10 Things I have Learnt From Difficult Situations


Hi, I’m Niraj from Niraj’s blogs and I am excited to be taking over Olivia’s blog today and we’ll be talking about 10 things we have both learn from facing difficult situations. !

I have faced difficult situations in the past, but I have learnt something from all of these situations, and I want to share this in this post. I am aware that everyone’s situation is different, but I hope you can relate to some of the things I talk about.


Sometimes you get into difficult situations for things that are not your fault at all, and sometimes you get into difficult situations for things that are your fault to an extent. However, in most cases there will be lessons you can learn from it. This is because it’s highly unlikely that you would have dealt with a hard situation perfectly. When I remember the difficult situations that I have faced, I remember the satisfaction that came out of overcoming it. But I also know that there were mistakes that I had made, and things that I could have done differently. I cannot stress how vital it is to learn from your mistakes, as it will that help you grow as a person but also help you massively if it happens again.


A lot of us beat ourselves up when we end up in difficult situations. We blame ourselves and think it is our fault that we got into that position in the first place. However, there are external factors that come into play that we have absolutely no control over.

A personal example that illustrates my point was when I was applying for graduate schemes in my final year of university. That was a very difficult and stressful situation for me as I had to balance that with academics, having a social life as well as committee positions, and my mental health wasn’t the greatest at that time. The obvious solution to overcome this difficult situation was to secure a job and to do the things that were in my control. However, what made things a bit tricky was that I had to accept that there were lots of factors that I had very little control over. The point I want to make is that in life there are things that you simply don’t have much control or influence over, and it’s important to accept that.


It has always been the case for me that a lot of my fears related to the future is related to the fact that I don’t think I would be able to cope or deal with a difficult and tricky situation when it arises. And then I tend to surprise myself in how well I end up dealing with a difficult situation when it comes along. In fact, I sometimes think that hard or stressful situations come my way to remind me that I am more resilient than I think I am! 

If we all believe in our own abilities, and believe in ourselves to achieve the goals, then we will automatically have a more positive mindset. I do appreciate however that all of this is easier said than done, and it’s not a change you can suddenly do overnight. 


There are lots of people that would love to be around you and know you when things are going great for you. However, it’s only when you are going through a hard time where you get to see which of those people are genuine, as they are the ones that support you when the going gets tough.

It is really important to value the people that will stay by your side when things are hard, as those people are far and few between. For me, the difficult moments have shown me how supportive and caring my family are, and they have always been there for me without fail when I have needed them. Difficult moments have also shown me who my true friends are. Valuing and showing your appreciation for the people that have been there in your low moments is also a great way to show gratitude, and this can help your wellbeing massively.


I think the best example that illustrates this for me was when I was struggling with my mental health at university. At times it got so bad that things like eating 3 meals a day or waking up on time became challenging. One thing that I learnt from struggling a lot with mental health is the importance of putting things into perspective. There are things that we spend lots of time fretting about which actually don’t matter. My poor mental health at university made things challenging for me on a daily basis, and could have had long term consequences if I didn’t do anything about it. Therefore, short-term worries like academics or job applications got put into perspective and suddenly didn’t feel important.

What have you learnt during difficult things you have been through?

And don’t forget to check out Olivia’s post, where she shares 5 things she has learnt through difficult situations on my blog.


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28 thoughts on “10 Things I have Learnt From Difficult Situations

  1. This feels very timely, especially with England going into lockdown again tomorrow. We are all going through trauma at the moment. Very well written and a lot to take away 🤗


  2. I honestly couldn’t agree more with the last point. A lot of things gets put in perspective. We learn, evolve and understand our priorities better!

    A great post✨🧡 xx


  3. This post is on point 1000%! Thank you so much for sharing this topic. Learning to accept things we cannot change is a difficult task in life but also a valuable tool to help us grow during challenging times.


  4. Nice teamwork. I think the idea that we grow is just not palatable when we are going through things. We know it is true but emotionally we can’t accept it. I think the point about being supported is so important but for many of us asking for help is hard. Good post.


  5. I have read of what you have written in your post and I appreciate your writing. I have gone through hard times and difficult situations and I have learnt to take my problems to Jesus, Who all the time Has given me peace and understanding during such difficult times. First, I had a bad road accident on the 9th of December 2005, where 5 passengers lost their lives on the spot and two more left us as we were being taken to the hospital. I got a broken fimur bone in my left hip, and a stroke on my left side as a result of the severe head injury I got from the impact between a 14 seater vehicle and a Lorrry. Things happen in our world, that we have no control of!!! Now, I am a Christian and I believe in Jesus Christ Who tells us in His Word, to take our burdens to His feet and He promises to give us rest. I took a month in ICU, then was taken to Ward 9 where I started talking after 1 and a half months. I used a wheelchair for Four months before using a crutch for another 4 years. You need Jesus Christ Who is Our Lord and Our Saviour during such hard times. I became disabled!!! In this life you don’t call for problems, neither do you plan for them, they just show up uninvited. Jesus loves us despite the challenges that we are going through in this life. I do identify with your thoughts on your past situations


    1. I agree with what you are saying. I am a christian myself and have been for 8 years, God spared your life and im so glad he did! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful testimony with us!


  6. Difficult and unforseen circumstances drives us to think out of the box. We often discover a different side in us that we never realise even existed.


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