The Future of Blogging

Blogging is something that changes all of the time. Even when I started blogging again back in July 2020, I have noticed such a change from then to now. I hear conversations on a regular basis on whether or not blogging is going to grow in popularity, or plummet. All because people are now seeking quick and snappy content like Tik Tok and Instagram reels.

It’s and interesting conversation to have, which is why you’re reading this post. I want to hear your thoughts on what you think the future of blogging will look like.

Slowly I’m seeing more and more video based content making its way into the blogging world. And, I have seen quite a few bloggers leave their writing for a life in front of the camera themselves. It won’t be something that everybody will feel comfortable doing (me included) but I think thats where the blogging world is going.

The lives alot of us live are quick and fast paced. Post pandemic nobody really has time to sit and read a blog post or consume alot of writing content. I know this isn’t the case for everybody, but majority of people I think they would agree. Even I have noticed such a decline in engagement on my own blog. At the height of the pandemic my blog was full of likes, comments and engagement. And yes, thats all still there now but no where near as much as before. I think alot of us who started our websites during the pandemic, are slowly seeing the spikes in traffic we once had, slowly drop off.


It’s the million dollar question isn’t it? What will blogging look like a year from now? The obvious answer is who knows. But I can definitely see a shift toward more video based content. Although I’m unsure how that would work for written blogs. It will be interesting to see the change.

I also think that more people will reduce the amount of writing they do on posts. Instead they’ll be shorter and snappier, and easier to quickly digest. Rather than longer, more in depth articles I know alot of us do.

I hope that blogging is one of the platforms that doesn’t change much. But as I mentioned in the intro, apps like Tik Tok and now Instagram Reels are the craze and we will soon find other platforms following suit.

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I feel like the future of blogging is almost in our hands. We (the users) are the ones who provide the content. So, if we all decide that we don’t want to follow the trend of video based content, or shorten down our posts we don’t have to. I certainly won’t be following suit when it comes to those new ways of producing content.

Whether you’re a blogger thats been around for a couple of years or many years. It starts and ends with us as we are the ones that are keeping the blogging space going. Without us, blogging would die. So, I think because of that we should all have a say in the future of the blogging world. Don’t you?

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Where do you see the future of blogging? Do you see it continuing as it is, or changing like other platforms have?

Olivia x 
Twitter • Blog

52 thoughts on “The Future of Blogging

  1. I like to think of this as reading or the writing format. There will always be a demand for it and books won’t just stop. Even if people listen to audiobooks and read ebooks, books are still a top selling item as it’s original format. I recently looked into studies that stated that we learn more or we hold onto information reading an actual book, compared to hearing it-though we can still attain the material either way. I feel like blogging won’t change much, but I do understand that because of social media, not a lot of people are prone to actually taking the time to read through as much as before. Tik tok has created a whole group of people that want things fast and attention has plummeted now. But I do see a comeback with traditional writing, reading, etc. People are tired of social media and what it is becoming, so hopefully we break free and bring back the essential need for bloggers like us.


      1. I think you hit the nail on the head. A lot of people wish to be influencers, try vlogging, etc. but they give up. I do feel like there will just be less bloggers too


    1. True’ people are tired of social-media.
      – For me it’s because of that “Notification” thing, not using much since 2018-19.
      since then feels free🏞️


  2. It’s sad how most now prefer video content instead of enhancing their ability to read between the lines.

    It’d be fine if the short video content would leave a valuable helpful information to its audience.

    But most of the videos I see now are all about for the purpose of entertaining.

    Like when you finished watching that short video – yup! it did make you smile or go rofl, but at the end of the day, it just didn’t teach you anything new other than encourage you to hop on the bandwagon and make you thirsty for likes, comments, etc.

    Awesome post by the way!


    1. You make a really good point here, Sol. All this instant entertainment has taken away our ability or desire to reflect. We jump from one thing to another without really thinking or letting the information sink in. You have to wonder what all this instant entertainment that encourages a short attention span will do to our brains longer-term.


      1. Agreed. I’m not fond of this fast-paced instant video entertainment culture either. I think we’ll be reaping the negative rewards soon as a society when it comes to attention span, and the get-rich-quick with minimal effort culture


    2. You’re so right. Thats what I love about blogging. It helps, advises and provides such useful information to its readers. Where as like you said, the other shorter form video based platforms are usually solely for entertainment. Which isn’t necessarily bad, but there’s defiantly a gap in the market still for bloggers.


