38 thoughts on “A WordPress Giveaway [CLOSED]

  1. My favorite thing about blogging of which am still a learner is when people I don’t even personally know hit the like or follow button on my my post and blog. I appreciate it because I have sent links to my blog to people I know but they don’t really care. What I have learnt from all this is that i should not expect everyone to fall in love with what I love.

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  2. Blogging gives me a chance to share those crazy thing going on in my head with others. My views are so unconventional that my peers are not willing to give me a listening ear. With blogging, I am happy that someone actually read them. I do not expect anyone to agree but the happiness that I do not leave the earth one day without sharing my thoughts with others is my fulfilment

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  3. My fav thing about blogging is putting out thoughts openly not worrying about what people might think because this is such a friendly community. I love to see people reading my posts and me getting genuine followers. I love interaction with others and making new friends. 😀

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  4. My favourite thing about blogging is having a likeminded community of beautiful people to inspire and in turn be inspired by. I am always pushed to grow, expand and explore the bounds of my comfort zone by the wonderful friends and content creators I know on this platform.

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  5. WOW! Another giveaway. That’s so amazing dear. You always surprise your dear readers with these amazing things. Anyway, my favourite thing about blogging is receiving amazing compliments from my lovely blogging community and also being able to write things that I really love to. I also love to connect with all my blogger friends and read their posts always. Blogging has definitely helped me improved my writing skills and also helped me develop confidence in myself. Take care and stay safe😊🥰😀

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  6. Hello, hello! My favorite thing about blogging is its aiding and healing ability from both the author’s and the reader’s POV.

    On one hand, a particular topic can be very cathartic for the author to write and share about and just as healing for the reader who consumes it. This sense of community and connection are the foundation of blogging and why I love it so much!

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  7. My favorite thing about blogging is I can inspire people through writing. Despite of our differences in culture, language and country, we can really touch the heart of anyone who can read our blogs. This is my way of reaching out to other people. I am new in this industry, but I know I am capable to write, because we can do anything once we have a passion on it. I write to express, not to impress. It’s not about of being a writer, but being who we are, in truth, in words.

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  8. Blogging for me is like getting a chance to truly discover myself. This might not make sense. I started blogging to escape from harsh reality of today and to also share my thoughts with others and in the process, I’m getting to really know myself because this is my little world free from external interference.

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  9. Blogging gives me a chance to put my though and views out there. A way to inspire people and connect with people around the world. Many times when i would talk to people and talk about my perspective they would just not understand. But through blogging i can connect with like minded people who like to read my content and understand my perspective of things

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  10. I love blogging because it gives me the opportunity to share knowledge with people by way of writing. I have always loved to write but never knew how to actually get started. Then blogging became the obvious choice. Thanks for sharing such great content for us to read.

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  11. My favourite thing about blogging is being able to escape into all my favourite things and be accepted by like minded individuals who love the same stuff as me ✨📚 From the very beginning it’s been a place where I felt like I was going out when I was unable to actually do so in real life and it helped me to grow from home 💫💕

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Ooooo! I love this giveaway!!! My favorite thing about blogging is definitely the entire community that becomes your supporters automatically! I love how blogging has brought me friends from all over the world and has given me the ability to learn so much from people of all ages! I also love that with blogging, it’s a secret me! Since no one at my school or anyone except for my family knows about my blog, it makes me feel like I am myself!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. This is so amazing😍

    The best of my favorite things about blogging is the freedom writing gives me. Being an introvert, it gets really hard to express my opinions through talking. Blogging makes it easier for me to wrote and express myself, my thoughts and my opinions… Ranting too.

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  14. Hi Olivia, first off how generous, your work is amazing. Secondly, I love blogging because it brings me such joy. As it turns out as a writer I love to write. LOL. I love offering experiences with publishing, writing, and all the jazz because I would have loved if someone sat me down to give me the low down about trying to break into it. Most of all I love blogging because it connects me to people. I enjoy seeing perspectives and positivity. It just feeds my soul during the daily work grind.

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  15. My favorite thing about blogging is that I love expressing myself through writing. I just love sharing my thoughts to the world. I also really like the fact that writing makes me feel so free, and I think of myself as lucky to have this wonderful platform. WordPress has created such a beautiful place for writers to express themselves.

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  16. My favorite thing about blogging is that I get to connect with people who are willing to read what I want to share with them. I love how they all are excited and supportive about my work. And the main thing is the motivation that bloggers with thousands of followers support and share their love with those who barely have hundred of followers. Blogging has taught me to share love with everyone around ❤️

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  17. My favorite thing about blogging is sharing my thoughts with the world. I used to just keep journals for myself only and i felt like it was a disservice to myself. I also really like how supportive the blogging community is.

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  18. My favorite thing about blogging is, the writing part. Life is hard and writing helps me escape from reality for a while. Writing helps me filter my thoughts and get them on track. Words are really beautiful, but wordpress’ blogging community is much more beautiful ♥️

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  19. What I love about blogging is how it is the perfect creative outlet for anyone and everyone! Your blog doesn’t have to have perfect structure or be defined a certain way – it can be used as a free space of creativity, or to make money, or to showcase yourself. The choice is yours and that’s what I think is so great about it!
    I also love how it’s such a powerful connecting tool to people across the world!

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  20. The most best thing about blogging is that I can write whatever I want to write with complete honesty. Secondly, I can interact with other people and that’s cool because in my real life, I’m a bit shy. Talking with keyboard seems less difficult. Thirdly, I can find like-minded people and also I can know about what other people are doing with their lives. Thirdly, I might find my best internet friend here (you never know, right?). I could go on with the list but I think these 3 will do for now.

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  21. I am a writer and poet
    blogging allows me time and chance
    to creatively advance
    blogging as the new era
    of writing in every area
    in the arena
    of manifesting Quotes, Poems, turning prose into books
    informing the world that bloggers
    create mind-catching magterial on blogs
    has become the new brand
    of literary culture

    By: Van Prince

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