Behind The Blog: Get To Know Me Better

It’s been a while since I have done any sort of get to know me better posts, so here it is! I write about so many advice posts and share some aspects of my life, but I really want to get more comfortable and open up more about me as a person. I think its so important as a person who writes on the internet that I allow you into my life sometimes. Although my blog and personal life are separate, I really enjoy letting you guys have a glimpse into my world. And personally, I love reading about other bloggers and their lives too.

I actually had an idea to make this post into a challenge. At the end I’m going to nominate some other bloggers to take part. I want to encourage other creators to become more comfortable sharing things about themselves on their sites. So look out for your name at the bottom of this post! And even if I don’t tag you, please do it anyway. I’d love to get to know you more!


When I say animals are life, I really mean it. I mean it because for the last 5 years I haven’t eaten any meat. I made the decision to become vegetarian because I stopped seeing animals as food. I started to see them for what they are. Animals with hearts and minds and emotions. The love I have for animals is limitless.

I have a dog, she turns 14 years old this month and thats what made me start to love animals so much more. Do you love animals? I find that people often love them so much or don’t really love them at all. It’s like there’s no in-between!


I always remember as a child pretending I was a teacher when I was playing in my room. I’d create a class register and check in all my students and teach them lessons on things I had no idea about. It really was so fun! As I got older though, of course my interests changed and I realised how tough and hard being a teacher actually is. Which is why I never pursued it. Sometimes I wonder if it’s still in my future or not, but I don’t know for now.

It’s so funny the things we wanted to be when we grew up as kids. And often how we change our minds or life doesn’t pan out the way we expect it to.

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I am the worst British person ever, but really. I hate tea. I can say with my hand on my heart that I have never drunk a cup of tea in my life. I remember as a child I’d dunk my biscuits into a cup of tea but that was it. I really have a weird thing about tea, I hate the smell of it on peoples breath the most. Its really gross and off putting.

It’s funny because one of my siblings is the same. Neither of us drink hot drinks either. I never drink hot drinks actually. If I ever do its a green tea.

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For as long as I can remember I always said when I got older that I wanted to move to America. New York specifically. I always watched it on tv and in movies and fell completely in love. I have been to New York 5 times now, and I love it so much. I even looked into the process of finding a job out there and making it happen. It of course never did because I am still very much in the UK. But I have always wanted to experience living away from home.

Maybe it’ll happen sometime in my future! Who knows. I am for sure open to the idea!

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Did you enjoy my get to know me better post? I want to get to know you better. Leave some facts about yourself in the comments!

I hope to do more posts like this for you guys. I love connecting with you all!

Olivia x 
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Here are my blogger nominations and what I would like you do to!
Share 4 facts about yourself that your audience wouldn’t know, and tag others to do the same!

Riyah Speaks
The Doubting Thomas
Paul Explores The World

42 thoughts on “Behind The Blog: Get To Know Me Better

  1. Ah omg ! Are we the same person ? I have been obsessed with moving to NYC since watching SATC & maybe in the future.

    So good to get you know you better and I think you would’ve made a great teacher !


  2. It’s great to know more about you, Olivia. I think your desire to teach shines through on your blog and the blogging resources you create. You may not teach in the traditional sense but your content does offer a lot of value and learning opportunities, especially for fellow bloggers.
    I’ve too want to live in another country. My top 4 places are England, Canada and Japan. I would also like to visit the USA.


    1. Aw I really love this and never thought about it that way. I guess my teaching comes across in wanting to help others grow and learn about blogging! 🙂


  3. I am SO doing this tag! How fun! I also wanted to be a teacher when I was younger. I did the same as you and made a class list and everything. Never happened though.


  4. Really good to get to know you better.
    I guess you fulfilled your teaching dream in a way, cause you do that a lot through your blog. And I really appreciate that.
    Nice post.🙂


  5. I live in a smaller city in Ontario, Canada and I dream about New York! I hope to be able to travel there eventually! I actually looove tea, but I always need to brush my teeth after LOL. Great read 🙂


  6. I live in plateau state, Nigeria and I love animals too ; cats and dogs to be prescise. I have always wanted to be a lawyer and that’s what I am pursuing.. It’s lovely for you to give me a little glimpse into your world. Thanks role model.


  7. Nice to get to know you via a blog I hated tea as a child, always want to move but don’t know where you’re teaching and I’m learning


  8. Great post. I tend to shy away from personal posts but trying to do better. Love dogs, had one and no that hubby and I are up in that age afraid of tripping over one so no pets. Would love a cat though but hubby allergic. Im in NY born and bred, never leaving. It is a great city.


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