  3. Interestingly, my blog views have remained fairly steady over the last year. I have definitely seen a drop in likes and comments but find the engagement that remains to be more sincere.

    A song from the 80s comes to mind “Video killed the radio star” by a one-hit-wonder band whose name I can’t recall at the moment. It was a hit at the time when MTV and its Canadian cousin MuchMusic were all the rage. Almost 40 years later, people still listen to music—albeit more on streaming services and less on radio—and music videos aren’t as big as they once were.

    My point is things evolve and change but some things are time-tested and will endure. Some people prefer to watch videos, and others prefer to read. That’s why I believe there will always be a place for the written word.

    I’ll continue to put out thought-provoking and useful content. Unlike many of the bloggers who have abandoned their blogs and moved on to bigger and better things in the hope of making a fast buck, I’m not trying to get rich or famous from my blog. Even if a handful of people learn something from my blog, it’s time well spent.


    1. I think we have to remember too that blogging is as much for our audience as it is for ourselves. We create because we feel like we have something meaningful to share. And thats the beauty of blogging. Its alot more personable than taking a video of yourself. Anybody can share the parts of their lives they choose to, but I feel like bloggers have a much bigger security blanket so we can feel more comfortable sharing the harder parts of life!


    2. It was by The Buggles, Michelle. It’s still one of my favourite songs today. Interestingly enough, both band members went on to have very good careers in other bands to present day (Yes, Asia), are very well respected in the music industry, including being very successful as music producers.


  4. Fortunately I have received more reads this year than I did in 2020 or even 2021, but I think that’s due to me finally learning about SEO and trying to apply its principles to increase my traffic. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m already seeing results.

    However, the future of blogging seems positive despite the steady increase in video content. People will always turn to search engines with their questions, and if your blog is informative and answers that user’s question, you’ll receive traffic. Videos are mostly just entertainment.. blogs are mostly informative, and people will always need information.

    I think it’s important for bloggers to utilize all modalities possible to bring traffic to their blogs though, especially if trying to make an income from blogging. Brands prefer bloggers with social media reach too, and that sadly equals videos > photos/text these days.


  5. I don’t think blogging will stop. People are always going to read articles.yes videos are popular now but blogging will continue. You mentioned that you think blogs will be shorter, how do you think this will effect SEO and ranking on Google?


  6. I think there will always be a place for blogs and other forms of writing. Yes, videos are popular but there has always been, and will always be a range of different media available. I think of my own situation – I have a YouTube channel where I place recorded powerpoint presentations for students. However, the videos will provide a basic over of a topic, they would be expected to carry out their own independent research beyond the basics. I feel that’s where the blog comes in.

    As you say, we may write shorter blogs but I also think it is likely that we will produce a series of posts all connected, which together would make up a longer connected piece – almost like a book with lots of short chapters – I hope that makes sense 🙂


  7. Very thought-provoking.
    I actually find making videos very time-consuming.
    I think many of us prefer reading to watching video content, so I think blogging will be around for quite some time, yet. 🤞🤞


  8. I find blogging now is almost like dairy…more for my own head than anything else..and on days like this (I think I’ve got COVID) I like the tought process Blogging provides, and that works as well when reading them….the thought process is interesting, you can’t discribe a marathon on instagram or tiktok…..and now I think I heard there’s an app called real life?……I wonder if there’s some way we could use all these platforms to promote and interact for the good, and do what regular media seems to avoid…


  9. it’s like books and reading…I was in our local book store yesterday, it was packed, people are still reading books…….so I think reading blogs will survive as well….may be safer, and more thoughtful


  10. If blogging becomes more like TikTok, similar to how YouTube and IG have become more like TikTok, I will have no reason to stay invested in the blogging community. However, I do plan to keep writing. Writing is one of those things that stands the test of time.

    These days, I am still writing but I started writing more for Medium. I’ve been working on getting my articles published and have been learning the ropes on their formatting. So far, I’ve really been enjoying it and it forces me to write more often. Medium is like microblogging, sort of like YouTube for bloggers. People go there to read articles rather than look for quick, snappy, TikTok’s or shorts or whatever ppl are doing these days for views 👀


      1. There’s definitely potential to monetize on Medium and I think you should give it another go 🙂 If you are worried about ranking on Google and DA, there’s an option to import articles on Medium so your blog DA won’t be affected.

