The Unwritten Rules of Blogging

When it comes to blogging there are many unwritten rules, the rules we all know are there. The invisible lines we know not to cross. We see them, and we respect them. These rules are unwritten, they are invisible almost but as bloggers you learn what these rules are. You start to understand them and why they are there. It’s not uncommon that new bloggers don’t know these rules yet, because why would they? They are unwritten after all.

It took me a while to understand the boundaries and rules that are there. And thats because they aren’t really spoken about. They just exist, and as you grow as a blogger you begin to understand them yourself.

Sharing these unwritten rules with you isn’t me trying to scare you. I think its good to know the basics of what’s expected of you as a blogger on this platform. It’s good to have a guide so you know what not to do, and what to do too. I wished I had this rule book when I first started because I made my fair share of blogging mistakes in the beginning. I had no idea what was considered okay and not okay to do as part of this community.

Please remember that these are just the things I personally think people should know about blogging. Some of you readers might agree, some might disagree and thats okay! We all have different views on what’s acceptable and what isn’t!


Although these rules are in no particular order, there is no mistake as to why I am mentioning copying first. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I had someone copy my blog content, almost word for word. It truly was one of the worst experiences. Seeing your hard work being copied and pasted onto someone else’s blog and then claiming it as their own was heartbreaking.

Copying other peoples content is completely unacceptable. And I know how hard it is finding your own feet as a blogger. The blogging space is already so over saturated that it feels almost impossible to find your own way of doing things. I remember having that mentality when I first started blogging. But, you will get there. You will find where you belong, and what your niche is. Do not ever copy anybodies work. Think about it from the other way round. Imagine you have worked so hard to grow your following and come up with new and original ideas, for someone to just steal it and claim it as their own.

There are so many consequences that come with copyright. It’s an illegal thing to do and you can get in big trouble for doing it.

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Spamming is a big no no. If you’re not sure what spamming is, it’s repeatedly doing something. So an example of this could be, someone liking all of the comments you have written on your blog. Or commenting random things on your blog too. Anything that fills up your notification panel. I notice people doing this to me all the time. And I think people do it so that they can get your attention. It really annoys me and I always end up just blocking or ignoring them.

It rarely ever works to help to encourage people to follow you, so just don’t do it. Its actually really annoying when people do it. Because your notification panel gets filled up with their likes and you miss all of the other genuine engagement you have. If you’re going to grow as a blogger, do it the right way.

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Following on from spamming is the dreaded self promotion. Ask any blogger and they’ll tell you how annoying self promotion is. Logging into WordPress and seeing a comment along the lines of “hey I am a new blogger, check out my blog and I will follow back”. Its the MOST annoying thing I have ever experiences as a blogger and it is incredibly rude.

The person is basically using your website to gain more attention to themselves. Its like someone showing up to your birthday party and saying “Hey, its my birthday too?!”. There are correct avenues to go down if you want to advertise yourself on other bloggers sites. And self promotion in comments is not it. Alot of bloggers have paid for plans for advertising on their websites, use that instead!

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This rule goes without saying, and that it’s important as bloggers we support one another. Being a blogger is such a privilege. It’s nothing like being on any other social media platform. This community is filled with so much love, and thats what’s so special about it.

As a blogger you will not get anywhere without other bloggers. They will become your biggest support system and encouragement. I have made so many amazing friends through blogging, I feel so blessed to say that. Hype each other up and support as much as you can. Be their biggest fans. And they will do the same for you.

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Whenever I see any other blogger hit a milestone or an achievement, my first instinct is to be happy for them. Amongst the great things about blogging is that there is no competition. It isn’t about how many followers you have or how many more comments someone has than you. It’s about supporting each other and being a team. I really believe that this blogging community is a big team of people, who just want the best for one another.

Whether you have 1000 followers or 1 follower, you mean the same to each and every one of us. Numbers don’t define us. What does define us is our integrity, our team work and our love for blogging. They are the main things we should focus on. I know that if I ever need help with something, I have a pool of amazing people to choose from. Who will be more than happy to drop everything to help. And that in itself, is amazing.

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Are there any unwritten rules you can think of? Which one of my 5 rules is the most important to you?

Thanks so much as always for being here. I am so grateful for the love and support. If you haven’t noticed, I changed my schedule to twice a week. Monday and Friday! I think giving myself more time to write means the quality of my posts will be so much better. Thanks again for being here. You are awesome!

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Olivia x
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86 thoughts on “The Unwritten Rules of Blogging

  1. Your each rules are right . I also don’t like spamming, self promotions , sometimes it’s happen to me also , it’s disgusting as you said “Its like someone showing up to your birthday party and saying “Hey, its my birthday too?!”.
    I feel very sorry for you that your content had copied , did you took any serious action ???
    Because you have a high quality content. It’s very bad to copying someone’s hard work .
    Don’t worry , as you said about supporting each other, we will here for you if you need something .


