Turning Your Home into a Well Oiled Machine

When it comes to running a household, you want your home to be a well-oiled machine. But how do you get everything in order? From tackling clutter to creating a flexible chore chart, there are always things you can do to make sure that your house runs as smoothly as possible. So in this blog post, we’re going to run through some ideas to help you.

This is a contributed post.

1. Declutter Your Home

The first step toward making your home run like a well-oiled machine is to declutter. A cluttered home can be overwhelming and make it difficult for anyone in the family to stay organized and productive. Start by organising items into categories such as clothes, books, toys. Then decide what items need to be kept, donated, or thrown away. Once you’ve finished decluttering each room in the house, don’t forget to organize. This will help ensure that your space stays neat and tidy in the future.

2. Stay on Top of Maintenance Tasks

Another key component of having a well-oiled machine of a household is staying on top of maintenance tasks. Think about all the things that need regular maintenance. From changing out air filters every few months to checking smoke detectors on an annual basis. Create lists for all the household tasks that need regular attention so that nothing gets forgotten or delayed until it becomes an emergency situation. This way, you’ll never miss out on important maintenance tasks again!

3. Get the Professionals in

Home repairs are a part of life. But it’s important to make sure you get professional help when something needs fixing. Professional handymen and trade experts like a reliable electrician have the experience and tools necessary to safely and efficiently correct whatever problems you may be facing. Trying to attempt complex jobs like electrical repair without the proper training is not only dangerous. But can result in worse damage than you started with. Getting a professional in to make repairs around your home gives you peace of mind that the job is done correctly, while also potentially saving time and money in the long run.

4. Create a Flexible Chore Chart

And finally, in order for everyone in the family to contribute equally when it comes to keeping the house running smoothly, create a flexible chore chart with age-appropriate tasks assigned based on each person’s abilities and interests. Having specific chores outlined ensures that everyone knows exactly what they are responsible for—which eliminates any potential arguments over who should do what! Plus, by providing some flexibility with certain chores (such as allowing one person to pick up their own room while another vacuums), everyone can have ownership over their own tasks without feeling overwhelmed or resentful.

Getting Your Home in Tip-Top Shape

With just a few simple steps—like decluttering your home, staying on top of maintenance tasks, hiring professional help, and creating a flexible chore chart—you can turn your household into a well-oiled machine. So give these tips a try today and see how much smoother running your home can become.

Olivia x 
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4 thoughts on “Turning Your Home into a Well Oiled Machine

  1. All this things are for me unknown and my house is a freaking mess! Now i will try to follow these rules and see what happens!
    Thanks for sharing!


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