How to Be Happier: 10 Habits to Add to Your Routine

We could all do with being happier from time to time. It is easier said than done though and I get that. So I thought I’d share some ideas with you of how we can all learn how to be that little bit happier each day.

Here they are:

1. Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is so important, it allows your body time to rest and repair itself in preparation for the next day. It also gives your brain time to shut off too, which can help so much when you are stressed or anxious.

2. Do a Random Act Of Kindness

Such a small thing can make such a great impact on not only your mood but the other persons mood too. I tend to find when I do kind acts to others it gives me a pep in my step.

3. Acknowledge The Not So Great Moments

I am a firm believer in not shying away from the negative. Personally dealing with the issue is better for me and my own health and wellbeing. Not everyday is going to be sunshine and rainbows and thats okay. We need bad days in order to appreciate the good ones. Acknowledging the bad for what it is can actually make you happier in the long run.

4. De-Clutter

Having a fresh and clean space can have such a great impact on your mood. The cleaning process may not be fun (or it may be for you!) but the outcome is a space thats comfortable, clean and fresh.

5. Ditch Your Phone

I need to do more of this one. I asked myself the other day why I felt it was necessary for me to take my phone with me in the bathroom when I was going to shower. Why do I need my phone with me?! I think sometimes its just an automatic thing we do, bringing our phones everywhere. But its so good to have a break and be present in whatever it is you are doing.

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6. Self-Care

Take some time out of your week or day for you. Have a relaxing bath, cook yourself your favourite meal. Do whatever it is that makes your heart happy.

7. Write Down Your Feelings

A lot of people start blogging for this reason. They need an outlet to get their thoughts and emotions out, and I think thats great. Even if you don’t ever show anybody or publish the blog post, write down what you’re feeling. Whether it’s happy or not. Do it, and see how much better it feels to get those emotions out.

8. Let go of Grudges

People will do you wrong, people will fail you, people will never live up to the standards you expect. Let go of the grudges you hold. Holding onto them are only hurting you more. If its costing you your happiness, its not worth it.

9. Get Outside

Whenever I feel like I’m having a rough time, I take myself out into nature. Some fresh air, nature and your favourite walking parter (or alone) will do you the world of good. It helps to put things into perspective.

10. Talk to somebody

Its something small but I think it’s so important to speak with friends, colleagues or family. Having a conversation with one of my best friends can change my whole day.

With any changes you want to make in life these will take time. Be kind to yourself.

Olivia x 
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42 thoughts on “How to Be Happier: 10 Habits to Add to Your Routine

  1. These are some really good points! I like the third point you make about acknowledging the not so great moments, in my opinion you need to accept the bad days when they happen so we can learn from them, which can help us grow in the long term :). I look forward to reading more of your blog posts!

    Feel free to read some of my blogs 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. For sure! We must have bad days to appreciate the good ones. If everything was great all the time we would never appreciate it! 😊

      Love your posts, just had a read through some!


  2. Great post! Two I need to work on: Ditch the phone and let go of grudges. I think the first one is the hardest and I never thought I’d find something more challenging than letting go of a grudge! Lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think both ditching the phone and letting go of grudges are equally as hard! Heck, maybe the whole list is haha. I agree though, it’s really hard to not hold onto grudges. Of course some grudges are harder than others. But ultimately I think it hurts us more when we hold onto them. Saying is easier than doing, and im learning to do this whole list myself too!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, this post this amazing and I totally agree with every single one of those tips, especially the Self-Care, it really is VERY, VERY important! Also, you are gorgeous!
    Loads of Love,
    Srisha xx

    Liked by 1 person

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