  2. So right!! I agree so, so much with Spamming because it’s so annoying! Amazing post, Olivia ❤ Keep calm and blog on 😀


  3. This is really interesting, thank you. I recently started blogging and I’m excited to have just hit over 100 views, mostly from sharing on social media where I have a good following. I’m finding it tricky to build a community within the blogging world though, have you got any tips on this?


  4. I love your line “As a blogger you will not get anywhere without other bloggers.” Blogging is about community and therefore calls on us to treat one another with dog IAMS respect. Great post Olivia! Thanks for sharing your insights on blogging.


  5. G O L D 🙌🏽
    Now I think WordPress do more about individual copying other’s content. There should be reporting, warning and then block the person from accessing their page. It would give me a clear message about NOT TO COPY!

    You are right, we are all a team. And it’s so important to look out for one another, support and encourage each other😘😘🤗 xx


    1. I wish they did more. Its so sad that they don’t have these features. But because we have websites that are open to the public, it would probably be impossible to block someone from viewing 😔 you’re right though. There needs to be a process and some repercussions too! Xx


  6. I have a setting on here that identifies spam and puts it elsewhere so you can check it and delete it. Some people put random ‘I really love this post, it’s well written and has great ideas…’ etc etc or something along those lines and can be identified as spam because it never actually makes reference to anything in particular in the blog post, basically because they haven’t even read it. I also get little sick of bloggers who like your post about a millisecond after it’s been published and clearly haven’t even read it. 🙄 Anyway, I’ll stop there before this becomes a mini rant haha! Great post and I’ve read every word 😀


    1. Oh yes Laura! Isn’t that so frustrating?! Alot of the time people comment that so that their name gets out there. Rather than them caring about what you’ve written!


  7. Good tips! Also, if I may add something, bloggers should revise their blogs more thoroughly and check the grammar and thematic progression of ideas before pressing, ‘Publish.’ There is a sense of clumsy and hurried editing of blogs which takes away from a potentially good blog.


  8. These rules are essential and a great post as always! I especially loved the ‘We Are A Team’ one, whenever I reach a milestone, it feels so great that I have these people here to celebrate with me. And the same with others, our friends’ community goes crazy when someone in the team achieves something.


  9. great post! It is so hard not to copy at the start of your blogging journey, especially cause almost every niche is so saturated, but the way I think of it is if you really HAVE to copy someone’s idea, at least put your own spin on it! I do not understand how people can think copying someone word for word will ever make them successful- people can tell when you’re being inauthentic!


    1. There is a fine line between being inspired and imitating someone else’s content. I would always ask for permission from the original writer if its okay to use their idea. Just out of respect. But really, you shouldn’t even consider it. You’re right though, it’s really hard. But once you become more established, you are able to find your own way and create your own unique ideas.


  10. These rules are so true.. I would never try to promote myself on someone else’s platform.. It’s just rude.. I love just reading and supporting and learning from experienced bloggers like yourself. Sometimes I get someone who will go and like all my posts in the space of 2mins and I just know they haven’t read them. That’s just annoying..
    Thank you for sharing these rules and supporting us newbies by teaching us the ins and outs and dos and don’ts in blogging ☺️💜


    1. It happens so much doesn’t it! And although I appreciate the love and likes, I really want people to read my content and not just try to get my attention with likes!


  11. Agreed. However, unfortunately most of the bloggers on various Social Media sites get involved in a shameless barter system – “Likes for Likes”. While us bloggers spend substantial time churning out good content, this mindless exchange of “Likes” (without reading) is lame and undermines our efforts.


  12. Everything in this post is so relevant and important. As I read through each point, I nodded my head in agreement. I absolutely love reading your work, you keep it real and relevant and to me thats speaks of authenticity.


  13. So true about “copying.” And that’s plagiarism. But on the other hand, when a company I used to blog on went belly up, or sold, I lost tons of articles! I was crushed until I found someone had published them elsewhere, then I could copy MY work back from there site! Haha!
    I only found my articles on their site because they had copied my whole article including my byline that no one else uses. ❤️🦋🌀😉


  14. I don’t think enough people follow rule #3. Just the other day I had someone come onto my blog begging me to follow their Youtube channel. I delete comments like this, because they add no value to my readers. The comment section should be about discussion and adding to the original post.


  15. Support is so important. I have 1 very good book blogger friend. We often ask each other to edit one another’s work. It helps to have another person’s eyes for editing. She is a true friend and gives advice with humility. We even share books sometimes. I just sent her a big box of books.
    I agree with all of the above points, but support is my favorite.


