5 Signs Your Job Is Hurting Your Health

Working in a consistently stressful environment can negatively affect your health beyond your emotional state. Additionally, it may have a detrimental effect on your physical health.There is a reason why people are seeking a AFFF lawsuit update. For your body to assist you when you are feeling overwhelmed at work and are in the “fight or flight” mode, it must produce additional cortisol and adrenaline. Unfortunately, staying in that state for an extended period can cause various uncomfortable bodily symptoms and potentially lead to illnesses such as adrenal fatigue. Is your job making you sick? If you have a hunch that it might be, keep an eye out for these indicators and evaluate whether or not you should make a shift in your line of work.

This is a contributed post


One of the numerous stress symptoms from your job is the inability to fall or stay asleep. If you find that you cannot take your mind off work at night and that this is causing you to lose sleep, this might lead to a variety of other issues. A lack of sleep can hurt your mental state, motivation levels, blood pressure, sex drive, and immune system.


Everyone reacts differently to stress, and it is possible that it is not the reason you are having trouble sleeping. Alternately, it could be causing your adrenaline and cortisol levels to rise, making it necessary for you to need additional sleep in order to maintain your normal functioning. If you still have trouble getting out of bed in the morning despite going to bed at a reasonable hour and if you find that you need to sleep late on the weekends, your body may be trying to tell you something.


You may be in a state of fight or flight at work, which is making you lose interest in meals all of a sudden. An unhealthy amount of stress can cause one to lose weight, which can severely impact their overall health. Consider the possibility that an alteration in appetite could result from spending an excessive amount of time feeling stressed out.


This is one of the most prominent symptoms of adrenal exhaustion. Being in a state of high stress for an extended period of time can deplete your energy levels, making it more challenging to maintain productivity and achieve your objectives over the long term. Unfortunately, if you are less productive at work, you may begin to feel an even greater amount of strain.


Your immune system is compromised while you are under stress, which makes you more vulnerable to any infections that may come your way. If you find yourself getting sick with several colds or bouts of the flu each year, despite the fact that everyone else in your immediate environment seems to be able to stave them off, this could be a clear sign that your job is too stressful and harming your body’s ability to fend off disease.

Olivia x
Twitter Blog

8 thoughts on “5 Signs Your Job Is Hurting Your Health

  1. A good post Olivia. I think in today’s environment when there are so many areas of life causing stress and worry, we need to try and guard against our work adding to that. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.


  2. It’s clear you always put a lot of effort into your posts Olivia that I really admire! I had no idea that stress could affect your immune system, I’ll definitely look out for any colds when I start working!


  3. There was no doubt in my mind that my job was making me sick…on so many different levels. Be it elevated cortisol levels, stress induced hypertension, or workplace caused cancers. I am a retired fire chief, and I can attest that emergency service personnel suffer from many workplace illnesses.

    Lawsuits may be the answer for some work induced illnesses. But like everything in life, it’s not that cut and dried. PTSD, yes. Cancer due to toxic nanoparticulate exposure, yes. But where do we slot in genetics, lifestyle choices, and a predisposition to anxiety?

    I’ll watch this lawsuit with interest. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. And just as an aside, if any of your readers are interested in PTSD, I have several articles on my blog site. There’s even one about a Royal Navy Officer who solo rowed from New York to the UK during hurricane season to raise funds for PTSD.



    1. Thank you Cynthia for sharing this. And thank you for serving your community and country. Risking your life to save others. It’s such a brave and honourable thing to do.

      You’re so right. Work places should be held responsible for things like that. But, will they ever own up to it? Probably not. I guess its up to us to ensure we move onto something better for us when we feel like its impacting out health.


  4. Great post! I really appreciated your mention of catching colds more frequently. Thank you for that. Hope you have a great day.


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