The 5 Most Common Blogging Questions Answered

When you first start out as a blogger there are so many blogging questions in your mind, because there is so much to learn. I remember feeling so overwhelmed when I really started to take my blog seriously. I kept seeing words like SEO and media kits being thrown around and I had no clue what it all meant.

Most things are overwhelming when you first start them, which is why I want to create this knowledge hub. So that it’s a place to go when bloggers have questions and they’re struggling to find the answers to.

Please remember that I’m in no way, shape or form a professional at this. All of this knowledge I have learnt from doing blogging myself and researching. Alot of the time its trial and error. And just because something works for me and my blog doesn’t mean its and one size fits all piece of advice. So bare that in mind!

So let’s get started answering some blogging questions!


If you’re a new blogger and you’ve literally just started, I’d suggest pushing out as many blog posts as you want. The important thing is being consistent. I’d recommend at least once or twice a week as a good starting point. When you’re a new blogger it’s important for you to get yourself out there and get as much exposure as you can. I’d recommend getting yourself into a good blogging schedule from the get-go, this will help with productivity too.

Posting once a month when you first start just isn’t enough. But remember if once a month is all you can do right now, thats okay too. Don’t put pressure on yourself to post more if you physically can’t.


The million dollar question! It’s totally up to you if you want to stay in your niche. My personal experience of sticking within one niche meant that my blog didn’t grow. It’s only after expanding it, that my blog has grown and I have gained more followers. I used to be just a beauty blogger and now I blog about pretty much everything.

I think alot of bloggers come into blogging with a one track mind and have a topic in mind of what they want to write out. Which is great! It’s awesome to have direction. But don’t be afraid to start writing about other things. You might find in a few months that you have new interests and new things you want to share. Don’t limit yourself.


Where do I even begin?? SEO is such a minefield. SEO stands for – search engine optimisation. To put it into simple words it basically means how your content ranks on google search pages. For example, when you google a word you get a list of websites where that word is mentioned. SEO helps you to make sure your blog or website is listed near the top as thats where most people click. SEO is all about key phrases and using them to make sure your page is seen before everyone else’s.

I recently started making my content SEO friendly as I upgraded my WordPress plan and downloaded the Yoast SEO plug in. This made SEO so much easier for me and its really taught me alot about search engines and making sure my content is the best it can be.


This is quite an open question, because there could be so many reasons why your blog isn’t growing. Sometimes blogs don’t grow because you don’t post enough and you don’t have a good schedule. It could be because you aren’t posting content to a wide demographic of people. It could be because you aren’t using feature images or creating catching titles. There is literally 100 different reasons as to why your blog isn’t growing.

Here is a little check list of things you can do, to help your blog to grow:

  • Make sure your blog is SEO friendly
  • Interact with other peoples content
  • Make connections with other bloggers
  • Post consistently
  • Use catchy titles such as – 5 ways to grow your blog
  • Use feature images on your posts to attract readers
  • Share your content on social media

My advice would be to not stress or worry if your blog doesn’t grow right away. Sometimes these things take time, blogs don’t grow overnight.


The main thing you need is to make sure your blog is ready to have sponsored content on it. And by that I mean making sure that you regularly upload new content. Checking that your blog theme and content is clean, sleek and professional. These are the types of things brands look at when you approach them to collaborate with you.

There are some brands out there who don’t care about stats or follower counts and then there are some that do. One thing you should have is a media kit. A media kit is a portfolio type document that showcases you and your blog. Its a one stop shop that you can send to brands to look through, which will then help them decide if they want to work with you.

Sign up to my mailing list to receive a free media kit template created by me. Head to my home page for more info.

My advice would be to shoot your shot, without fear of rejection. If they reject you, they reject you. But you don’t know until you try. I’ve had brands approach me, and me approach brands. You can’t sit there and wait for people to come to you, go make your own opportunities.

Did I answer any of the blogging questions you had in your mind?
What other blogging questions do you have for us?

I hope this post wasn’t too overwhelming with information. I just thought it would be a great idea to be a help and share the little blogging knowledge I do have!

Olivia x 
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52 thoughts on “The 5 Most Common Blogging Questions Answered

  1. I have for years been writing quotes, poems, and manuscripts for books,and before I got this free domain (blog); I though bloggers were those who only used authors materials from their books and they texted one another as friends and some as intimate lovers and I thought Iwould come her and hang out tome new people, but I discovered some awesome writers here doing great writing and I met some good people. My intention was to come here and make thisa writing platform and encourage those here to become writers and authors, but little did I know that this wasalready awriters haven that only needed a publishing outlet, and I wrote and many begin to follow and I followed them and here I am among excellent writers and some artists, and my goal is to keep writing and make thingshappen and everything else will fall in place!


    1. It’s early in the morning in America and the wine was good last night and forgive my minor errors in writing here, but this post is vintage akin to the vintage wine I was sipping last night!


  2. One question I have is: Should you wait until you have enough content on your site to start pitching to sponsors? My site is still very small, and only has 16 posts. I’ve only been at this for 3 months now. I feel like with my lack of traffic and experience I won’t have much success yet.


    1. 16 posts sounds like a good amount of posts to me. Theres no rule book for this sort of thing. Do it when you feel like you want to! See what happens! If you have no luck then try again in a few months!


    1. Oops! I posted that comment ^^ too early! I was also going to say that after some guided editing for SEO I was able to change that range to 60s-70s. Still alot more improvements to go, but without the plugin to help me, I’d still be nowhere with it. It’s seems really complicated to me. Good luck with yours! I’m signing up for your media kit, bc that could be my next step too. Thanks for your tips! 🤗


  3. I imagine that at the end of the day much of it boils down to having the right product and then successfully selling it. I find it curious how so much depends on “selling” but that, I guess , is the way of the world. I imagine even if you have no product or the wrong product slick marketing will at least sell “you”. Presumably we can’t all be Kardashians but that seems to be what so many of us aim for.


  4. I love all of these tips, Olivia! Definitely having plenty of posts when you’re starting out as a blogger is a good thing. And you’re right about the whole should I stick to one niche question! I’ve been questioning the content I’m posting right now and I’m heavily considering switching my niches again!


  5. Super helpful post and you have created yourself a very nice Blog. I just stumbled upon you a couple of days ago and like what you put out there. I’ve started a blog a few months ago and still have ways to go and love reading helpful content like yours. Thanks for sharing.


  6. This is one of the most informative pages I’ve come across. And have used a fair bit from previous posts to help with my own, which seems to be moving in the right direction. So thanks for that. And keep it up. Youre doing a great job


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