5 Benefits Of Taking a Digital Detox

When I was a kid you wouldn’t ever in your wildest dreams see a post about taking a digital detox. It wouldn’t even be a thing. But now, in 2021 digital is everywhere. The world has made it really hard to not be involved in media or technology in some way or another. Whether it’s getting wifi installed at your home or having a smart phone. You really would struggle to live a normal life without some form of technology. And really when you think about it, it’s scary.

Something I have been more conscious of doing recently is making sure I take time to detox myself from technology and digital platforms. Often I start to feel overwhelmed when I have been on my phone for too long and too often. Does anybody else ever feel like this? Its like I want to lock my phone into a box and bury it in my garden. I’d dig it up again eventually but only when I felt like it.

For todays post I want to share 5 benefits from taking a digital detox. And hopefully it encourages you into thinking about taking your own digital detox.


The first and most obvious reason you should take a digital detox is so that you can get better mental rest and relaxation. Whenever I spend too much time on my iPad or phone before I go to sleep I find it really hard to get a good sleep that night. It’s no coincidence. At night time, it’s important that you prioritise winding down and relaxing before going to sleep. If you are staring at a screen and consuming media before sleeping your brain isn’t getting the chance to relax and shut down.

Our brains, just like our bodies need to relax and rest. I think we often forget how important it is to look after our minds too.

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Removing yourself from the media and social media really can help to boost your confidence. I noticed when I stopped following and comparing myself to influencers I saw online that I became more confident in myself. I don’t think we realise how media and technology can subtly influence us and our decisions. It can only take one advert or seeing someone wearing a piece of clothing and we then want it for ourselves. Don’t get me wrong, advertising companies do this well because I always fall into their traps myself. But, we have to be careful.

Comparison is the thief of joy and I believe that wholeheartedly.

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When you decide to take a digital detox, you are really choosing to shut off your online life and become more present in real life. Have you ever experienced a time where you’ve been having a conversation with someone and they go on their phone. You know they are no longer listening even though they are responding with yes and wow really. Its the most rude and most annoying thing ever to me. It really makes me upset how people don’t know how to socialise and not be on their phones anymore. Whether it’s taking photos instead of enjoying the moment or socialising with people online rather than the people in-front of them.

I think as technology becomes more and more important in our lives, we should take time out to enjoy each other. It needs to become a priority for us. And once it is, you’ll realise how much better speaking and loving on the people who are in your lives is.

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Circling back to the point I made about comparison, I mentioned there about how technology and social media can easily sway our buying habits. And for me it really does. I remember years ago when I was just getting into clothing and fashion. I started following so many influencers and clothing companies so I could keep up to date with new clothes and fashion releases. Im not lying when I say that every single day I had a clothing delivery. It was a real problem. I became obsessed with needing to keep up with the new clothing trends and I spent so much money trying to be someone I wasn’t.

Unfollowing those kinds of people and taking a digital detox regularly really helped to curb that need for more. If you aren’t present online then these companies cant entice you to buy more. Because thats really what they want you to do. They want you to feel like you need more all of the time. When really you should be content with what you have.

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Think about how much time and energy you spend on social media and other technology outlets. Think about how that time could be used doing something healthy and productive. In the time you’ve spent scrolling through tik tok you could have got outside and gone for a walk in the fresh air. Or spent time making your favourite dinner. Of course using technology isn’t all that bad for you, but I think we waste alot of our time on these platforms when there is a whole world out there to enjoy.

Maybe the next time you find yourself aimlessly scrolling on Instagram, take yourself outside with a book or go for a run. Not only is it good for us physically but mentally too.

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Taking a digital detox is something we should all try to do regularly. Have you ever taken one? How did you feel afterwards?

Olivia x 
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10 thoughts on “5 Benefits Of Taking a Digital Detox

  1. I did! I don’t use social media. I have them, but WordPress upload content on them for me. I don’t follow anybody (only you and two other on Instagram), i don’t share anything and i don’t leave any comment. I am basically invisible for the entire world. I did it because i was destroying my brain, trying to reach that standards social media force you to reach.
    As far as my smartphone concerns, i delete it every single social media app, i have even deactivatet Google and the opportunity to surf in internet. I was addicted. I started this process three months ago now and i feel great. Yes, now with my blog i have to spend more time on internet, but once in finished i close everything and i do something off line. It was hard, boring and frustrating in the beginning, but now i leave my phone on my desk for days without using it.


  2. Great advice. Ever since I have been blogging and ever since I have all the social networks I sometimes have the feeling that I am overwhelmed. These are great guidelines.👌


  3. This is a great post! I agree that technology (phones specifically) have made people forget how to socialize with the people around them. I use my phone only for calling/texting and I do my best to only check it a few times a day (I keep it on silent). Being in the moment with the people I’m with is more important. I also only have one phone, one tv, and one iPad. I don’t need to be surrounded and distracted by technology.


  4. A nice reminder not to get caught up in the digital world .I no longer open my fb and instagram but restarted reading and posting on wordpress .


    1. Hahhaa… we are on the same boat, rest of us. Well social media isn’t social anymore, it’s about posting fake thing for making us feel good and other feel bad, and you can see people on real life, why you should use social media? Messaging app is enough, Video call is enough. Time to reclaim our time!


  5. This is a much needed reminder. I could do with a digital detox as well. I thinking doing that at least one day in the week is a great idea to yourself a break from all those devices.


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