5 Splurge Worthy Items to Treat Yourself With

5 Splurge Worthy Items to Treat Yourself With

There’s no doubt about it – we all need to treat ourselves every once in a while. After all, if we don’t take some time for ourselves, we can easily burn out! And when it comes to treating yourself, there’s no need to hold back.

In this blog post, we will discuss five splurge-worthy items that are worth spending your hard-earned money on! Whether you’re looking for a new outfit, a luxurious vacation, or something else entirely, we’ve got you covered.

This is a contributed post

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Figuring Out What You Want In A Relationship

Figuring Out What You Want In A Relationship

If you’re currently single and plan to change that in the near future, right now you’re probably thinking about the perfect potential partner. What do they look like? What do they do? How do they tackle challenges? How do they approach romance? And questions like these are all well and good, but so many people could fit the bill! You need to narrow down the field a bit more and think about what you want out of the actual relationship. Here are some tips on figuring that out.

This is a contributed post

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4 Signs You Need To Self Care

4 Signs You Need To Self Care

Self-care is a necessary part of your daily life. It’s important to recognise when you need to take care of yourself more. Self-care isn’t about being selfish or weak; it’s about recognizing what you need to be happy and healthy. And if you’re not taking care of yourself as much as possible, it can lead to bigger problems down the road.

This is a contributed post

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7 Things I Learnt About Myself In 2021

7 Things I Learnt About Myself In 2021

There are so many things I learnt about myself in 2021. It was such a year of growth and change for me in so many ways. As some of you know, I embarked on a physical change this past year in becoming a healthier me. During that process I have learnt so much about myself. Even during the pandemic, I think alot of us realised how strong we actually are as people. This past year has been such a large growing opportunity for me. And it’s been hard but something I know needed to happen.

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14 Things to Do In The Morning To Have a Positive Day

14 Things to Do In The Morning To Have a Positive Day


What does the morning look like for you? We miss so many opportunities in the mornings to make our days that little bit better. It’s so easy to snooze, scroll, eat left over pizza for breakfast and fill up on caffeine, but is this truly benefitting how our days play out? I’m passionate about making small changes with a big impact and I’m here to let you know how great your day can be when you leave the snooze-life behind and inject intention into your mornings. This is not a checklist, do not pressure yourself to do everything. Just achieving a couple of the morning transformers below, each day, will make an exciting difference in your life. 

Hi, my name is Laura and I am so grateful to be featured on Olivia’s blog today. Over on writinglaura.com I like to share information and tips for women to help with their personal growth journeys. Once you’ve read this post on 14 things to do in the morning to have a positive day, I’d love to see you over on my blog.

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The Truth About Self-Love

The Truth About Self-Love

Self-love is such an up and coming topic seen on blogs in 2020. Self-love and self empowerment is raging now more than ever. I wonder why that is? I think it’s because for years and years society has shaped a mould of how we should be living our lives and so many more people are coming out to say they don’t fit the mould and don’t want to. I am here for it. In todays post we will go through a quick lesson on what self-love is, what it looks like and some truths about it too, which will hopefully teach us all a little more about the topic.

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