Blogging Advice I’ve Learnt Whilst Blogging

Before I started a blog I didn’t really look or research what goes into it and didn’t seek much blogging advice. I just saw others doing it and thought “I want to do this too!”. Of course if you are considering starting a blog or have just started one, I’d recommend doing the opposite of what I did. Its always good to research anything before you do it, especially when it involves the internet.

Blogging advice can vary, what I think works for me and my blog might not be the same case for you or another blogger. We don’t all have the same audiences, we don’t all have the same opinions and preferences in style and colours. Everybody has different thoughts and processes they follow.

Today I wanted to share the blogging advice I have learnt whilst blogging, in hopes it helps you on your blogging journey too!


I will scream this from the rooftops until I’m blue in the face if it means you take this on board. One thing I have learnt is that you should be consistent. Back in 2015 when this blog first started I posted as and when I wanted to. Now there is nothing wrong with doing this of course, but if you want to see growth in your blog you need to follow a schedule. I have seen both sides of the coin, because I wasn’t consistent and I wasn’t hitting my goals and now I am, I’m hitting more of my goals.

Seeing other bloggers be consistent has really helped me to understand how important this is for you and your blog. It can be tough to stick to a schedule but so worth it. Utilise the scheduler, its there for a reason!

I’m not saying here that you need to post everyday, but always try to keep up some level of schedule. So maybe post twice a week, or maybe every other day. The more you post, the more you put yourself out there. Thats the methodology I use, which is why I post so often! Once I have grown my blog to the level I want to get it to, I’ll reduce the amount I post (another thing I have learnt from fellow bloggers).


I’ve worked in customer service for 5 years, so my brain is almost programmed to think about the customers point of view. I do the same for blogging. I ask myself if I would read this content if it wasn’t mine, or if I would find it helpful. Always bare in mind the reader. As you blog more and more you get a feel for what posts do better than others, and you can sense what your audience enjoys.

Being relatable is an important thing when writing anything. If you want your readers to interact with your content and find it useful then you need to find out what they like.


I’ve said this countless times and you need to remember this piece of blogging advice, but messing up really isn’t the end of the world when it comes to blogging. I messed up just this week when I realised a link I have used on all of my posts wasn’t the right link. I messed up, but I fixed it! It wasn’t the end of the world. I think as humans we always strive to be perfect, and we just wont ever reach that level of perfection, and I don’t think I’d want to either!

I have read so many blog posts from fellow bloggers about making mistakes and doing things incorrectly. Please don’t be hard on yourself, we all do things we shouldn’t. Most people who are bloggers have taught themselves the ins and outs of blogging. There is no handbook, we have all been there at one point where we were newbies.


The best thing I have learnt about being a blogger is the amazing community of people here on WordPress. Who are always quick to help if you need anything or to offer support. If you are stuck on something, then don’t be afraid to reach out. I’d be more than willing to help a fellow blogger if they needed it.

What things have you learnt since you have been blogging? What advice can you share with us?

Thanks so much for being here with me, its so appreciated. I love building this community! See you in the next one.

Olivia x 
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70 thoughts on “Blogging Advice I’ve Learnt Whilst Blogging

  1. Very very useful advice! OMG, you’ve hit 1500 followers – congratulations! It was only a short while back that I was congratulating you for hitting 500 followers. This is amazing growth and truly well deserved! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thanks Olivia for sharing.

    What I’ve learnt so far in my 1year+ blogging is that we all have different ways of blogging just as you mentioned.

    And one advise I’d give is consistency. When I started my blog, I wasn’t posting regularly but along the line, I felt the need to and its really helping me.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. As for the mistakes I keep on making and correcting them. Yes, am really learning. I tell myself that I have been able to do this just by using my phone so I will do much better once I get my brand new laptop.
    I am also constantly reading posts like this to get educated .
    Thank you for posting this Olivia.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This write up is an encouragement to me specifically because. I just started last week, my blog is not even well fixed but I have a passion for writing, so finding this platform coupled with the little likes I have on my posts so far, with words of encouragement in this community will really bring out the best in me.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Loved the advice.
    Sticking to s schedule is something I still struggle with but I’m working on my consistency.
    Research is a very great advice for new bloggers. A lot of people don’t know how much work goes into blogging before they begin.
    Great tips 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for sharing! You definitely do seem to write with the end user in mind which I guess makes your content so relatable. I struggle with this one because it feels like I’m either writing for myself or for the world but never anything in the middle. Any tips how to make it so that you are first writing for yourself but in a way that’s relatable?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. In all honesty I write for myself also. I try to think about what i’d want to read myself. So technically I do write for myself it just becomes relatable to my audience. I hope that makes sense!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I love what you said here Olivia! It is very true that with every blog post we put out, there should be purpose, value and a gift we give to the reader in the form of knowledge, advice and even just something pretty to look at that will inspire and bring happiness.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. You have been my inspiration since I restarted my blog. It’s amazing to see your growth.

    Being relatable and consistent is really important when blogging. It’s hard sometimes to be on top of things but it does pay off. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I think engagement is super helpful and it’s just nice to build a community of people who are also passionate about the same things you are. I also found out the importance of SEO! I have been using it for the past six months, and wished I used it the entire time I’ve been blogging. I get so many views from google and it’s so nice! Great post xxx

    Melina |

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Just loved the advices you gave! Today I was constantly checking the stats of my 4th blog, and it remained “1 view” throughout the day, I was pretty upset and then found this blog. Thanks it helps! 🤗


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