Blogging Q&A: Questions I Get Asked A lot

Blogging Q&A: Questions I Get Asked A lot

I haven’t done a blogging Q&A for the longest time. I really enjoy doing them as a way to answer some questions and share some tips and tricks about life and blogging. The last time I did one of these I was a much less experienced blogger. Which is why I asked my friends on Twitter to submit some questions to me for this post. If you don’t follow me there yet, please do! I’m active on there everyday and Twitter has the best little blogging community. I asked for questions about everything and anything. So be prepared to hear about me, my life and blogging too!

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Asking My 3 Best Friends The Same 5 Questions

Asking My 3 Best Friends The Same 5 Questions

Having best friends is really the biggest blessing in life. Even if those friends don’t stay for a long time, or if they’re in your life for a lifetime. It’s still a blessing to know and form relationships with so many different around in the world. I don’t know about you, but I don’t just call anyone a best friend. A best friend is more than a regular friend. It’s a person you can get deep with. Someone you can share your happy and sad times with. Someone you trust with your life. Having a best friend is so much more than a surface level friendship.

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The 5 Most Common Blogging Questions Answered

The 5 Most Common Blogging Questions Answered

When you first start out as a blogger there are so many blogging questions in your mind, because there is so much to learn. I remember feeling so overwhelmed when I really started to take my blog seriously. I kept seeing words like SEO and media kits being thrown around and I had no clue what it all meant.

Most things are overwhelming when you first start them, which is why I want to create this knowledge hub. So that it’s a place to go when bloggers have questions and they’re struggling to find the answers to.

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Interviewing My Parents About Being Parents – Pt 2

Interviewing My Parents About Being Parents – Pt 2

Welcome to part two of Interviewing my parents about being parents. I asked my parents separately the same questions and have created this series to share what they said. If you missed the first post then you missed the interview I did with my dad! You can go back and read it here.

I really enjoyed this process and hearing two both different perspectives on parenting. It’s interesting to see the differences in answers from a fathers and mothers point of view. At the end of this post I’ll do a short re-cap of both of the posts and see what differences and similarities there have been between both my moms and dads responses.

Continue reading “Interviewing My Parents About Being Parents – Pt 2”

Let’s Talk About Why We Blog

Let’s Talk About Why We Blog

One thing you’ve probably noticed I do every now and then on my blog is creating conversation style posts, which is why you see posts such as my ‘Today I am Thankful For‘ post a few weeks ago.

It’s such a great thing to have conversations with people online, it’s not only great to make friends and connections but its great to talk to people you normally wouldn’t be able to. I have made so many blogger friends who live thousands and thousands of miles away from me, and none of that would have been possible without my blog & technology of course.

We all blog for various different reasons, some for hobbies, some for money, some just because. I thought for this weeks topic conversation we could all discuss our reasons why we blog. I’m sure all of our reasons vary and I cant wait to see what the responses are. I’ll start out by talking about why I blog and then in the comments I’d love to see your responses, no matter what it is.

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