7 Things I Learnt About Myself In 2021

There are so many things I learnt about myself in 2021. It was such a year of growth and change for me in so many ways. As some of you know, I embarked on a physical change this past year in becoming a healthier me. During that process I have learnt so much about myself. Even during the pandemic, I think alot of us realised how strong we actually are as people. This past year has been such a large growing opportunity for me. And it’s been hard but something I know needed to happen.

I know it can be a little cliche to write reflective posts at the beginning of the year, but this is for me. It’ll be fun to read back this post in the future and see how much I have grown even from last year into the beginning of 2023. I don’t make looking back a regular thing, only when I want to see how far I have come.


Sometimes it’s easy to forget how strong you are until being strong is the only way to be. During the pandemic, I don’t think it sunk in how hard it was until coming out of the lockdowns. Now I look back, alot of us were really just existing. Getting through each hour of each day and just coping with the circumstance. That alone proves how strong I can be.

I’ve gone through alot through 2021. Friendships lost, failed relationships and dating. And yet I am still here. I go through it.

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Sometimes I wonder whether having a forgiving heart is a good or bad thing. I find myself forgiving over and over again because I would want to be forgiven if I made a mistake. But, people take advantage of that. Being a forgiving person doesn’t mean that you always have to reconnect or keep the friendship/relationship with someone.

I have learnt that forgiving is just as much for you as it is for the other person. Sometimes you need to forgive to let go. And I have learnt that this past year over and over again.

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There have been so many struggles the last couple of years actually. And this is one of the big things I learnt about myself in 2021. I realised that struggles come and go and that I need to not be afraid of them. Alot of the time (for me) the scariest part of going through a hard time is anticipating it happening. Knowing something bad might be around the corner.

Struggling is okay and it doesn’t make you weak. If anything it makes you stronger.

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One major major thing I learnt in 2021 is that my health should always be a priority. Seeing how far I have come in the last year is so crazy. Sometimes I don’t even recognise who I was. Often I look back at photos of myself and I am stunned. I see such a beautiful soul, but I see how dead I was inside. I was struggling but pretending I wasn’t.

We only have one body, we should take care of it. And I finally realise this now.

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Strap yourselves in for this one, because it’s a wild ride. Over the last year, I’d say this is the hardest pill to swallow. I have realised that I am a person that wants to generally be liked by others. I think it probably stems down to previously not feeling confident in myself. Inside and out. It’s hard to think that people don’t like me or that they don’t think I’m nice to look at or be around.

I struggle with this sometimes, but honestly recent experiences have made me realise that its okay if others don’t like you. What should matter is how you feel about yourself. I have to ask myself do I even like me? Do I think I’m beautiful? Do I think I am a good person? Thats what matters.

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I wrote a post about this in 2021, about how being happy isn’t my goal in life. And honestly it’s not. I realise that being happy is such a fleeting emotion. And alot of the time it comes with situations. Something good happens, I’m happy. But I wouldn’t say that my everyday state is happy. Which doesn’t mean I’m sad. And I’m learning thats okay. There are other emotions I prioritise over happiness. Like joy and feeling content.

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I’ve had some pretty crappy friends in my life. But one thing I can say with confidence is that I am a good friend. And alot of the time people take advantage of that. But it won’t ever stop me from loving others and being a good friend to them.

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So there are the things I learnt about myself in 2021. What are some things you have learnt about yourself in the last year?

I feel like I am constantly growing and changing as a person. And honestly I love the woman I am becoming. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this!

Olivia x 
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12 thoughts on “7 Things I Learnt About Myself In 2021

  1. Wonderful reflections Olivia. I can relate to few of them – to be specific – forgiveness. Heartening to note that in-spite of all the hardships, you are staying optimistic. Good luck and best wishes!


  2. 2020 and 21 have brought people face to face with their true self. Good you realised that you are a strong person and “I mattres”..
    Stay blessed always 🌹🙏🌹


  3. I learn that there’s no need to be angry or upset for stupid things. For everything there’s a solution. I learnt to take thing for what they really are and deal with them.
    Only for the death there’s no solution. For the rest there is always one.


  4. Something I’ve grown up being told is that you need to forgive people, it’s something we’re called to do, but that doesn’t mean you have to automatically trust that person and let them back into your life again. So having a forgiving heart is good, but be wise about who you let close again.
    Something I’ve had to face in the last year is that I’ll never be who I was again. I can take the disciplines that helped me in the past but I’m still a different person, so I should strive to be the best version of myself as I am now not as I was then.


  5. It’s good that you haven’t given up on forgiveness, and have the realisation that not forgetting also goes with that. It’s the best way to not get hurt again, I’ve gone through something very similar myself in the last year – something you hit upon recently in a different blog about not keeping people in your life who hurt you.

    You seem to have a healthy outlook and are probably stronger than you realise.


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