3 Things To Do When You Want To Quit Being a Blogger

3 Things To Do When You Want To Quit Being a Blogger

If you’re here, then I’m sure at some point you have thought about wanting to quit being a blogger. Honestly, there have been countless times I’ve wanted to give up and delete everything. If you’re not familiar with my blogging journey, I actually did quit my blog years ago. When I first joined WordPress I was a beauty blogger. I didn’t take it too seriously and very rarely posted, but I enjoyed myself. After being bored of what I was doing, I quit for 4 years. When I returned to blogging, I rebranded into the site you see today and haven’t ever regretted it.

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5 Benefits Of Taking a Digital Detox

5 Benefits Of Taking a Digital Detox

When I was a kid you wouldn’t ever in your wildest dreams see a post about taking a digital detox. It wouldn’t even be a thing. But now, in 2021 digital is everywhere. The world has made it really hard to not be involved in media or technology in some way or another. Whether it’s getting wifi installed at your home or having a smart phone. You really would struggle to live a normal life without some form of technology. And really when you think about it, it’s scary.

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5 Signs It’s Time To Take a Blogging Break

5 Signs It’s Time To Take a Blogging Break

There have been many times on my blogging journey that I have felt its time to take a blogging break. And each time I feel it, I do it. If you’re an outsider looking in, you won’t know the ins and outs of what it takes to be a blogger. It’s much more than just writing and uploading. It’s about the admin that comes with it. The promotion on social media, and the building connections with brands and other bloggers. It’s really a full time job, and something I wouldn’t trade for the world. However, like any job you need time off.

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Social Media Breaks & Why We Need Them

Social Media Breaks & Why We Need Them

Social media breaks are something that should be utilised more than they currently are. Do you ever get the feeling like you just want to delete all of your socials and run away from your phone? Me too! We should do everything in moderation, but phone consumption is at an all time high. You rarely meet someone who doesn’t have a phone. Technology and social media can be a blessing and a curse. I have spoken before on my blog at how social media – specifically Instagram can play such a huge part in helping to grow your online presence but at what cost? Remember there is a fine line, everything in moderation.

We probably miss out on so much of our lives because our heads are buried in our phones. Thats such a sad thought. I’m so glad that I wasn’t brought up around all of this technology and that I was able to have such a great childhood without having to be entertained with an electronic device. Social media breaks are something that should be done on a more regular basis, just to keep us sane. We spend so much time on our phones that we often forget to live life not through a screen. In todays post I hope to share some thoughts on social media breaks and why I think we need them.

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What To Do When Blogging Starts To Feel Like a Chore

What To Do When Blogging Starts To Feel Like a Chore

We have all been there before, when you have a lot of stuff going on but you know its your blog posting day. You have nothing prepared and so you know you need to put something together quickly. You do it, but don’t really want to. Blogging feels like a chore rather than a hobby or job. I get it, I’ve been there before. There are some things we can do to combat this feeling and thats what we’ll be discussing today! And I hope they can be of some help to you.

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4 Advantages Of Taking A Blogging Break

4 Advantages Of Taking A Blogging Break

Even the most successful people in the world need a break sometimes, and I’m here to tell you it’s okay to take a break. When I first started blogging again at the beginning of July 2020 I didn’t really give myself any break. I was publishing a new blog post every single day. Thats 7 posts a week. Which is insane to think about now.

I was so strict on myself in needing to keep posting to keep my audience engaged, and of course I now know that this isn’t the way it works. I created myself a blogging schedule and this helped me so much in knowing when my breaks were so I didn’t burn out. I thought I would share some benefits and importance that taking a blogging break can do. These points are helpful for blogging but can be applied any other area of your life where you feel like you need a break.

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