My Blogging Journey

Reading lifeofwhines blogging journey posts, it inspired me to start writing about my own blogging journey. August 10th 2015 was the date this blog was born, originally diademofbeauty and now olivialucieblake.

I can’t exactly remember the reason behind wanting to start a blog, it kind of just happened. Back then I wanted to share tips and tricks on beauty and makeup. I always struggled reading blogs and seeing nothing but perfect hair, nails and skin and wanted to show the world that the perfection they were seeing didn’t exist.

I remember posting my first ever blog post, not having any clue what I was doing. It didn’t even have a featured image! Its funny looking back now to how my writing style has changed so much.

Check out my first ever blog post – ‘The Introduction’

I taught myself as much as I could and learned from other bloggers I followed. And I remember reading other bloggers posts over and over and trying to learn their writing style, now I know that writing styles have to be yours. To be honest, I didn’t really pay too much mind to the likes or comments I got, I was happy doing what I was doing even if nobody was reading!

After starting blogging I posted for a few years, some of which are still live and some which are now private. In 2016 I stopped, no real reason why but I remember losing the passion for it. I’d find myself thinking about my blog often and tried to start a few times. I have some draft posts I wrote but never uploaded. I think some time away to mature and gain life experience is what I needed.

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It wasn’t until I came back this year and I looked back at my statistics and was blown away at how many people used to read and comment on my posts. It’s also crazy to see how much I have changed in those 5 years.

As we have been in lockdown since March here in England I really felt like I needed a creative outlet. I’m not arty or creative in that sense but I love creating digital content, which is why I have really loved bringing this blog back to life. I have also loved creating different content than I used to post. Back in 2015 this blog was really just about beauty and makeup and now I feel as though its being transformed into something more than that.

Key Lessons Blogging has Taught Me

  • Be yourself. You are you and thats your power.
  • Numbers aren’t everything. It’s really easy to get caught up in how many views or likes you have. But thats not why you started, remember your key focus.
  • It’s okay to get things wrong. Everybody makes mistakes, learn from them. Let them become part of your journey.

Everyday it’s still a lesson, I learn new things about blogging everyday. But if you have ever considered it but haven’t done it yet, do it. What do you have to lose? I hope to write another one of these posts in the next few years so I can look back and see how far I have come from this point!

Thanks for reading, see you in the next one.

I want to start out by saying thank you to all that have followed me. Less than a month ago I had around 160 followers and I cant quite believe I have hit 200 that fast after restarting. I appreciate every like, comment and view I receive. I just want to say thank you!

Olivia x 
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55 thoughts on “My Blogging Journey

  1. Comparing your writing now to when you started, you definitely have evolved! I think it’s inevitable and essential to grow as a writer, especially if you want to grow your blog! Also, your “mix” is pretty cool!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. For sure! Its good to look back and see how you have changed over the years. I cant wait to do the same in years to come.
      Thank you! I really appreciate the diversity in my family. Im lucky to have various cultures that i can embrace 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Congratulations on your 200 followers! I am probably your 210th follower. Thankyou so much for sharing you experiences. This is inspiring and I see myself following your footsteps! Keep loving!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Woah congrats on 200 followers 🙂 i’ve been loving your content !! I would love to see a post all about increasing followers and getting more engagement. I feel like my follower count has been static and hasn’t changed.
    -XOXO chana

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Congratulations Olivia😀. I am glad I found you at this time. My blog is almost 4 months. I started it without much knowledge and I often think of how far I can go Thanks for sharing your experience.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Grace! We are always learning new things each and every day. If you ever need any help or advice Im happy to share it with you. Us bloggers need to stick together 🙂
      Thank you for reading!


  5. Congratulations! And i remember when I started blogging I had no idea what I was doing and just like you I stopped for years. I’m so glad I started up again. I enjoyed this post. Thank you for sharing your journey.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Heidy! I think we all go through that time where we arent sure what were doing and give up for abit!
      What is your blog link? Im not able to find it. Would love to read through your posts😊
      Thank you for the sweet comment!


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