6 Ways To Start Your Self Discovery Journey

For years now, the idea self discovery has become something that alot of people have tried to obtain. We hear about people going through breakups and transitioning into new chapters in their life, and all they’re trying to do is find themselves again.

Recently I feel like I’ve been going through that. Every few years, I feel as though I transform and change into a different version of myself. Even 6 months ago, the person I was then isn’t who I am now. And I guess thats the beauty of growing as a human. But, what does it mean to try and find yourself? I’ve been trying to figure that out myself.


Something I have struggled with alot is that whilst I’ve been diving into self discovery, I’ve been trying to get back to the old me. Something clicked one day, and I realise that I shouldn’t be trying to go back to the old me. I should be embracing and finding a new version of myself. The old me isn’t as strong, and independent as I am now. She isn’t as confident as I am now. Why would I want to go back and become her?

You have to almost accept that the past versions of yourself have gone. And you have to look forward to what you could become. Once you accept that, you’re on the right path to become who you’re meant to be.

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If you’re wanting to find yourself and become a new version of you, then you cant keep doing what you’ve always done. You have to branch out and try new things. Pick up a new hobby and explore your passions. Discover what makes you happy.

You have to ask yourself – If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, do you really think you’re going to get a different result every time? No, of course you won’t. The whole point of finding yourself is changing. Change isn’t bad and anybody who tells you that you’ve changed, say thank you. We are meant to change and grow as people. I just told you that the person I was 6 months ago, isn’t the same person who I am today. And that is a wonderful thing.


Nobody else is going to help you on this journey. Nobody else will be there for you as much as yourself. You are your own cheerleader and support system. Rely on yourself as much as you can. Build that trust in yourself to know that you can do things that you once thought was hard.

I ran a half marathon this year. 3 Hours of running. A year ago I would never have been able to do that, or even attempt to do it. You know how I got through it? Believing in myself. Training as hard as I could because I knew I could do it even when it got tough. You discover who you are when you’re faced with those hard battles. Those times when you’re mentally exhausted, and physically tired. Those are the times where you discover what you’re made of.

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Your self discovery journey might not be easy or even pretty. It might be tough. You might have to face some things you’ve been trying to hide from. But, if you want to discover who you truly are, then just do it. Find out what your deepest, darkest demons are. And face them. You’ll soon see how facing those hard things helps you to grow as a person. It’s not easy, but it will be worth it.


It’s quite a common thing that alot of people out there don’t really know themselves. And, how are others meant to know your authentic self if you don’t know yourself first? Getting to know yourself could be discovering what your passions are in life. It could be unlearning the bad behaviours that you’ve been doing all of your life. Or it could just simply be discovering what makes you happy.

You have to live in your own body for the rest of your life. Get to know who you are, what you like. And do all of this through trial and error. You could try something and you don’t like it, and thats okay. Move onto the next thing.

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Have you ever heard the saying “Nothing great comes from the comfort zone”? It’s so true. I can vouch for the fact that nothing I have ever done of worth has ever come from being in my comfort zone. We should search those uncomfortable places, because often thats where we find who we truly are.

If you’re on a self discovery journey, get out of that comfort zone you’ve been in. Learn to live in the uncomfortable moments. They are the ones that will make you truly become who you’re meant to be.

Are you on your own self discovery journey? What things have you learnt along the way?

Olivia x 
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15 thoughts on “6 Ways To Start Your Self Discovery Journey

  1. I think one of the reasons why so many marriages fail when people marry young goes back to what you have said in your blog, you’re a different person than you were six months ago. If you’re different over such a short period, imagine how much someone will have changed over twenty years.

    It’s good that you are always trying to evolve, not everyone does.


    1. You’re so right. You have to be willing to grow and change alongside others don’t you. And if you’re not prepared to do that, then you have to walk away. I love the fact that we all change and evolve through the months and years. I wouldn’t ever want to stay the same.


  2. Very true, and very insightful. Also by going on this journey of self discovery we have the power to set our direction and change something we dislike or makes us unhappy. I think we also need to learn to love ourselves


  3. Relying on yourself is such a great reminder, when things get tough you’re going to be the only constant in your life – so you have to learn that! Thanks for sharing!


  4. I remember being told accusingly by a long term partner in my twenties that I’d changed. I was almost 30, and I remember wondering, isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? I have sensed the change most keenly since I moved to SE Asia ten years ago, our environment makes a huge difference on who we become. It’s a right of passage this metamorphosis, from birth we are bombarded with the opinions of others, of systems, of religion..and it’s breaking away from all that, our self discovery, our journey if you will..that makes life so interesting..part of the reason I embrace aging is that I have more time to evolve. Thanks for sharing, this is a nice post to start my day with 🙂


    1. I am so glad you found this post to start your day. Thank you so much for reading!

      You’re so right in what you’re saying. I hope I always change and evolve into a better person. I’d hate to think I have stayed the same for many years.


    1. You know, change scares me too. I think it scares alot of people. And rightly so. Its something new, and unexpected and that can be very daunting. But that doesn’t mean that change cant be great!


  5. Change is a natural part of life, and as you said. you have to be willing to let go of the person you once were. Sometimes in the self-discovery journey, I think we try to go back to our younger selves, but we should be embracing the new parts of ourselves, the good and the bad. The journey to self-discovery is definitely filled with trail and error and requires you to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. It’s the only way growth can happen and along the way you will discover what a capable person you are. Great post, Olivia.


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