53 thoughts on “How To Build a Brand For Your Blog

  1. I have had a logo that I just refreshed and have used consistent fonts in my post image, pins, etc. I took a design course at the end of last year. What I learned there helped me to choose 4 colours that I am now using consistently in my posts. It’s a start.


  2. I definitely plan to build a brand from my website, but never thought about using the same colors from my logo. I am not the best when it comes to graphics and designs, so I’ve never really had a logo, other than my Hanging With Lady B graphic I created on an app. I chose a font and a color, and that was it. I will look into using those colors I use on IG graphics, to see how it will work on my site. Thanks for the great tips!


    1. If you need any help please let me know. I’d be happy to help! It can be hard to decide on colours and logos etc. But once you do, you don’t have to worry about doing it ever again (or not for a long while anyway!)


      1. Oh, I would greatly appreciate your help with this! Let me know what I need to do! I would love to upgrade and change everything to have a refresh for my one year blogaversary at the end of next month!


  3. I have an idea of what I want but I’m still searching for that perfect fit. I know I’ll get there eventually, it’s just taking some trial and error.


  4. Thanks Olivia.. you are my google for blogging.. having not known head and tail of it, U truly are knowledge treasure.. Finding and ur blog was just mystery but i will stick
    on to your every advice.. keep them coming in bounds.. LOVE AND RESPECT💓


  5. Apple and banana😂😂

    You honestly explain things so well —bless your heart🧡

    I am so indecisive as well —it can be frustrating, after all the work you still can’t decide what you like🙃

    Thanks for sharing this, it’s all very helpful. I am trying to think of my blog with each day as a brand I want to create (I am still a long, long way from that, but one can dream) x


  6. This is golden! It took a while for me to settle into my own brand as well so I can confirm that it’s ok to take time to figure it out. Rushing this decision could be as disastrous as Banana! Lol that one had me in giggles but it is so true!


  7. These are great tips 🙂 One of the first things I did when I created my site was designing a logo – I’m hoping to get an appstore voucher for my birthday so that I can buy procreate and make it look a bit more professional ❤

    Caroline | https://envirolineblog.com/


  8. Info provided by This site Changed made me realize about branding how important it is and essential for today’s atmosphere to grow digitally thank you bro


  9. This is a great article! With regard to building brands, I was leaning towards using Fiverr for my logo, but then I realized I could design my own just fine; I’d definitely recommend the free software available to everyone here in the comments for that before going all-in.


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