6 Things I’ll be Doing Differently This Year

There are many things I’ll be doing differently this year, I find There is something about New Years that gives me this sense of a fresh start. I don’t know whether it’s the pandemic and everything else that happened last year, but something in me wants to make changes and stick to them. I really hope the rest of the world takes on this view too. We made so many positive changes to the world and our environment from being forced to slow down or stop. I really hope we don’t forget everything we learnt.

I have talked about before why I don’t set New Years resolutions, so these aren’t resolutions as such, but smaller more meaningful goals. Personally, I think it’s always a good thing to keep changing and advancing into new versions of yourself. It’s important to not stay the same.


Just like everyone else in the world, the pandemic really worried me and made me anxious. We didn’t know what it was or what was going to happen. When in reality I was safe, happy and healthy. I need to remind myself of this when I find myself worrying. This year I want to make it my goal to worry less, especially about the things I cannot control.

Why do we always worry about the things we know we cant change? I guess some of us are just control freaks and some of us just worry for the sake of it. I am done sacrificing my happiness to worry over something trivial or out of my control.


This sounds like a weird one but stick with me. I of course love my family and friends and even strangers but I think I have more love to give. I was always taught we should love the unloveable. Let’s learn Love those who are mean and nasty to us, and love those who don’t want to be loved. As they are the ones who need it the most.

We should love without limits. I want to be known as the woman who loved others with her whole heart. And not just people, everything on earth. I remind myself often we are only on this earth for a short period of time, so we must appreciate everything and everyone around us.


More than anything 2020 has really taught me to take things slower. We were made to stay home for so long and not go out that we were almost forced to do this. But in 2021 I want to make sure I keep it going. The commuter and 9-5 life really wasn’t a life was it?! Alot of the time I felt like my life revolved around work, and I was beginning to dislike that. This is one thing I really want to do differently this year, as things start to open back up again (hopefully).


I don’t know about you, but 2020 really changed my focus in life. Anyone who knows me personally knows that I always travelled, specially to the US. I would go 2-3 times a year to visit friends and family. I had even planned to move there last year. Then COVID hit and things changed. And I believe that happened for a reason. I kept praying and asking God for a sign of what I should do, and well I got it.

My goals changed very significantly, and I’m so glad they did. I have this new focus in life and a new drive that I’ve never had before. I want different and more meaningful things in life, which is such a beautiful thing thats come from a not so beautiful scenario.


We often forget to look around us and actually see what we have. And by that I don’t mean how much money you have, or what your job is or what designer hand bags you have. I mean the stuff that matters. The loving people we have around us, the stability we have in our homes and jobs. There are so many things we are to be thankful for, and thats one main thing I want to take into this year.

I want to be so thankful for what I already have that I don’t need or crave anything more. Being truly content is happiness to me.


One thing I really enjoyed learning last year was to use my creativity. I recently started teaching myself calligraphy and have really been loving and designing so many logos for businesses and creating beautiful quotes for clients. Because I’ve had so much down time I really wanted to fill the time I had with something meaningful, and thats when I decided to start creating digital content.

Starting this blog has really lit a fire inside of me too. I have really come to realise how much I love writing and creating digital content. And even though creating content isn’t something I’m doing differently this year I really want to keep doing it.

What are some things you want to do differently this year? And what are some lessons you have learnt that you’ll be taking into 2021?

Olivia x 
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32 thoughts on “6 Things I’ll be Doing Differently This Year

  1. These are really wonderful resolutions.
    Worrying less is also at the top of my list. Am more content than ever
    Thank you so much


  2. You are a good person. One thing in life I have a hard time with is loving those who are mean to me. More so just the situation I am in. I live with my husband, his sister and her husband currently bc of pandemic. I am a very loving person who trues to get to know people and have fun…etc. I would cry if I ever accidently hurt someone elses feelings. But since we moved here shes been trying to cause problems. Sometimes I feel its natural for her. But it is exhausting. I will finally get over something like her threatening to punch me bc I wanted to have an adult conversation about what had been going on here, and she flipped out, spewing out lies and making up stuff about me and called everyone in her phonebook to tell them i threatened her…. which wasnt the case, but i cant even go visit my mom who i only get to see once every 2 years. She texts me or my husband complaining our dogs but her child and they didn’t bc they never ever bite, and says we must beat our dogs. There have been some rediculous things really…. I am tuckered out from it. I am nice anyways but most times I ignore everyone by staying in my room in the basement. I cant stand being around that bc it drains my energy. If you’re abke to love someone still when they treat you like that for no reason, you are just an angel.


    1. I’m so sorry to hear you are going through this. It sounds like a really difficult situation, and I can see why you would find it hard to be kind. I find it hard too, it doesn’t come naturally. But remember that alot of the time when people are mean or nasty to you, it says more about them than it does about you. Alot of people project what they are feeling onto others.

      I really hope you are able to resolve any issues you have with family. I know it’s not nice, especially when you are living with people.

      I’ll be praying for your situation to be solved. Sending you lots of positive vibes and thoughts!


      1. Thank you! You are amazing. ❤💗🙏🏼 your response means a lot I appreciate you taking the time 💛


      2. Also Olivia, I drank some perfect energy Yogi tea this morning and I wanted to share the quote on it with you, its ironic!
        “Create the sequence of goodness, consequences will always be good.” – Yogi Tea … xoxo!


  3. “it’s important not to stay the same”🙌🏽🙌🏽

    I can relate to all this. I feel like this pandemic has changed all of us in our own way. May this long continue into years. Here’s to more meaningful living🧡 xx


  4. Its a good list of things you’ll be doing differently. I’ll borrow a few. Having more faith in myself and actions is something I’ll adopt this year.


  5. Aww I love this! Especially the loving yourself one, I’m sure you can achieve it! My goal is to be less hard on myself if something goes wrong!! Great post!!


  6. These are great changes and goals Olivia. 2020 had taught us many lessons that we can now bring into the new year.
    Consequently, I am publishing my post today on this same topic. Lol. But then I did get the topic idea from you, so thank you.


  7. Hi i came across your blog this morning and thought it was very inspiring. This year I would like to work on my health as well as my family’s health. To actually follow through on at least two changes that can make a difference. I wanted to start a blog for the New Year , now build the content for it. I do not want to add too many goals for 2021, I don’t want to set myself up for failure.


  8. Great goals I think for me worrying less is top priority. I realised last year all it does is rob you of time. Due to some news I received the other day and a lot of time spent in reflection, I’m going to change my goals and plans for the year. I also intend to be more flexible with my time. Not for other people but more so for myself. Things happen in life and although annoying i need to get better at adapting. Call it moving the goal post 😅


      1. Exactly! That’s why i try to quench that emotion quickly, and also minding who i tell certain things to especially bad news. Like you may not have been worried at first but then you tell someone and their response brings worry within you


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