8 Blogging Mistakes To Avoid in 2022

8 Blogging Mistakes To Avoid in 2022

If I was really to write a long list of the blogging mistakes to avoid in 2022, I would be there for a very long time writing everything down. So we will stick to just ten! Mistakes come with everything. Whether you are starting a new hobby, a new job or starting a new relationship. Life is all about learning and growing from our mistakes and blogging is no exception.

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Why is My Blog Not Growing? A Kick Start Guide

Why is My Blog Not Growing? A Kick Start Guide

If you’re a blogger, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself several times by now why is my blog not growing? What am I doing wrong? Why do so many other bloggers seem to be doing better than me? Honestly, we have all been there at some point. It can be a disheartening feeling. Imposter syndrome as a blogger is a very real thing.

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Will Blogging Still Be Relevant In 2022?

Will Blogging Still Be Relevant In 2022?

Will blogging still be relevant in 2022? I am here to make some 2022 predictions for blogging. In 2020 and 2021 we saw a surge of people joining blogging platforms as a way of escapism – me being one of them. My blogging journey began in July 2020, right in the middle of a long lockdown in the UK. It became such a big distraction from what was going on in the world, and at times it still is.

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Why Bloggers Should Share The Real Parts of Life

Why Bloggers Should Share The Real Parts of Life

Sharing the real parts of life as a blogger is so important for many reasons. Bloggers as well as social media influencers are well known for showing the good parts of their online lives. Showing the days they look good, and the wins of life. When in reality their (our) lives are not all rainbows and sunshine. Social media has had such a big part to play in making people feel like their lives are inferior. That they should be doing more and working harder. That we should be prettier and more aesthetically pleasing at all times. This is a big fat lie.

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How I Gained 4 Thousand Blog Followers In a Year

How I Gained 4 Thousand Blog Followers In a Year

When I first started my blog, I never knew that I would ever gain 4 thousand blog followers let alone do it in under a year. If you have been around since Olivia Lucie Blake started in July 2020, you’d have seen how hard I worked and how fast my blog really took off. I came back to blogging with no expectations. And truly, I believe thats how things work out. If you go into something with no expectations you can’t be let down if they are not met.

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How To Stay Productive – Productivity Tips for Bloggers

How To Stay Productive – Productivity Tips for Bloggers

Staying productive as a blogger can be a real challenge. Some days the ideas are flowing like a river, other days you’ll feel as if you’re stuck and have no idea what to do. It’s for these days that I’d love to provide you with some tips. Here are my productivity tips for bloggers, all of them I use myself!

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4 Of My Biggest Pet Peeves in Life

4 Of My Biggest Pet Peeves in Life

Its very rare that I share more personal posts on my blog, but I thought it was time to share something light hearted and share my biggest pet peeves in life. We all have those small annoying things that happen that just really set our anger off inside us. I cant even explain what it is, but its like a firework explodes inside me and I get filled with rage when people do things that annoy me. To be honest, I bet I do things that annoy other people all the time too!

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5 Blogs You Need to Read This Month

5 Blogs You Need to Read This Month

One thing I love about blogging is being able to read other blogs. I really treat my WordPress reader like the newspaper. I scroll through and read through several blogs each day. Not only because I want to, but its so important in the blogging community to show love and support to other bloggers. I recently saw another blogger do a whole post sharing her favourite blog posts that month, and I thought it was such a great idea. So here I am! Thanks Michelle for the idea.

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The Truth About Bloggers

The Truth About Bloggers

As bloggers we are constantly messing up and doing the wrong things. I have spoken openly about my blogging mistakes in the past and will be the first to hold my hands up to a mistake I have made. We are not perfect, and none of us have ever claimed to be either. But something I am noticing quite often recently in the blogging community, are bloggers who just get it wrong. Whether it’s the advice they share or the way they speak to their readers. There is this increase of bad advice and no thought going into posts and I’m sure I’m not the only one who has seen this happening either.

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