    1. I really love that you guys do this! That is such a special thing to do. Having blogging friends is seriously so important, for that reason. You have people there to help and support you!


  16. Rule 1: No copying- I promise myself not to do that ever, even if I’be hit the wall for blogging.
    Rule 2: No Spamming- We should not do something to others which we won’t like for us.
    Rule 3: No Self Promotion (Most important for me)- I have seen many groups where people come with post like ‘visit for a visit’ and I feel terrible. It is not a deal, but an interest which should make you read/visit other blogs. Worst way I’ve seen is, send me the screenshot of my blog visit for confirmation before I visit yours. 🤯
    Rule 4: Support- I am blessed to have few and good support system already in this platform. 🤘🏻
    Rule 5: Teamwork- It can never fail. Indeed it is needed from the very starting phase to the very peak of your career (in any field).


  17. I love all the rules. Thank you for sharing! I started blogging a couple of months ago so I appreciate the unwritten rules.
    As a blogger to another, would you find it inappropriate to proofread a post? I would want to have perfect grammar and vocabulary as a blogger.


    1. Do you mean if you were to ask someone to proofread your post for you? If thats what you mean, of course not 🙂 I wouldn’t see an issue with this.


  18. How many average views (organic) would you suggest to be good enough to claim for promotions or I can be sure that I can subscribe to paid plans? Like I need to know if I really reach enough people before I start investing monetary. Thanks in Advance


    1. I have no idea. Honestly I just upgraded my WordPress plan when I felt like the time was right for me. Theres no right or wrong answers. You sort of have to gauge and see if the time is right for you or not. It will always be a gamble doing anything like that. You could get to a point where you feel like you are ready to do it, and then as soon as you do your views could go down.


  19. I truly agree with each of the rules you have set out here, Olivia! Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts on this matter. My favorite would be supporting each other, sincerely. I really believe that the blogging community has become competitive over the years and it’s always refreshing to see and know that there are still those who choose to blog and support each other. I hope this community will not stop and will only continue to thrive and be better in the future ❤

    Hanna / Heydays With Hanna


    1. I feel like it has too, which is sad to see. I don’t ever feel like I’m in competition with anyone on this platform. We all have our own individual journeys, no two paths are the same!


  20. Its right, I really do not like self promotion, it resembles lot of desperation and want of views. Coincidently the content is mediocre. But can there be decent ways to promote as beginner I wonder?


  21. Great rules! I agree with all of them. In regards to copying, that is something that they should have learned in school. Copying is a big no-no, not just because it is illegal, but it is also immoral. How can people copy things they did not write? Don’t they feel bad about doing it?
    I agree 100% with support each other… It is important for bloggers to support each other. It is only by supporting can we grow separately and also together as a community.


  22. These are great rules. A currently rule that I wish more people followed would be when their are followed threads on Twitter or Facebook and people follow and then just unfollow. It’s kinda annoying. I also I don’t like copy cats. I wish more people were original.


  23. Brilliant post! Thanks for sharing your experiences. I’m sorry you’ve been copied, I can’t imagine how I’d feel about that. I don’t like to think there are rules to blogging, it’s supposed to be fun. I like to think people just use common sense and do their own work!


  24. I agree with these rules. I definitely wouldn’t what someone copying my work and passing it off and theirs. So sorry you had to experience that. Blogging is so amazing. The teamwork and support is a lovely part. I definitely what to nurture my community more.


  25. it is hard to figure out the unwritten rules when you are new to a community, so I appreciate someone making a comprehensive list of these rules when it comes to blogging. Great post!


  26. Thank you for paying it forward by penning this post about The unwritten rules of blogging.
    Since we’re on the subject of unwritten rules, is it okay to like our own posts? Does this work with WordPress algorithm? Unlike other social platforms, on LinkedIn, it’s encouraged to like or react to our own posts. Was wondering if the same logic applies to WordPress.


    1. I always like my own posts and haven’t noticed anything negative come from it! Do it 🙂 At the end of the day, you are your own number one supporter!


  27. I love your posts, Olivia, though I don’t stop by daily as much as I’d like. Your posts are informative. This post is both good and interesting. I do what you’ve tagged as “Spam” not because I want or need the attention but because I’ve been away and missed the site/owner. I will usually stay on sites and posts I like when I have ample time in a bid to make up for the lost days so to speak. Loving all missed posts and liking other peoples’ comments (opc) on another’s site, from your post, connotes Spam. Though it’s now made me realize that others don’t see that the way I do. It takes the fun and appreciation of others contributions away.

    There were opc on this post that I resisted liking as a result. Please let me know if I misunderstood. 😍


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