These 3 Things Helped Me To Be Happier

One of my main goals in life is really to be happier. So often we go through life and go with the motions and forget about how important happiness is. If you aren’t happy, you’ll find so many other things in your life don’t align. I remember as a child being so happy and content with life, and I know I am lucky to have experienced that because so many didn’t. And sometimes, I wish I could go back to my child mind and find happiness in the small things again.

I think we underestimate how precious and what a blessing being happy is. With the current state of the world and everything going on, happiness is something that is becoming harder and harder to obtain. And the evidence in the mental health rates across the world are proof of that. We are becoming increasingly more depressed and anxious due to what we consume, how we treat our bodies and the people we choose to surround ourselves with.

I really love talking about subjects like this on my blog, its really one thing I love to do. As my tag line says, I want to create a safe space for my readers. Somewhere we can all come to find happiness and positivity. So thats what were doing today!


If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you’ll know that in the last 2 months I have been on a new lifestyle change plan. Which at some point I wont need to call it, as it will just be my new life! The new plan has really helped me to gain control over my eating habits and move my body more than I was.

Like alot of people, when we were locked down our lives slowed down and so did our bodies. I went from walking 10k steps a day to barely a thousand. And food was really the only thing we had to look forward to each day. All of this meant that I gained weight and developed really bad eating habits. I tried and tried to get moving more and eat less but nothing was working to budge the weight. I found myself an online coach and have really transformed my life. The saying you are what you eat really is true. If you eat bad, you feel bad. If you eat better, you feel better. And I really found exercising and losing weight to have helped me so much mentally. I sometimes wonder what I ever did without exercise.

I’m not saying here that you have to completely transform your life, but getting outside and moving your body won’t do any harm, only good.

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I realised for a long time that I tend to put other peoples emotions and feelings before my own. And I prioritised other peoples happiness over mine too. I don’t think we realise how damaging this can be for us. For us to put our happiness in the hands of other people is really scary. It’s like you have to learn to care about yourself again, which is such a weird concept.

I know this is quite common in alot of people, especially parents or those in relationships. We tend to only be happy if those around us are happy. But our own internal happiness is separate to everybody else’s. We must find happiness within ourselves. I don’t know what it is you need to change to be truly happy, but once you learn what it is. Do what you can to fix it. You don’t want your life to be consumed by everybody else’s happiness and joy. We must learn to be happy in who we are. Our happiness should come from within.

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One of the best things I have ever done for my own happiness is removing toxic people from my life. It’s really helped me to be happier. It can be a really hard thing to do at times. Sometimes you don’t realise people are toxic until they are gone. If you’re happier without them, then thats a sign that they were toxic for you.

I have learnt so much that the company that you keep is so important in your own happiness. Who you surround yourself with really can have such an impact on your life. After all they are the ones you spent alot of your time with. If they have bad habits or behaviours, then eventually they will become yours too.

Re-think your social circle and consider if they are good for you or not. It might be a friend, a family member or a partner. Whoever it is, consider the impact they might be having on you. And whether that impact is positive or negative.

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What are some things that have helped you to be happier recently? What are some things we can all do to become more happier in life?

Life is too short to be stuck, life is too precious to put others before yourself, and life is too short to keep toxic people in your circle. Alot of the time, we have the power to increase our own happiness. We just have to be open to new possibilities, and be prepared to make some hard decisions for the greater good.

Olivia x
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31 thoughts on “These 3 Things Helped Me To Be Happier

  1. Lovely post! For me learning to say no and setting boundaries has really helped me become a happier person, especially because I used to be a people-pleaser. Now I don’t have to do something if I don’t want to do it. Thank you for sharing


  2. These 3 things helped me to be happy – it’s a wonderful title Olivia.

    The reason I’m happy…is that – I have support of myself. Writing is another reason of my happiness. Because while writing I find my deep connection with the nature and the people.

    I miss learning new languages on Duolingo. (Learning languages makes me happy).

    I have published a poem on happiness today. I hope you enjoy and like it. Thank you.😊


  3. Hi Olivia,
    Love this post! Removing toxic people and setting boundaries is quite big and really does help! I’ve been doing this for the last couple of months and it’s the best thing I ever did. From now on it’s on my terms and I’m much happier!


  4. This🙌🏽🙌🏽
    Removing toxic people is like cleansing your soul. The more I surrounded myself with positive and likeminded people the more content felt within my circle and life in general🌼

    A beautiful post Olivia🥰Thank you for sharing x


  5. Happiness such a simple yet complex word. What truly makes a person happy? You definitely have some great points here Olivia. I am guilty of putting other happiness before my own and suffering the consequences. A big part of that is lack of boundaries but I am working on that. Three things that make me happy right now are moving my body, spending time outdoors and listening to music and singing along.


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