A 40 Page SEO Guide For Beginners

The day is finally here for my SEO guide to be released into the world. I have been working so hard behind the scenes to create this SEO for beginners guide. So many of you purchased the 30 day blogging plan and really loved it. So when thinking of a new guide to create, I tried to think of the one thing alot of bloggers struggle with. And that is SEO. When I first started blogging I had no idea what it was or even how I would implement it on my blog.

Making the guide easy to read and understand was one of the most important things I kept in mind whilst creating it. Because I know how complicated SEO can be, I made sure to keep everything really clear and concise. I didn’t want another document filled with big words and things that made no sense. Because that would not be helpful at all.


I of course wont give away all of the fun things in the guide, but I wanted to give you an idea of the kind of things you can expect to learn. As this is a beginners SEO guide I wanted to keep things straightforward and less complicated. So kept everything really relevant and stuck with the most important things.

Here is a sneak peek of some of the things included in the guide:


The basics of SEO is one of the first things you will learn in this guide. I break down what SEO is and how to use and find the best keywords to use in your writing. I also share some of my top tips and resources!

In-Page Linking

Something really important to remember about SEO is having internal and external links. This helps your blog rank higher on search engines! I share how this is done, and what internal and external links are.

Step-by-stop Optimisation Guide

If you’re anything like me then you learn visually. I made sure to include a step by step optimisation guide so that you can see everything learnt in the guide put into practice. This step by step guide will be really helpful when it comes to you optimising your own content.

I won’t be giving away all of the things included in the guide, but I wanted to share a little sneak peek of what you can expect from the guide.

Do you struggle to learn SEO? What are some of the biggest SEO challenges you face?

I am so excited to share this guide with you. It’s a full 40 pages filled with SEO learning. I hope you find it helpful and enjoy it!

Olivia x
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39 thoughts on “A 40 Page SEO Guide For Beginners

    1. It wont be totally different because the basis of SEO is the same. Its written in a simpler format. Easier to understand. I included a step by step guide, where you can watch me optimise a post of my own. And I have other interactive and fun things in there 🙂


  1. Woot woot! You go girl! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

    This is going to help so many bloggers. You are seriously the queen of blogging 👑


  2. Really appreciate this. This is definitely important information for us fellow bloggers… I’m learning so much.😊Trying to grow my blog. Thank you again very sharing this information. 📝


  3. Oh my word this is absolutely amazing congratulations thank you so much for sharing this!! You are such a queen thank you for all your wonderful advice and being such an inspiration to me! 💗✨


  4. Hello Olivia, Lokesh here.

    Learning SEO is essential if we have to live in the blogging world. It allows a healthy competition. It has almost 3 months and I’m struggling how to stick on a single niche. Security and privacy is big concern, you cant take risk here.

    SEO can help us to reach more people, more traffic and connect with the people who really want to work with us.

    Do you have a 3 month plan to buid the blog, get at least 100 people who cares you and be a tough competitor?


    1. Hi Lokesh!

      The blogging world is a hard world sometimes and it can be particularly hard to grow your follower base.

      I sell two different guides that might be of help to you.

      1) 1 30 day blogging strategy. This is a document which has snapshots into designing your blog. How to create capturing content and it has a 30 day plan that sets out a guide and explains what days you should post etc. This guide has already helped so many people grow their blogs. This guide also has a small snippet into SEO too.

      2) My SEO Guide as mentioned in this post is all around SEO. It has 40 pages, and explains SEO in detail but doesnt make things too overwhelming for the reader. So its perfect for those who want to grow their following.

      If you’re interested in either one of these, please visit my Gumroad here – https://gumroad.com/olivialucieblake


      1. I understand the importance of initial investment in the blogging. Taking help from experts is better than waste time in useless things. My time is valuable.
        I can’t purchase it right now because I have no money to pay. Do you have other options for the people who are more than just a follower?
        Any weekly post idea, Olivia tag, writing competition etc.

        I’m already following you. Your work inspire me. Thank you so much.😊💪


  5. Thanks👍 Olivia for bringing the course.

    Yes, SEO is important especially basic SEO but more than that content holds the key to success. that’s what I believe.

    Don’t get me wrong here😊 I’m not against of SEO matters 😄😄. I see everyone running for SEO things instead of producing content that can work more than what SEO can do.

    Anyway it’s just a point of view and I thought I should express here.

    Thanks again!🙋👏 to you!!


  6. With an ever increasing amount of web content there is now a
    great deal of competition to be at the top of search result pages.
    It is important to consider that SEO evolves constantly, and that an
    entire SEO specialist industry hangs off every word of the somewhat
    secretive search engine companies


  7. Hello, my eCommerce website already ranks #1 Organic Google Search Results for my top 10 keywords. But my CTR is extremely low (less than 2%). Why? Any advice would be welcome. Thanks!


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