressure on themselves at Christmas, they think they have to go big or go home, and thats just not true. Its always good to remember the reason for the season, and remind yourselves that not everything has to be perfect.

Not only is there stress at Christmas but I think there’s alot of expectation too. We put this expectation on ourselves and sometimes without even knowing it, we put it on others too. Today I will be sharing some tips on how you can create yourself a stress free Christmas! I hope you leave this post feeling more positive and relaxed about the festive season! So Let’s get into the tips!

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5 Tips For a Stress Free Christmas

5 Tips For a Stress Free Christmas

I think we can all agree that Christmas time can be so stressful, there’s so much to do and buy and make and you only have a limited amount of time. So many people put pressure on themselves at Christmas, they think they have to go big or go home, and thats just not true. Its always good to remember the reason for the season, and remind yourselves that not everything has to be perfect.

Today I will be sharing some tips on how you can create yourself a stress free Christmas! I hope you leave this post feeling more positive and relaxed about the festive season! So Let’s get into the tips!

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My Christmas Day Routine

My Christmas Day Routine

I don’t know about you but I love hearing about other peoples Christmas Day routines. I love how we all do things so different and how we all have our own traditions and things we must do every year to celebrate the season. My Christmas Day routine has obviously changed in the years, there’s no waking up at 5am to see if Santa has visited or not being able to fall asleep due to excitement, but none the less its still exciting!

As the title suggests, I’ll be going through my Christmas Day routine for you, and I want to hear about yours in the comments too!

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