How To Improve Your Memory

There is nothing quite like forgetting what you want to say just as you’re about to say it, but there’s also nothing worse than forgetting everything you’ve studied right before a test! Your memory is a wonderfully stretchy thing, but unless you’re paying attention to what you’re learning, you’re going to struggle. 

There is a lot of unfounded advice out there about how you can improve your memory and the way in which you think, but knowing what works comes down to research and advice. For example, not many people would know that Oxiracetam powder does wonders for your cognitive memory and thinking, right? You probably didn’t hear of that before this article! There are plenty of things that you could be doing to improve your cognitive abilities, and here are some of the best ways to do it below:


If you have a test, cramming is a good way to feel overwhelmed and forget every single thing you’ve ever learned. Spacing the studying out with good planning is how you feed your brain. Think of it like a sponge: too waterlogged and it’s just no good to anyone. The longer you study, the better off you’ll be.


And not realize it, but you’ll have a much easier way of retaining any information given to you if you are practicing retaining it. This includes doing the same problems over and over again and learning the stems of math or any other problem from the basics up. As long as you can understand the basics, you’ll be able to understand any question that is posed to you. Flash cards can help here because that allows you to practice over and over again.


Highlighting and underlining notes really is not a good use of your time. If you want to commit that information to memory, then you need to take detailed enough notes that you don’t need a highlighter. Throwing your highlighter in the bin is going to help you with your studying immensely, and it’s going to help you to improve your memory if you can. Just take the notes that are quality ones, rather than trying to skim through big blocks of note taking and picking out the information that counts.


One of the best ways that you can have a great use of your memory is by making sure that you are self explaining. This technique is a process by which you would clarify the meaning of something that you’re reading or a problem that you’re solving as you go. Whether you do it in words or in writing is completely up to you. You have to make a conscious effort not to pass over a challenging concept for this to work once you’ve come across it. Explain it out loud to yourself and then check that your understanding is correct.

Olivia x

5 thoughts on “How To Improve Your Memory

  1. I def did a shocked “how could you” face at the highlighting doing nothing for you bit lmao. I do find if I rewrite something I’m more likely to remember it though. And I have had times where I’d SEE what I highlighted in my head, but I don’t remember WHAT. There’s nothing more annoying than that lol


  2. I started a new productivity book yesterday and have highlighted a few bits of the chapters. I’m not ready to throw my highlighter away but I might rewrite the highlighted bits on my Bullet journal in my own words!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This post is a great reminder of the importance of improving memory, especially during study sessions. I definitely need a memory boost, so the tips shared here are invaluable. While I was shocked to learn about the inefficiency of highlighting, I resonate with Hazel’s experience of rewriting information for better retention. Laura’s idea of rewriting highlighted bits in her Bullet journal is genius – I might just do the same! It’s reassuring to see different approaches to enhancing memory, and I appreciate Customspedia’s acknowledgment of the post’s value.

    Liked by 1 person

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