Why Bloggers Should Share The Real Parts of Life

Sharing the real parts of life as a blogger is so important for many reasons. Bloggers as well as social media influencers are well known for showing the good parts of their online lives. Showing the days they look good, and the wins of life. When in reality their (our) lives are not all rainbows and sunshine. Social media has had such a big part to play in making people feel like their lives are inferior. That they should be doing more and working harder. That we should be prettier and more aesthetically pleasing at all times. This is a big fat lie.

I saw a picture and it was of an apple standing in front of a mirror – stay with me here. And the front of the apple was crispy, shiny and looked so tasty. And what the mirror couldn’t see was the other side of the apple. Old, mouldy and bitten. And that really is such a picture of what social media and blogging is. Sharing the nice, shiny crispy parts of life. When in reality when the phone is put down, some of our lives are mouldy and bitten into. As a blogger I feel responsible for adding to this fake vision. That my life is perfect and rainbows. I do try my best to be vulnerable with my readers as much as I can. But sometimes it’s easier to share the good than the bad.

In todays post I want to share some why’s. Why as bloggers we have a responsibility to share the real parts of life. And why it’s so important that we stay relatable and real throughout our blogging journeys.

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One of the main things I always try to do with my readers is make sure that I am relatable. I think about my readers before anything else. I put myself in their shoes. Is this the kind of content I’d want to read if I was them?

I personally love reading about other bloggers and their real lives. I want to hear about the hard times and the bad stuff. I hate they go through it, but there is power in numbers. As a blogger I feel like its my responsibility to show my readers that they are not alone in what they are going through. I have come to realise that blogging is about community and uplifting and helping one another. We do that by sharing the not so nice parts of life. And it can be hard yes. But its worth it if you help one person know they are not alone.

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As mentioned in the intro, as social media personalities one of our jobs is to reassure other people that we too go through hard stuff. There are ways to share that stuff without invading your own privacy. I always struggled with this when I first started blogging. I didn’t know where the privacy line is. And now I have set my own boundaries of what I do and don’t feel comfortable sharing, I feel more like I can share things about me without sharing too much.

Showing your audience that you go through hard times too will help them to know that it happens to other people aswell. It helps break down this idea that peoples lives are perfect, and it’s only our life that is hard sometimes.

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Honesty is the best policy did you know? I understand if you have reservations about sharing real life things. I did too. Its all about how you deliver your message. Being honest and transparent with your audience will really help you to grow as a person and as a blogger. Readers appreciate honesty. They appreciate you being real with them. Even myself as a reader, I love to hear about real stories and things a blogger has been through. You don’t have to go into detail with your hard times, its totally your choice.

Once you start sharing those little snippets into your life and the stuff you have been through/and go through your readers will appreciate you so much more.

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Do you share the real parts of life with your readers? Or do you struggle to open up and share that side?

It can be hard to share some of the real life stuff. And honestly, you should pick and choose what you want to and don’t want to share. Don’t feel like you have to sharing everything about your life. It’s your choice. I think though the message I’m trying to send is that being a closed book isn’t always a good thing when it comes to writing. Being vulnerable and open with your readers is a scary thing, but a rewarding thing too.

Olivia x
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102 thoughts on “Why Bloggers Should Share The Real Parts of Life

  1. Olivia – I found your post right on target with my own beliefs about blogging—be as authentic and relatable as possible. I only recently started blogging, but I’ve learned in life that nobody can relate to someone who appears to be perfect—or worse—someone who is a know-it-all. Very little in life is perfect or easy, and sometimes life is downright difficult. Knowing that you are not alone—as you stated—can make life a little easier. It’s wonderful to find an authentic blogger; it makes for a more meaningful connection. It was lovely finding validation in your post. Thank you for sharing and being relatable.


  2. That’s pretty much exactly what my blog is for! All my posts are so authentic that I’m literally calling myself out but the thing is so many other people can relate and we bond over it!


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