Things I’d Say to My Younger Self

I know writing to your younger self is such a cliche and overdone thing, but I have really wanted to do this for a while. I had so many expectations of how life was going to go when I was younger that have not been met. And I’m not sure if its because of my own expectations that I set or the fact nobody told me adult life would be this way. I did not sign up for this.

I guess as kids we are sheltered from alot of things. Knowing about sex and relationships and all of the ugly and evil things of this world. But I wish I would have known how hard growing up would be, and that it wouldn’t be easy. Perhaps my parents let me watch too many princess movies or reality tv and thats what warped my view of life. I mean I thought I’d be married with kids at 25, and for the record I am nowhere near ready for that.

For todays post I wanted to share some things that I wish I could say to my younger self. To the girl who didn’t know who she would become, or who she would fall in love with or what job she would do. I think she would have benefitted from hearing this.


Little Olivia. I remember that conversation you had with your friend on the playground at school. You were talking about what age you’d have kids and be married. I remember clearly, you saying it would be when you were around 25 years old. Oh how wrong you were.

I am now in fact 26, and still not anywhere near having kids or being married. Finding a life partner is harder than you think it’s going to be. The world is full of diamonds in the rough, who are hard to come by. But just know, you’ll find your Prince Charming one day. Hopefully sooner than later!


You will grow up thinking the world is a beautiful and lovely place to be, and it is. Don’t get me wrong. But there is evil in this world. Don’t let it consume you, don’t be part of it. Grow up being the light that the world needs. Remember to be kind to those who may not deserve it. Love everything that God created. Stand firm in your faith. Your life will be hard young one, but you are tough.

Life is what you make it Olivia. Life is whatever you want it to be. It can be fun, it can be serious or it can be bad. Your decisions as a kid and teen will pave that path. So stay on the straight and narrow. Surround yourself with good, decent people. They will play such an important part of your life.


Not everyday will be happy and full of good. You will lose people you love. You will be rejected for jobs and be rejected romantically. Prepare yourself for heartache. But remember to use that heartache to grow and flourish. For without the bad we would never appreciate the good. Don’t grow up thinking life will be peachy. Talk to people and listen to their stories of heartache. That will make you realise the journey you’re going to go on.

Just remember, through the tough times to remain positive and happy. Its okay if things don’t go your way. For that means that something better is yet to come.


I wanted to end on a high and tell you that when you get older you will go on to do great things. And even beyond my age now, we will probably carry on doing great things. You will help people and be kind and caring to others. You’ll help people get out of bad places with the love you show them. You have so much love to give, don’t ever stop.

You’re going to end up in a job you didn’t expect to have, and thats okay. Having ambitions to be a Queen one day are great but we have to think realistically here. And no, you didn’t become a teacher like you once thought. But there is still time!

What things would you say to your younger self?
Do you have any words of advice to share?

A different kind of post today, but I found it fun going back and thinking of the things I thought I’d be. I found it to be a very humbling experience writing to my younger self. You should try it!

Olivia x
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55 thoughts on “Things I’d Say to My Younger Self

  1. These are some great reflections; and ones that are important for everyone. I need to take the point that life won’t be all sorted by 25 – anything can happen and you can’t just plan these things to be definite! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Paige // Paige Eades


  2. Wow this is my favourite post you’ve written so far! The raw honesty, the wisdom, the hope, the emotions… everything spoke to me. Thanks for the little peak into your thoughts and for being 100% real 🙂


    1. My favourite too💕🧡🧡

      Love this Olivia✨God —all of us think we will be married with kids by 25. I guess need to stop watching those romcoms. It’s the fun part of life, we learn, grow and blossom into our awesome selves as we grow up. More than often we surprise ourselves.

      Thank you for sharing this —I had a lot of fun reading it🧡 xx


    1. PREACH! Me too. I spent so much time as a teen trying to be friends with everyone and please others. Lets just say none of those friendships remain in my life now!


  3. A very wise post Olivia. I would tell my younger self that everything happens for a reason and your biggest disappointments can turn into the greatest opportunities.

    That job you wanted so badly you didn’t get? Maybe the one you do get will be the place you meet your future husband.

    That illness you prayed wouldn’t happen, but did? It’s the opportunity to learn how strong you are and what really matters in life.

    These are two real examples from my own life.


    1. I loved these Michelle. Its amazing how things turn out for the best sometimes. We just have to go with the flow.

      I recently faced a set back with a big milestone in my life and its not happening anymore. But in reality its actually for the best and I’m glad it didnt! We learn so much from our experiences


  4. Great points, Olivia. The first one had me chuckling at how relatable it was. I always imagined that by the time I was in my late 20s, I’d be married while running a super successful business. But here I am, still figuring out life one day at a time.
    One thing I’d tell my younger self is that mental health issues is real and to learn to deal with them instead of burying them after a good cry. 🙈


    1. I feel like most people think they’ll have a perfect marriage, kids and a white picket fence by they’re in their mid 20’s because it sounded so old to me 🤣 Glad I wasn’t on my own with that one!


  5. Good post, and interesting to read the life lessons you’ve learned along the way. I think I’d teach myself to relax a bit, put less pressure on myself to get everything right, and be myself rather than constantly trying to meet other people’s expectations.


  6. I really enjoyed that post. I did a lot of dumb stuff when I was younger and even when I got a little older that I wish I didn’t do. But everything I did led me to God and changed me and made me the person who I am now because of Him.


  7. My answers in brief: start saving money early, manage your money or it will manage you, finish college, it is not necessary to have a romantic partner (it’s okay to be single), life is messy and complicated, a true friend is rare, be comfortable with the person you are, make time for the people in life you love, create good memories, be careful what you choose to tolerate, worry less, getting married is not “the” answer, there will never be a time in life when life will be perfect and you will have it all together.


  8. Love this Olivia, I would have encouraged my younger self to dream bigger! Everything I attempted to bring forth happened in some way or another but I was stifled by the expectations of my era. Step beyond self imposed boundaries is my advice, C


  9. I love this post, Olivia! You have a lot of experience and wisdom at 26, and I appreciate that! I have said I was going to write a post to my younger self, create a video for my future, etc. I need to get to it!!!


  10. Great post! I’d tell myself that you won’t have it figured out by 30 and you aren’t supposed to.
    Marriage takes work – Disney doesn’t show you that 😂
    Stop trying to keep everyone happy, it is impossible.
    Write sooner.
    It won’t be easy but you’ll do great things and experience things beyond your wildest dreams 😃


  11. Always thought provoking, Olivia – love it. Hmmm – the one thing I would tell my younger self is: one day you will dip your tie three times into the same cup of coffee on your first day at work – you will up married as a result 😂 It’s true – I ended getting married the day before turning 25 😊


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