How To Stand Out As A Lifestyle Blogger

As a lifestyle blogger I am very aware of the fact that the niche I am in, is very over crowded. There is no doubt about it. When I first started blogging, I had no idea what niche I wanted to put my blog in. And honestly, you don’t even have to niche yourself if you don’t want to. The lifestyle niche I fell into just happened naturally, and sometimes thats the way it goes. Or you choose and niche and then swap it.

With so many other lifestyle bloggers out there, it can be really challenging to stand out from the rest. There is no rule book. There isn’t anybody there telling you what to do to become successful, you really have to figure it out yourself. And it can be so hard to do. Trust me, we have all been there. In todays post I hope to share some of the things I have learnt as a lifestyle blogger. I want these tips to help you on your journey too!


More and more now a days we are seeing influencers getting creative with their content. There are tonnes of people out there doing different things to reach new audiences. It’s so easy to do the bare minimum when it comes to creating content. Which can be dangerous because we can become complacent and get bored with our content easily if we do this. I always love to change up my blog theme and style of writing every now and then. This not only helps me to feel engaged and excited about my blog, but it keeps my readers interested too!

Instead of sending out a newsletter how everyone else does, do it in video form. Or use different graphics and make it interactive. It doesn’t need to be crazy but just something small to get people talking.

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Whats the opposite of standing out? Blending in duh. As a lifestyle blogger, you really need to make yourself stand out. And you do that by doing things differently than others. There is always a part of us that thinks copying or imitating what others do will work for us, and 9 times out of 10 that is not the case. Always stay true to yourself.

Standing out doesn’t need to be this big elaborate thing, it could be something small that not alot of Lifestyle bloggers talk about. It’s hard to do something that has never been done before, but own it and make it yours. Thats your power, is that nobody is you and nobody will do something just like you either.

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Being a lifestyle blogger can really mean you post content about your own lifestyle. And as we know, everybody is so different from one another. Although Lifestyle is a niche, its probably one of the broadest niches there is. My lifestyle is completely different to another bloggers. And I think thats the beauty of it. You need to use your individuality to stand out from everyone else.

As we have been going through Covid for over a year now, retail has really suffered. And as soon as shops were allowed to open again, you saw so many different brands using their creativity to entice people to come back to them. And in a way, we need to do that too. We need to entice our readers to keep coming back for more. And we do this by being relatable and vulnerable too.

Post about your highs and your lows when it comes to running a blog. I love sharing my fails and my wins and the things I wish I could go back and change. And people like that. They like honesty.

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How do you stand out as a Lifestyle blogger?

You already stand out being who you are already, you just have to then focus on your content to match you!

Olivia x 
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47 thoughts on “How To Stand Out As A Lifestyle Blogger

  1. Helpful tips Olivia. I always thought of starting a blog and I was pretty sure from beginning that I would start a lifestyle blog. I love creative things so I thought of starting it. As a lifestyle blogger I always make sure that people get connected with me. I always try to write something creative, useful content and share with my readers. You are right that readers should relate our posts and I strongly agree with that.


  2. Thanks Olivia! When I started my blog, I didn’t even think about my niche. I just started writing. I suppose I am a lifestyle blogger because my blog doesn’t fit into any of the other categories. But I always have, and always will, just wrote about what inspires me. And, if it doesn’t fits into the “lifestyle niche box”, I’m cool with that!


  3. Standing out as a lifestyle blogger is not easy but staying true to self is important and being different and unique


  4. Standing out as a lifestyle blogger is incredibly difficult sometimes as it’s such a popular niche amongst blogger’s, but one thing I do that I think makes me stand out a little is that I can do things about my chronic illness and raise awareness of that! x

    Lucy |


  5. loved this post! i’d say i obviously have a niche which is minimalism and intentional living. but i’ve learned to branch out & talk about literally anything. i think once you have a bit of a following, your readers fall in love with your perspective & personality. 🙂


  6. This is definitely true! I get the appeal of being a lifestyle blogger, but most of the blogs out there are just plain random and I don’t ever find myself reading them. Like in my opinion, it is so much better to know what kind of stuff to post even when you’re a lifestyle blogger. Loved the post!! ✨


  7. These are great tips. As a lifestyle blogger myself I am try my best to be as true to who I am and I love writing about things I enjoy about life.


  8. Awesome post! I think part of the not blending in part is just writing as you speak, because your personality will definitely shine through. If you try to write like someone else or adopt a new style, it hides the person people want to hear from.


  9. Great post! It’s so hard to stand out as a blogger these days as there’s so many blogs out there and a lot of them do look the same and have similar content!

    Corinne x


  10. Lovely post, I love how inspiring it is to just be yourself. I see so many lifestyle bloggers thinking that they need to be a cookie cutter of others around them but they DON’T!



  11. I honestly try to tell this to new bloggers when I’m asked for advice – being yourself is so underrated in the blogging world! I genuinely can’t stand when people take to copying other blogs to stand out x


  12. Love this advice! I’ve always felt that my blog blends into the background to be honest, so I’m about to make a bit of a change and really hone in on my niche. Hopefully that will help! I also think you’re spot on about being yourself. People like blogs because they like getting to know the writer! It’s definitely what keeps me going back to my favourites!


  13. This was a great post. I am honestly hoping the way for me to stand out is to write about my experiences and thoughts and make it unique to me. But I guess I need to get more creative because I’m pretty sure EVERY ONE has that mentally. Thank you!


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