        Although Medium taxes me -30% (international tax), I’m making pocket change. It’s something which makes me excited about that platform.

        Btw, I found a 50% off coupon for WP and will be saving $60 CAD on the premium plan (for current premium members only). Idk when the coupon expires but want to apply it. In that case I will keep the premium plan for another year.


      2. I haven’t paid WP subscription yet but it’s in my shopping cart. I really hope the code doesn’t expire in the meantime. Still, I’m grateful to have at least another year with the WP Premium Plan. I can’t justify $120/year but $63 after tax isn’t too bad. It’s what I paid last year.


    1. Do you think thats a generational thing? I know the generations below me (im 27) are more likely to go to video based content to get their information. Where as older generations (mine included) prefer to read something than have to sit and watch a video.


  11. After six years of blogging, I noticed the difference. It’s not what it use to be when I started, but I’m still doing what I love. This year my blogger traffic has increase. So, I guess people are still interested in reading blogs. I think we will be ok.


  12. I’m actually polishing off a post on this very topic as I’d heard a lot of digital marketers say ‘blogging is dead’

    In terms of engagement/impressions there are better options, but also advantages (more creativity/building your own place).

    Overall I had a similar conclusion to yourself- blogging will keep on living as long as there are passionate people out there who want to express themselves this way!


  13. I completely agree – as technology changes, our futures as bloggers change! I really hope blogging does remain as it is in 10 years as the community is beautiful! I think a lot of bloggers will switch to podcasts/video format but they’ll integrate it into their posts, and hopeful to still be writing! ☺️


  14. I can definitely see more video content being integrated into blogs. I also think people are now relying on blogs for quick answers. I’m seeing an increase in people using headings to quickly help people find the info they’re after, as opposed to long, thoughtful blog posts that people read at leisure.

    I’d like to believe that as long as websites and search engines are still around, there is always an opportunity for blogs to grow. They just may look a whole lot different.


  15. I truly feel this post. I’m back at blogging, after two years of hiatus, re-opened brand new accounts and blog.. and wow, the struggle. No matter how much I focus, try to create engagment, it’s still not landing well. Even when it comes to creating short content such a reels and more. Everything seems to simple to do but it actually require times and sometimes even a bit of money – such as a lightring in case the filming set doesn’t have ideal light (there’s only a certain amount of things a phone/camera can do).

    But for the rest, talking about blogging, I think there will always be space for blogging. I think it’s possibile to see it this way: people that are interested into a deeper look about something won’t document themself, or find content to engage with using short videos. I noticed in my line of work, fashion, where while a lot of things are purely visual, aesthetic, almost superficial, we can still find tons of written articles that get consulted and read by the people in this field.
    I think the same will be for blogging, in a way,

    It’s also a lesson some younge and newer generation will have to learn: sometimes, actually almost always, you cannot get solid information from a very short video


  16. Honestly, blogging and videos is nowhere similar. Just like podcasts and videos. Everything there has its own appeal. For example, I like to give a lot of time reading in comparison to watching videos. It is also because reading might just be striking the right cord in my brain to think and form my perspective. I liked your perspective a lot! As for mine, I have to make a definite one! Thanks for this thought! ❣️


  17. Great topic Olivia. I can’t predict the future of blogging but what I can say is that blogging might change in the next 5 years but for now it is still the same platform, what is unique about blogging it is that it is content marketing that is the distributing and publishing of content which is effective on WordPress as it is the best app for creating such websites and blogs. In terms of videos and reels, I believe that is no longer blogging but Vlogging 💯🙏


    1. I feel like blogging has changed in the last 5 years, so it will just continue to evolve. Into what? I don’t know. I hope it doesn’t change too much. But if it does, I’m not sure if alot of us would stay around if it did.


    1. I don’t think anybody can predict what will happening with any blogging niche in the future. I don’t think it will be niche specific, but as blogging as a whole


  18. I completely agree with you, even though I’ve started blogging 4 months ago but still I don’t want it to change. I love reading long blogs and written content.


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