5 Ways to Perfect Your Blogging Schedule

I didn’t know the importance to having a blogging schedule until recently. Just think about it, if you are consistent with something you’ll get results no matter what it is. So why should blogging be any different? Today I hope to share some tips on how you can perfect your own blogging schedule and how that will help you see the results you want from your blog.

Before I get started I wanted to say thank you! I hit 500 followers a few days ago! It feels like just a few days ago I was celebrating 200 followers! I’m so excited to see what other goals I can achieve this month! I appreciate all the love! Thank you.


This is probably the most important thing to have in mind when putting together your blogging schedule. By creating prioritisation you are letting your brain know what needs to be done. Maybe create it in a list, from most important to least and get that done in the allotted time you give yourself to work on your blog. We naturally prioritise the things that mean most to us, so do the same with your blog.

Set Yourself Time Limits

Make sure you are putting enough time aside for blog writing, networking, social media work… you get the idea. Not only is it important to put the time aside for those things, its also important to set yourself time limits. If you’re anything like me, you work far too many hours on your blog and other things start to fall apart. Which is not the way to do it. So I’m taking my own advice here. Set aside an hour or two to write content or brainstorm ideas, then give yourself a break and come back to it later.

You Might Also Like: How I Balance Blogging Around a Full Schedule

Set Rules

To help keep yourself disciplined you should set yourself some rules to help keep you focused.

  • No answering emails whilst writing posts
  • No checking socials whilst looking for stock images
  • No phone calls whilst editing photos

These are just a few examples.

Define Your Goals

Many people do this with a lot of things! Goals are important to have in mind, they can really help in paving the way for motivation. When you know you have a goal and a clear schedule and a goal date to accomplish it by, you are destined for greatness! Set yourself monthly, weekly or even daily goals. It helps to have a clear focus and goal in mind which in turn can help with motivation too.

You Might Also Like: 3 Achievable Blogging Goals For New Bloggers

Choose How Often You Want to Publish Content

This comes in with creating a plan. Set out set days where you will be publishing content. I read somewhere once that said when you first start out blogging you should be posting frequently. This is in order to increase followers, traffic and interactions with your blog, and I agree. At the beginning you want to be posting fresh content for your viewers, but remember not to overwhelm your audience with too many posts. A draft plan could look like this:

Monday – Post
Tuesday– Post
Wednesday– No post, Marketing, social media work etc
Thursday– Post
Friday– Post
Saturday– No post, writing blogs
Sunday-No post, writing blogs

Have you perfected your blogging schedule? Are there any tips you can share with us?

Olivia x 
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88 thoughts on “5 Ways to Perfect Your Blogging Schedule

  1. I have recently started being active on my blog and I’m surprised how fruitful it really is. Though I m struggling to be consistent and have been thinking about scheduling. This post really helped 👍🏻 thank you 🙏🏻 💕 blessings

    Liked by 4 people

  2. An interesting and informative post Olivia. I think scheduling is something I need to look at. I feel like I’m getting bogged down with all the other social media sites and I might have to unsubscribe so that I can set myself a schedule. Caz

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, glad u enjoyed Caz!
      Its important as i said in the post that we set aside time for specific things. Blogging and social media life can be alot to take on! I think you’re doing great 😊 prioritise whats most important to you!


    1. Thank you so much 😊😊
      As a reader, seeing so many blog posts from one person its impossible to really read and digest them all! Its important to not overwhelm our readers! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This was such a useful post thank you for sharing!!! Also congrats!!! I only post twice a week but I do agree with setting time limits and making a plan so I don’t get carried away but also so I have time for other things. Thanks again for sharing 😊

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you so much! 🤗
      Its always good to give ourselves limits on things. I know if I didn’t give myself a time limit on things I’d spend far too much time on my blog! haha

      Liked by 1 person

    1. This happens to a lot of us too, so you’re not alone in that one. I always bulk write posts if I can or write when I feel most inspired. That way I can schedule posts for a later date and not worry about not getting content out 😊
      Thank you very much! You will get there, and I cant wait to see you get there too!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This is really a great and inspiring post too. Much needed tips right now. Thank you for sharing it. 😊🥰😍 I am new to blogging but this month I have planned my posts for the month and when do i have to post it.However, this was a great post for planning a blog schedule. 😊🥰

    Liked by 4 people

  5. A big one for sure is being clear on your goals and your motivations behind blogging! With blogging, people blog for different reasons. If you are someone that wants to make money with your blog then that should be reflected in your goals in publishing more regularly. If you are someone that only wants to blog for a hobby, then your goals can be publishing once a month. To set good goals, its important to know what you want to get out of blogging

    Liked by 3 people

    1. For me personally i don’t blog for money and i post on a regular basis so i think it varies alot in the persons individual goals rather than how many times they post!
      I agree, you must know what you want out of blogging to be able to set and achieve those goals!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I think having a schedule will help alot! It allows you to have a focus and a goal every week or everyday!
      It does get overwhelming, but remember its okay to take some time off!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. First of all WOW!! Congrats on hitting 500 😊 That’s super exciting (but not surprising 😉)
    As for the tips, these are really useful. I’m a bit of a magpie so I find myself doing a thousand things at once then not finishing any… will work on this

    Liked by 3 people

  7. I definitely need to get better at bulk writing. When I’m done I’m so eager to post I don’t tend to “save” anything for a better posting time. And I think committing to a posting schedule is super important 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Congratulations for that milestone! I absolutely agree with you when it comes to time limits! I tend to work too much, or at least for too long on my blog, and even on other things. The truth is that when I start doing something, I struggle stopping until it is not “finished” but I need to remember most things are never really “finished”. Just now that you are not alone in that situation!

    Camille ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Camille!

      You’re right, it’s easy to get caught up in thinking that we must get things done that we started. Truth is, sometimes you need to step away from something to regroup and gather your thoughts. I usually do that when I feel as though I have ran out of blog ideas. I take some time off and come back again!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Brilliant work Olivia. I use Excel to ensure that my title, outline, keywords, author, and social media platform are laid out neatly for specific publish and production days. This keeps me in the zone and I love it. Thanks for this post.

    Liked by 2 people

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