Training For A Half Marathon

Training For A Half Marathon

Hello I’m Sarah and I’m training for a half marathon! I blog over at where I’ve been documenting my running journey and my somewhat crazy decision to enter not one, but TWO half marathons this year, after graduating from the Couch to 5K in April 2021. I have the Leeds Half Marathon in May and the Great North Run in September. 

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4 Things I’ve Learnt From Living By Myself

4 Things I’ve Learnt From Living By Myself

It’s not often I write about personal things on my blog, but today I thought I’d switch it up and tell you all about how I have found living by myself. For the last 26 years of my life, I have lived in the same home. The same four walls and with the same people. My siblings moved out (I am the youngest) and it was then me and my parents for a while. I always felt so comfortable living where I lived, it was home.

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How To Adjust To New Seasons Of Life

How To Adjust To New Seasons Of Life

I remember the first time I heard someone use the phrase new seasons of life. And I really loved how it sounded. Whenever I go through new changes or circumstances in life, I often now refer to them as new seasons of life. And recently I went through one myself. Often they are hard to navigate, and hard to come to terms with. But ultimately they are important and needed to help us to grow as people.

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7 Things I Learnt About Myself In 2021

7 Things I Learnt About Myself In 2021

There are so many things I learnt about myself in 2021. It was such a year of growth and change for me in so many ways. As some of you know, I embarked on a physical change this past year in becoming a healthier me. During that process I have learnt so much about myself. Even during the pandemic, I think alot of us realised how strong we actually are as people. This past year has been such a large growing opportunity for me. And it’s been hard but something I know needed to happen.

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Picking Yourself Back Up

Picking Yourself Back Up

Often the thought of picking yourself back up after going through something tough is hard. The last thing you want to do is all of the things you used to love. Whenever I’m going through something, its the things I love doing that are the first to go.

Going through a hard time can really make you want to give up and not try again. We have all been there, you may even be there right now. Sometimes it can feel helpless no matter what the situation is. I don’t know what you’re going through, and I may even be preaching to myself here. But you will pick yourself back up, and things will get easier for you.

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Behind The Blog: Get To Know Me Better

Behind The Blog: Get To Know Me Better

It’s been a while since I have done any sort of get to know me better posts, so here it is! I write about so many advice posts and share some aspects of my life, but I really want to get more comfortable and open up more about me as a person. I think its so important as a person who writes on the internet that I allow you into my life sometimes. Although my blog and personal life are separate, I really enjoy letting you guys have a glimpse into my world. And personally, I love reading about other bloggers and their lives too.

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Why Bloggers Should Share The Real Parts of Life

Why Bloggers Should Share The Real Parts of Life

Sharing the real parts of life as a blogger is so important for many reasons. Bloggers as well as social media influencers are well known for showing the good parts of their online lives. Showing the days they look good, and the wins of life. When in reality their (our) lives are not all rainbows and sunshine. Social media has had such a big part to play in making people feel like their lives are inferior. That they should be doing more and working harder. That we should be prettier and more aesthetically pleasing at all times. This is a big fat lie.

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The Positives of Failing

The Positives of Failing

Did you know there are positives in failing? I didn’t realise this until I failed something quite important to me. I needed to pass, but God said no, it’s not time yet. You need to learn what it feels like to fail. We all go through times in our lives when we pass or fail various things in life. Whether it’s a job interview, an important test at school or some training you’re doing. I realise that failing is generally seen as a negative thing, but going through my failure has shown me there can be positives too. Sometimes failing can stop you from going down the wrong path and making the wrong choices. It can be such a great learning curve for us too.

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Feeling Like You’re At a Standstill In Life

Feeling Like You’re At a Standstill In Life

I know I can’t be alone in feeling sometimes like I’m at a standstill in life. There have been several times in my twenties that I have felt like that. I think honestly, alot of it is to do with comparison. Comparing where you are in life to where others are. And I am not about that life anymore. I don’t want to compare myself to others journeys. Life is not a race, and I have to constantly remind myself of that. Waiting and feeling like you’re at a standstill in life can be really hard. I have been there, and I am there.

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