My Top 3 Photo Editing Apps

2020 life seems to be surrounded by is social media don’t you think? And what do we post to these social media platforms? Photos! I never understood how people posted such aesthetically pleasing images onto their twitter accounts or Instagram stories, so I did some investigating of my own. I now use so many different apps to edit my photos for social media. In this post I’ll be sharing my top 3 photo editing apps, and showing you what they do! Lets get started…


Photoshop is the longest standing photo editing app on my phone. The main reason why I love it is because its free. There are in app purchases to gain access to premium features but i just use the free plan. I mainly use photoshop to brighten my photos, especially pictures I take that have white backgrounds. The brightening and whitening tool really help to make the white look so seamless.

The Photoshop app has a lot to offer, with collage options, lighting overlays and the ability to crop and adjust photos.


VSCO is another free app that I use for filters. I really love the M5 filter and use it a lot on my instagram photos. There is a paid section which allows you access to even more filters and editing software if you want to pay for it. A lot of these apps provide free trials which is great, so you can try it out before you commit to subscribing. VSCO allows you to do the general editing options such as adjusting the brightness, contrast and cropping.


Have you ever seen some people’s Instagram stories and they look like amazing collages? Well they probably used Unfold. Unfold is a new app I have recently started using and is the only app I pay monthly for, mainly because it gives you access to more templates than the free plan does. It’s only around £2 a month, which to me isn’t bad at all. I tend to create Instagram story posts with the app to attract my followers to view my new blog posts. If you don’t want to pay to use it, the free option has some great templates for you to use too.

Unfold is a new favourite and probably my favourite app out of the 3. It’s great for collaging your photographs and making cool and interesting Instagram story style photos.


I always thought professional looking content was so hard to achieve, but with the help of these apps its made is so easy and accessible. All of these great tools are just a few taps away on your phone.

If any of you download please let me know! I’d love to help in any way I can 🙂

See you in the next one!

Olivia x
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53 thoughts on “My Top 3 Photo Editing Apps

  1. I think I am going to download Photoshop & VSCO✨
    Even I thought to create professional quality content you have to be some kind of professional😂 but it seems researching and good editing tools does the job! Xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  2. WOW! These are some amazing apps. Although Photoshop is something that I really love because of my graphics and post production subject. And as they are currently teaching us Adobe Photoshop itself, I am getting a hang of it more. Haha. 🥰😅😂😊

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I didn’t know Photoshop had an app for mobile usage! Will definitely check that out. 🙂 I knew about vsco and I like that it’s very easy to use. Thanks for sharing these tips, Olivia! xo

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I use Photoshop with my photography type photo’s and I think it’s great especially everything that comes with the free option! I haven’t heard of the other two but I definitely want to check out Unfold because that sounds like something I could use xx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello Olivia..I thought to thank you here actually I have photoshop express and I use it very often …VSCO I have used 2 years back that time I was not much active on social media, blogging etc that was more for personal use that means I rarely used that so I have downloaded that again to check how useful thats gonna be for me
        Now coming to the most important thing is Unfold I am so so thankful to you I was looking for something like this for my HR related Instagram page is increasing… putting an engaging story was a challenge..I didn’t thought that there can be one app also for this..and making a customised story was time taking…so thank you so much it made my day easy… for now I think I am fine with free subscription
        .later on will see if I can move to paid depending on how much growth I see.


  5. I have graduated from the mobile phone version of photoshop and have fallen into the rabbit hole of digital manipulation with desktop version of photoshop…
    They used to say the camera never lies but now I cant even trust my own eyes

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I swear by VSCO! Unfold looks so interesting too, might be time for a little download of that, thanks for the recommendations! 🥰


  7. I normally just settle for Canva, but now I want to try Photoshop and Unfold. Thanks Olivia!

    I have only been gone for some weeks and I have a lot of catching up to do on your blog🥺😃💓


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